
Seedling Leaves Curling Upwards

NHAutoGrowstarted grow question 5 days ago
Why would my autoflower seedling leaves being curling up? Temperature & Humidity issue? 🤔
Week 1
Leaves. Curl up
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 5 days ago
The new set of leaves is still growing and haven't flattened out yet. Nothing to worry about there. Your temp is fine, but humidity is on the high side. You want to be closer to 65% for that temp. VPD is not gospel, but it can definitely help you get the ratios between temp & humidity better. Enter your temp and RH and then look at the bottom figure, the VPD Leaf. For seedlings you want it around 0.8 In veg you can aim around 1 In flower you can aim for 1.2 Like I said, it's not gospel, but definitely helps you get closer to a happy environment. Here is the link to the calculator
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Selected By The Grower
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 days ago
High buddy! Nothing to worry about she looks happy and healthy! Happy Growing 💚
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MindFlowers68answered grow question 5 days ago
That's a happy little seedling man Good job. That is what growers like to call praying. Its usually viewed as a positive sign. Some people think its heat stress but I don't think that at all. Your humidity is getting a little high,but baby plants like it to be pretty humid
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Green_clawsanswered grow question 5 days ago
I wouldn't worry at this point pal.. looks like some1's rubbed the leaf
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Leromeanswered grow question 5 days ago
Looks like a perfectly heatlhy seedling to me. If you mean those 2 first leaves curling a little bit, i wouldnt worry about it so much as these leafs will fall off soon anyway and can look a little weird often. It can be a sign of slight overwatering, but i think in this case it should be fine! Happy growing! 😊
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