Good smoke. I was expecting a terp profile closer to Strawberry Banana OG, which is more like a creamy milkshake, however this one is brilliant in the entirely opposite direction.
It has an acrid strawberry, chemmy, sort of like Arjan's Strawberry Haze, tapering into a deeper stone with a slight banana on the exhale. Good genetics.
Despite having a taste that just in a short initial burst reminds me of Strawberry Haze, the high tapers into a head and body stone (perhaps 60% body, or just about), rather than a cerebral high.
This was a good grow. I did not expect her to get this big, though the end result was fine. I should have trained her early however as she got to around 80cm tall (from the top of the soil) in a 3 Litre pot. Impressive if not unexpected!
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a year ago