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sspeedstarted grow question a month ago
HELP! WHAT SHOULD I DO? y plant is in the very last stages of the vegetative phase, it was starting to flower until I noticed these small insects on the leaves which were already turning yellow. what should I do? the light is already set at 18/6 and the humidity at 40%
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Shinsimillaanswered grow question a month ago
No1 thing you should look for if you suspect that many pests, is damage. No damage, no pest. That is the 1st step to ID and eliminates a bunch of possibilities and removes any reason to react/spray. Springtails need high humidity, so if you want them to move back into the soil, just let the plant dry a bit and lower your RH a little.
UpInCloudsanswered grow question a month ago
Use hypoaspis miles in your soil. Works wonders. They are microorganisms that take really good care of your soil and feeds off of anything that affects your babies.
Shinsimillaanswered grow question a month ago
My immediate thought was also thrips, buuut with that many I would expect to see a lot of damage on those leaves, but I see none. I suspect the leaves were overlapping and creating a little humid pocket and those are a type of springtail, which love humid environments and could have come up from your soil. I would not go mad spraying anything as they are not really a problem. Just let the leaves dry and not overlap so much and they'll go back down into the soil.
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oldskoolkoolanswered grow question a month ago
Iv had thrips a number of times when growing outdoors but they've never harmed the plants from what I could see so don't worry too much and don't kill your plants. Cinamon worked wonders and cleared the problem up straight away. I can't remember where I got the info from but I'm sure you'll be able to find it somewhere. Always confirm anything you're told.Seep the cinimon for an hourstrainthen spray.Iv done this 3times and it was always in veg.They were gone within days and never returned even though they were on most of the other plants in the garden.In also read that garlic is good at detering pests but I never tried it.I guess its the strong taste and smell.
Crusty_Juggleranswered grow question a month ago
You have thrips, and that sucks monkey balls, by now all of your plants are most likely infected. The good news is that it's possible to grow successfully with thrips :) The bad news is that it's almost impossible to get rid of them without doing a full reset. First of all, the leaves are not yellow because of the thrips, that's other issues with either soil, pH, pot size, or nutes. Thrip damage shows up as grey-ish discolorations. Most bugs are only able to establish a bridgehead on weak leaves, keeping plants healthy and removing dying/dead leaves from the plant and grow room is a good idea. What to do depends on your situation: 1. If you're not in a hurry to get a harvest done, then I recommend going protocol zero and doing a full reset = kill all plants, throw out all soil, used pots etc., disinfect your tents and equipment thoroughly with chlorine diluted in water several times over a few weeks (wait at least 14 days until starting a new grow). 2. If you need this harvest to fill your jars, then spray ALL the plants for a week or two with something that will kill thrips but won't hurt the plants too much. Then flip and keep spraying for another 2 weeks or until you see flowers. Also cover the soil surface of ALL plants with perlite or diatomaceous earth. This treatment probably won't kill them all, but set them back enough to not be fully back until mid/late flower where the damage they do won't be as big of a problem. You can introduce a predator like the predatorial mite (Amblyseius cucumeris) or the guys that eat pretty much everything, Lacewing Larvae (Chrysoperla carnea) When you harvest you just wash your plants using the Bud Wash method and then you can enjoy bug and dirt free ganja, and no it won't knock off trichs :) 3. If you have a perpetual setup with several tents and mother plants, then you either learn to live with thrips or do a full reset, been there, and believe me the reset is worth it :)
m0useanswered grow question a month ago
THRIPS! 1000% Kill em with a spray. I have read BTi kills thrips when their larva ingest the spores in the soil and when the adults Pearce the leaves surface with it coated on them. Or just spray em down with a generalized insecticidal soap. BTi is very safe and has been used for a long time with no issues. I would do this ASAP before they get into full flower, I would also treat the top later of soil with some of the pesticide till kill off any of the fuckers lingering in their. You could use soap and water as well and then rinse the plant off outside, but they may return. The other option is predator bugs who come in and eat the thrips, this is a good option for IPM or integrated pest management, IPM is pest control you implement before seeing any pests as you know they are common and likely to show up. using BTi preventively is a form of IPM. You can not use pesticides when using beneficial predators as it kills them too and the pests likely have more resistance to the compounds used then the predators. Also using yellow/blue sticky traps are great monitoring tools but not solutions.
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All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question a month ago
Wie gesagt Es Könnten eine Art von Thrispen sein, ich benutze einmal die gelben Aufkleber sie fangen auch andere insekten um sie zu fangen und zur vorbeuge mache ich immer ein paar Beutel mit Raubmilben diese kann man bei amazon kaufen diese heißen Amblyseius cucumeris und sind gegen Thripsen und weich Hautmilben. Funktioniert wunderbar. es gibt auch Raubmilben gegen die Spinnmilben Amblyseius cucumeris oder Phytoseiulus persimilis. Ich kann dir nur empfehlen diese von Anfang an mit zu deinen Pflanzen geben
Still_Smoqanswered grow question a month ago
Also with your plant leaves turning yellow, be very aware of other factors. Make sure your watering, feeding and PH habits are correct, turn your lighting power down until you get this under control as well.
Still_Smoqanswered grow question a month ago
In the veg stage spray it throughly with insecticidal soap. It may take a couple of days worth of trying. Once a day. Until they are gone. Once you hit the flower stage it becomes much more sensitive and almost a lost cause. Unless you like smoking dead bugs.
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