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Sensi #741 Fem
Growing it
This is the end of another great journey! Sensi #741, aka Sour Diesel x Afghani, is the first strain from Sensi Seeds Research I harvested and vaped. It soon became my favorite sativa to have deep and very focused introspection sessions. Yes, she wasn't very permissive with nutes and pH deficiencies, but I think the high is something so extraordinary you can easily accept a harder challenge to grow a plant like this. ----- HOW SHE GROWS ----- She grows quite fast in veg, while in flower she's not a super stretcher. Her leaves pointed up to the sky from the start to the end, and that's why I called her Zapdos (the legendary Pokémon). She creates a bushy structure with many colas here and there, but they are soft, airy, and get a lot smaller as soon as they're dried. She's very sensible to pH fluctuations, and this took me to some problems to the leaves in the final phase. Fortunately, buds weren't affected. Trimming her leaves is very hard and time consuming: small leaves like everywhere. A trim nightmare! ----- TASTE AND AROMA ----- The aroma is still hard to recognize after 3 weeks from the harvest, but I often smell something that reminds me of fruit and other herbs. I need to vape some more to define it better. ----- GENERAL EFFECT ----- Wow, wow, wow. This strain is amazing to explore the roots of your problems, and fix them. You can do this because the focus is incredibly sharp. When I smoke other sativa dominant strains (but also indicas), I usually lose a thought within seconds, and sometimes forget what I was thinking about a moment before. With this Sour Diesel x Afghani, this doesn't happen. You just start thinking about a specific problem, and explore it until you're satisfied. In general you're able to go deep and deep inside you. That's incredible, believe me, I'm super amazed by this strain. I also smoked this in a tech house party, and it allowed me to dance for 6 straight hours without even stopping once (4 joints in total divided with a friend). Definitely a very cool effect! ----- CONCLUSIONS ----- I love this strain. I wasn't sure what to expect with all the problems her leaves run into, but I got surprised. Really surprised. Imho this is the best feminized strain from Sensi Seeds Research!
5 years ago
Cream Cookies Auto
Growing it
I had so much fun with this badass girl. She’s been really easy to grow, and even to trim. I still don’t know the size of the bonsai pot I used, but I think it was between 3 and 5 liters. This grow started as something not too serious, but when I saw that purple leaves and flowers, I felt like I needed to take some good pictures. ----- HOW SHE GROWS ----- She grows fast! I trained her in order to get a 4-way LST structure, but I think it would be better I if topped her over the 3rd node and created a 6 big main colas structure. She does like medium dosages of organic nutes, but I discovered she likes even more when you alternate nutes with plain water. With a hard tap water (pH > 7.5), it’s always better to correct the pH to 6.5 before pouring the solution into the pot. ----- TASTE AND AROMA ----- Unfortunately she doesn’t taste and smell like cream or cookies, but she leaves a sweet pleasant taste to the mouth. ----- GENERAL EFFECT ----- I like her because she’s a fun strain. Perfect for both day and nighttime. The high is amazing: it firstly stimulates your mind, then slowly shifts into a body high that immediately results pretty enjoyable. I like the fact she doesn’t give you strong munchies, red eyes or dried mouth, but maybe just a little hangover the next day when you smoke her late in the evening. ----- CONCLUSIONS ----- In the end I got 42 grams divided into 4 big frosty colas, and about 16 smaller ones. Easy to grow and perfect high. I think I’ll grow her again. It’s the perfect strain if you want to chill, stay positive and think about happy things. The only bad note is the taste, which doesn’t really remind me of cream or cookies. Update: after 1 month, the taste reminds now a lot more of cream and cookies. Perfect!!!
