Plant looks healthy in other spots. I don't think this is nute-related. could be a tainted soil, but tough to diagnose that with confidence without a lab.
variegation (a non-issue) or maybe a disease (a serious issue) or genetics (back to meh issue more times than not if it is growing well, otherwise)?
variegation is just odd pigment in the leaves and is genetic. They often grow out of it but it can continue to be seen in newer growth too.
The wrinkling and malformed / asymmetrical leaves with some fugliness in some of the fingers too is abit concerning. hope that is environmental as opposed to something worse. 30c, but whet is RH? Probably want a good 60-65% RH at that temp.. would have to reference a VPD table. this might prevent the tacoing of otherwise healthy looking leaves.
Cross your fingers and hope it grows out of it. variegation alone isn't a problem. the malformed, wrinkles, and general fugliness not looking quite right is concerning. i've had nothing but bad luck with odd leaf issues not related to nutes. Anything that potentially screws with photosynthesis is less than ideal.
safest thing would be to isolate those plants, if possible. if not, you push through and hope it's some weird genetics. New grwoth might never show it, again.