
Any suggestion on how to add density to the flowers?

Kramoussstarted grow question 2 days ago
Just want to ask if there’s anything i can do to add more density and loudness to the flowers prior to harvest ? Any imput welcome
Week 7
Buds. Not fattening
Buds. Other
Krisisanswered grow question a day ago
I see tons of white pistils. Seems like you still have a couple weeks left. I imagine those buds are going to gain more size still. They honestly don’t look not fat to me already. Looks like there’s a bit of leaf going on but some plants are just like that. I think your light could have been closer for the wattage. Other than that, at this point, I think it just needs more time
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Selected By The Grower
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 days ago
That's mostly genetics if you are providing a proper amount of DLI and fertilizing effectively. the products that claim they make buds 50% bigger and stinkier have never proven any of these claims. Mostly just word of mouth of people to obstinate to experience buyer's remorse. Also, simple read the ingredients. it's basic fertilizer ingredients or somethng to benefit the biome around the roots. besides keeping it healthy and lots of light, we don't have much say in the outcome. It's the genetics that matter. You can polish a turd all you want, but it remains a turd. (not saying this plant is a turd, but the concept applies to all levels of quality) you got a ton of leaf - so either that plant has a predisposition or you need to crank up the light a bit. Doesn't seem over-crowded, but that's hard to say with a 2d image. overcrowding can result in lower light levels per cola and end up with more leaf than you'd have otherwise. if giving 35-40 dli, it isn't the light.
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Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 2 days ago
Bud density mostly comes down to genetics and light intensity. Promoting even canopies allows you to maximize your light, beyond that you go with stronger lights(to a point). Harvesting too early can have an impact too.
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