5 years ago
Dr. Grinspoon
Growing it
Welcome back everybody! Haha, you can’t believe how long I took to write this review. Firstly, I wanted to thank everybody for all the positive vibes you’ve always sent. It’s been all a lot more fun with your constant presence. Thank you!! When I started, I clearly had no idea of what it would be like to wait almost 6 straight months for just one plant! In the end it’s been even longer than expected, and Barney’s couldn’t help me much because this was possibly a new pheno. It’s not really been a relaxing grow, but we can say we’ve now discovered a lot of new things about her! And because the Doc has always been like a mystery, plus you can’t find many infos about her online, I decided to write a long and detailed review including EVERYTHING I learned about her. I really think that sharing is caring, so I hope you’ll enjoy!!! :-) I think the seeds I got came out from a 2018 production. Barney’s possibly changed something from the past, because neither me, neither @Magnetous_tryko, neither a friend I met on Instagram (@fromthreetrees), got the phenotype the Doc is famous for. I’ve heard many people saying that pheno doesn’t exist anymore, but who knows. Never mind, that’s not really a problem if then you get the same effect! I think it’s now time to get some pop corns, sit down on the sofa and enjoy this review! Let’s go!! ----- HOW SHE GROWS ----- Well, I can tell you she grows like any other cannabis plant and she’s not impossible to grow. If you follow some easy guidelines I’m going to report now, everything will always run smooth. She tolerates any kind of training, but she takes a little more than other strains to react and get back to her growth. Attention: this DOESN’T mean she likes to be trained! Like other landrace sativas, in fact, she doesn’t. Sativas will always prefer to grow wild and free! But in my case, since I wanted to maximize my production, I opted for a ScrOG setup and didn’t really bother about these “warnings”. Some of you could ask me why I decided to mainline my Doc. Well, it obviously wasn’t necessary, but it was something I still had to do for the first time. If you’re interested in growing single plants in ScrOG, I think it’s always better to opt for a 4-way LST (you can find the tutorial on ----- NUTRIENTS ----- Does Dr. Grinspoon like nutrients? As you may already know, like many other pure sativas, hell NO, she hates them!! If you’re growing the Doc in soil like I did, and you’re using organic ferts, you could follow this schedule I developed for her by a constant trial and error. So... if for some strange reasons you decide to grow her (haha), this is the schedule: - First 14 days after the sprout: just water. - From day 14 to 28: 1/4 of recommended dosage of nutrients. - From day 28 of veg to 2 weeks before harvest: 1/3 of recommended dosage of nutrients. - Last two weeks: just water. More than 1/3 of the recommended dosage would be really too much and could create serious and dangerous salt buildups. ----- NOTES ON WATERINGS ----- I always alternated one time feeding and one time only water. I never poured any water if soil wasn’t really dry on the surface. Sometimes I preferred waiting for some leaves to curl down a little because I discovered she loves when you let her roots oxygenate a bit more than usual. In this cycle I always used my tap water, which is around 130PPMs, but I noticed it’s always better to fix your pH to 6.5 before giving anything to your Doc (even just water). I know we’re talking about soil, but you should never trust 100% its buffering capabilities (in a few words, those fungi and bacteria present in the soil that automatically stabilize the pH to 6.5). In fact, tap water usually contains some chlorine that kills many, if not all, of these organisms. It’s the same thing you should remember if you’re going to use mycorrhizae. So… this is what you can do if you’re using tap water like me: since chlorine will evaporate in about 24 hours, just arrange a tank with the proper amount of tap water, possibly one day before your waterings, then collect your “purified” water from there! ;-) ----- FLOWERING STRETCH ----- As you can see from the diary, I could’t be able to fill all the grid like I wanted. I tried following the same thing I did with my Silver Haze, but the Doc stretched definitely less. When I grow a single (sativa) plant in ScrOG, I usually switch to 12/12 when she filled about 60% of the grid/net. This time I was a little scared by what other people said about her "monster" stretch rate, so I decided to switch one week before the planned 8 weeks of veg. Bad move. Next time I’ll make sure to follow my instinct a little more :-) When I noticed she was about to stop stretching at around day 28, I was still tucking branches and many of them were still under the grid. So I just “untucked” them one square back very gently, allowing them growing more vertical and getting more light. Overall, she should stop the stretch after about 4 weeks from the switch, but will keep stretching a few centimeters every week until week 11 or 12. ----- SOME USEFUL INFORMATIONS ----- If the plant is healthy, her leaves color will always be light green. The pheno I got (there are at least 3 known different ones from the 2018 production) develops rather fast in veg, while flowering seems to stop and stuck by week 8 or 9. This is where you have to activate your patience mode! You can have great results by setting day temps between 23C and 29C (73F and 84F) and night temps around 21C (70F), especially on last weeks if you wanna get some colorful calyxes (this is the general rule if you want to get some good colors in your strains). Of course, this is not a strain you grow for colors. Her calyxes will often get reddish/brownish, so I don’t know if temperature played an important role in my case. This pheno doesn’t develop many trichomes, and the upper part of colas will be the last to ripen (trichomes too). So always use your lens/microscope in both upper and lower parts in order to understand when it’s time to harvest. On harvest day my upper trichomes were all milky, while the most of lower ones were almost all amber. Yes, it’s been quite hard to predict