I had 4 different phenotypes out of 9 plants and that made the whole grow a bit more difficult than usual. The harvest time was variating a bit too much as well as the fertilizer needs. 5 plants (Pheno 1 & 2) have realy nice buds and harvest together 274g.
The other 4 plants didn't had such a nice buds and harvest together 216g.
Pheno1 (3 plants 150g) is my favourite because its exactly what to expect from the strain name. Strong and amazing combination of Orange, Kush and Cake. Buds looking great. Early finisher.
Pheno2 (2 plants 124g) is my second favourite. Strong and sweet Kush Cake taste but missing the amazing hints of orange of pheno1. Buds looking great. Medium early finisher.
Pheno3 (3 plants)
Sweet, more fruity and less Kush Cake. Overall not so strong and impressive like the first 2 phenotypes. Buds not looking so great. Late finisher and to many foxtails.
Pheno3 (1 plant)
Had a very strong earthy kush taste without any sweetness or fruityness that the other phenos have. I like the taste a lot but the buds looking shit, it was low yielding, a late finisher and to many foxtails.