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ph for watering

Grwslstarted grow question 5 years ago
What is the right ph value for a coco-soil mix? And how does using regular water without looking on ph affect plant growth? It’s my first grow.
Plant. Too short
HighRoller909answered grow question 5 years ago
I would adjust it for coco,like somewhere between 5.9 - 6.4 , a gentle mix of both. in soil,you don't have to adjust ph,not that strict.In coco,you should.
Kush420answered grow question 5 years ago
Hello Friend ! It is a pleasure to help you .... I have read your problem and your question is very important especially if you are at the beginning ... however the pH value for Hydroponica and if you grow in coconut only goes from 5.5 to 6.5. If, on the other hand, you are using a soil that has already been mixed, there is usually a percentage of coconut of 20 or 30%, so I advise you to stay around 6.5 because the optimal earth's pH is between 6.0 and 7.0 and with 6.5 you are fine for both coconut (which however is a much lower percentage than the soil) than for the soil. The problem is that according to the cultivation method the absorption of nutrients changes with respect to the pH. If you also search on google you will also find cards that show you which elements can better absorb the plant than the ph. That is, in soyl coco mix you have optimal absorption of most of the nutrients at pH 6.5 instead in hidroponics the pH 6.5 is almost at the limit and some nutrients are not absorbed well by the plant and could give you problems of insufficient nutrients instead of nutrients there are but they cannot be assimilated by the plant so for this reason it is always recommended to check the pH of the water but if you need to add fertilizers or additives always check the pH at the end and correct it with the ph down or ph up that some companies divide according to the phase of growth of the plant (vegetative or by flowering) but I can tell you that one is the other certainly the acids inside change but avoid wasting this money buy one and that's enough a few drops go and it only serves to lower the pH. I advise you to test the pH to use in the PH test in drops that of the GHE is fine it costs little and you do about 500 tests without using the electronic one which is more reliable but is also more complicated to manage and costs more. If you go to my diary page of my gorilla there is a photo that I show that I am using it. It is very simple to use put 2 drops of product in the container they give you (it is in the photo) and then add the water until it fills almost everything and compare the color of the water with the colors of the ph that are on the bottle. I hope I have been of help and Happy cultivation!
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
5.8-6.2 is the optimum range for coco and 6.2-7 for soil if the tap water is well outside of those ranges you will likely end up with nutrient lockout after awhile which would effectively starve your plants
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