the right harvest day, and many of you will certainly remember! ----- TASTE AND AROMA ----- In general if you vape between 160C and 180C the taste will be more like peach and lime, but also like tropical fruits (especially passion fruit and mango) with some hints of mint and watermelon candy, while at 200C it’s totally different because sometimes it‘s like (get ready) speck with a touch of ginger and tangerine; sometimes it’s just like beer; sometimes lemon that gradually dissolves into some delicious sugared almonds. ----- GENERAL EFFECT ----- The general impression is that the high always starts very strong, except when you vape at 160C. When it starts strong, and it happens frequently, it’s not always so easy to manage because it can cause both paranoia and some trouble when talking to people. But after 30-45 minutes (I know, it's lot of time) your wonderful sativa experience will start. Please notice that vaping less (less hits) will be less painful if it gets too strong in the first part. It seems like the Doc is more powerful than other strains, and this is why she needs a lower vape temperature to get to the sweet spot. Duration of the high: 5-6 hours, where the first 3-4 are quite intense, and the last two are milder but still very enjoyable. And finally I can tell you munchies will never be so strong. Resisting to food is always a rewarding experience to me! 😄 ----- VAPE SESSIONS ----- The reason why I decided to write a review for each relevant temperature is because, as vape users know, different temperatures will produce different effects. Temps around 160C usually create a light effect; around 170C it gets better, a little stronger. It’s great to just feel good, do activities and not being so stoned; 180C is the most suggested temp from many vape users (at this temp you should get the most from your bud); and 200C, the temp that puts you to sleep if you’re vaping an indica, that gives amazing interesting and unpredictable effects if you’re vaping a sativa. In every test I did, I vaped a full aluminium capsule (there’s a photo in this page) in my Mighty vaporizer, and always used new weed. Every capsule contains between 0.25g and 0.3g, and for every smoke session I did like 50 medium-long hits, each one with a slow-paced breath, always trying to notice the change in taste as the material was being consumed. ----- VAPING @ 160C ----- I decided to test this temp because it’s usually the best one for day activities while keep being functional. I initially felt light to the head with some interesting thoughts, while my body was so relaxed it only wanted to lay on the sofa. Everything was good, except my eyes that were closed at 60%! The taste is a mixture of peach, lime, and possibly watermelon candy. Delicious! 😋 That body high is interesting because it increases when you’re immobile, but immediately stops if you stand up and walk. I could easily focus on a single point and start my flux of thoughts without getting distracted by anything happening around. I didn’t feel any paranoia or psychedelic high, so I did the litmus test by closing my eyes, which made it clear that vaping @ 160C doesn't turn into psychedelic experiences. But the impression is that if I just wanted to chill on the sofa, this would not the best strain out there: it’s like drinking 5 coffees in a row, which hyper stimulates your mind. And to be honest, this is exactly what I expected from a 100% landrace sativa! She’s very good if you need to focus on something you know you have to do, since you won’t easily get distracted. I think the Doc is perfect for activities like reading, studying, doing creative things, watching movies with a new point of view, or just listening to music (this one is my favorite). I would say it could be helpful if you’re interested in starting something new in your life, like listening to a new genre of music or learning something new that you’ve always classified as “boring” and that you’ve planned for a generic future. Let’s say she helps you find the will. If this is your plan, I give you a little advice: put your phone away! 😉 After just 10 minutes I felt like my upper body was pushing down with all the strength it had. A strength that literally came from nowhere: it’s not like a 100m races where you push yourself from the pedals in order to load your explosive power and start. Here my body was pushing down from the inside. It’s hard to explain, but I felt like my real me was 30cm above my body. I felt this sensation twice in a few days. It’s amazing, but unfortunately it doesn’t last so much. There’s a nice thing I can tell you about standing up and start walking after about 30 minutes: you feel totally relaxed and your body feels in peace with itself, with zero rigidities. That’s really a good sensation. In the first 45/60 minutes the potency of this strain is quite high, so it’s still better to lay on the sofa or you may feel your head spinning. You could also experience some difficulties with talking. Of course, this is not a strain for beginners since she could create a sense of paranoia in even low temperatures and dosages. And since it’s not psychedelic at all, it’s not really helpful in transforming your sadness into happiness. It's different: if you were sad or neutral before vaping, it will just help you feel a little more relaxed. But here’s the best thing: if you were happy before vaping, well, the high will be magical, and a lot happier! So... I highly suggest you to be in a happy state-of-mind already before vaping the Doc (and in general any other kind of weed)! Overall, I can say that vaping at this temperature is very good for creative activities, because increases your focus a lot. Paranoia alert YES, but don’t be scared. If you feel a bit of paranoia, try doing less hits! ;-) I don’t feel it’s very helpful in social contexts where you have to talk, because it’s not something always easy to do. The effect lasted 4 hours, with a bit of good mild sensations for about another hour. Not very strong munchies, but I didn’t resist to a small piece of delicious cake I had in the kitchen and then an apple to refresh my mouth. Haha! ----- VAPING @ 170C ----- The initial taste is limey and peachy as before, but