
please advise

joeasian16started grow question 4 years ago
This burnt plant can alive or die. How to grow still alive this plant.
Plant. Stem - Weak
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Бро, продолжайте, всё будет хорошо, молодые побеги уже видны, она вырастет здоровой! В эту неделю пол порции удобрений для этой неделе по вашей формуле и со следующей недели уже давайте полную порцию. 👌 Удачи, бро! 👋
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Selected By The Grower
occultgreen420answered grow question 4 years ago
Joe, dude, if you want the community to help with your grow, it's best if you start a proper diary where you give more info on the type of substrate you use, the solution that you use for your plant, the light and distance from the plan, your watering technique and much more. From your picture, the plant looks stressed (it can be so many causes, but the main ones at this stage are overwatering and the seedling adjusting to a preferitilized soil (which I suspect you have) don't get to excited, sit back, light up and relax. Just make sure you water only when needed (pot feels light when lifted and/or top soil feels dry) and give time.
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AlexGGanswered grow question 4 years ago
It will recover
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