
1st Week Problem

BongRipstarted grow question 4 years ago
My plants are in day 7 and I noticed some problems with it. A new set of leaves is coming out yellow in one of my plants and also I am seeing some spots on 2 other plants. They are under 200cfl with the distance of 6 inches. Temperature goes up to 85'F sometimes. Help out pls!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Justa_Retardanswered grow question 4 years ago
cfl should get rather hot, even if only 200w. So I'd raise the lamp some more if I were you. - Looking at your diary, you might be watering a bit too often.. Which can result in it not taking nutrients from the soil and give a lighter colour.. Let it go a bit longer in a large pot like that, before watering. It'll also help the seedling to spread roots further down, as it searches for more water.
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Selected By The Grower
MangoDuduanswered grow question 4 years ago
The colo is ok take only care to not overwater this tiny plant in a big pot 😊
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VeggieTalesanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think that this is normal. I had the same thing happen because I didn’t feed them or pre amend my medium. fed some nutes(Dry organic) and cal mag. 💥 good to go. I’d definitely wait before doing that though as last resort because they may be doing perfectly fine and are very fragile at this stage. (Idk what u r feeding, etc.) Cheers and good luck! 🌱🎄✌️
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Shockolateman08answered grow question 4 years ago
Just keep watching it and watch for wilting... otherwise it looks fine for 7 days old, the neon to light green is normal for new rapid growth 👊👌
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