
Burned tips and white spots

M4rtnstarted grow question 16 hours ago
Hi, I have a auto plant in its 7th week. Today I noticed that it has burned tips. The white spots have been there for longer, I dont know if they are related to the same problem. Im new to this and what I came up with is that the white spots could be a cal defincentcy? TY guys
Leaves. Edges burnt
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Outdoor
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 14 hours ago
That doesn't look like a nutrient issue to me. It's either a tiny catterpillar or most likely the leaves got wet and sun on them and burned like a magnifying glass or there was feed spilled and as the water evaporates it gets more concentrated and burns. The burnt tips are only on one leaf, so I would guess that is also damage from something else, maybe got too hot at some point. Not sure what has caused it, but doesn't look like nute burn.
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