Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki. It's a bacteria that will kill the caterpillars that try to eat your plant, but it needs to be given to the plant in veg to uptake before flower.
It mainly targets caterpillars, so it won't kill any beneficial bugs you might have around.
BT is a bacterium, so it is not spores. You need to add it as a preventative before the worms come, not as a reaction once you see them.
Once they are in your plant and eating it is too late.
You are now learning a lesson on how to go about your next season, BT is not going to save you now.
You also don't want to spray anything on your plant now unless you want to throw the whole thing away in a few weeks.
You can apply BT as a soil drench and the bacteria will form a relationship with your plants to stop the caterpillars on the 1st bite when they do come round later.
Sorry for the bad news, but all you can do now is scout and cut your losses.