this time there’s some passion fruit too in it. The high now hits faster: 80% on the head and 20% on the body. The first 25 minutes are so powerful you could even feel some confusion. By the way, at 30 minutes I started feeling so good I couldn’t find any will to get up and prepare my dinner. After 30 hits I could taste some incense too. It was really fresh to the nose: I loved that! After 45 minutes, with the vape off, I tried one last hit and I magically felt a strong MANGO aroma in both my mouth and nose. It’s the first time my weed smells 100% like a specific fruit. I need to say the Mighty here is so great in preserving flavors, and the Volcano would do even better. For the next 1:30h I think I had one of the best times of my life: 100% happiness, real and powerful connection with people, deep thoughts, introspective hyper power, lot of positivity, creativity and many ideas. This is really the moment where you know from the inside you’re able to get rid of many of your problems. I mean, WOW!! I was about to skip the review of this temp, but I would have missed the best one. What a wonderful experience. DEFINITELY my favorite one (I did the 180C and 200C tests before this, so I’m really certain now)! ----- VAPING @ 180C ----- The taste here is harder to define. It could be something like a vegetable, but I’m not that sure. Can’t find the peach anymore. After some hits the taste turns into incense, with a light watermelon candy aftertaste that I also found in vaping @ 160C. After 5 minutes you can start feeling a light mental effect, alternated with lot of sneezes. Lol, it has to contain some peppery terpenes inside. The initial effect is now clearly stronger than before because I felt definitely more focused. I’d say it’s a little psychedelic too, even if this could happen only within the first 10 minutes and just for a few seconds. My eyes were more closed too haha! After 10-15 hits I could smell a fruitier taste. Maybe tangerine or citrus (orange candy?) mixed with some vanilla and a herb that reminded me of mint. A taste that made me also think about that double-apple molasses you smoke with shishas. Not bad! After 30 minutes I really felt good, with lot of introspective thoughts, and didn’t wanna move around because it was easier to lay on the sofa. There's just one thing I didn't like: those continuous sneezes!! But now it comes the best part: on the 160C effect report I wrote you can easily get happier if you start vaping in an already happy state of mind. But there’s something else you should know about the Doc: if you start vaping when you’re sad or stressed, all you have to do is forcing your thoughts into something happier for even just a moment. Boom. You immediately start smiling and negativity disappears. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! Not many munchies this time! It’s not always like this, so get ready to surround yourself with healthy snacks, or you could eat your entire kitchen! Overall I think that vaping @ 180C is better in the evening, and this because you would end in getting too much focused (the concept of “too much focus” is not really always a good thing). This means your brain could start thinking too much, which is everything but relaxing. A little advice: since your eyes could get very dry, some eye drops applied in the right moment will be your best smoke companion. ----- VAPING @ 200C ----- At 200C the taste is a bit unstable because it doesn’t last for long. It initially tastes like lemon and maybe yogurt, then changes to sugared almonds with a little touch of lemon which may still be there. When you’re about to stop your smoke session because you don’t see any other smoke, the smell is similar to the one of old dusty books. I mean... kind of, but it’s not bad! The sensation on the head here is heavier. It’s exactly what I reported before, but stronger. This time I didn’t get the usual 15-30 minutes of confusion, but just a happy high instead. Very nice. Every temperature has its own pros, so I highly suggest to try them all. By the way what you’re doing really affects your mood. If you’re chatting with a friend about something fun and happy, the Doc will be more than happy to help making feel you even happier. What an amazing strain! ----- PROS AND CONS ----- - PROS: Not strong munchies, happiness, creative and deep, introspective thinking, makes you funny if chatting with someone. Because it makes you think deeper, it could even help in getting rid of some communication problems with important people in your life because you don’t feel judged anymore and so can say whatever flows in your mind with no problems. And the best thing here is that you’ll later remember you can always be like this, even when you’re not high. This is why I love weed. Some strains are perfect to make people fight and win their inner problems, and this is one of them for sure. The high lasts 5-6h. - CONS: Some paranoia in the first 30 minutes. It’s hard to talk. Long flowering. Impossible to trim. Not dense bud structure. The high lasts 5-6h. Lol. It depends if you have time to be high for 5 straight hours (while the last hour is usually milder). ----- SOME INTERESTING FACTS ----- - If you’re interested in the “red blood” that came out from her in week 7 (of the diary), there is an interesting explanation of what that “blood” is in week 10! - On week 9 there is a photo of my solution for manually watering under a ScrOG net/grid. But later I opted for a “manual hand syphon” thanks to a good advice from my bro @TheBudWhisperer (that was a golden advice bro!), that I found extremely more helpful than my previous solution. - On week 15, in the final part of my comment, I explain how I water my plants (because a very dry soil needs to be first hydrated before pouring all the water!!). - If you’re interested in the trimming phase, I wrote all the infos you need on week 24, including all the photos and videos from the harvest day. By the way, this is the worst part of the entire grow, and I highly recommend everyone do a dry trimming after 10-14 days of total darkness, instead of the usual trimming did the same day of the harvest. ----- CONCLUSIONS ----- In the end I got 250 grams, and I’m very, very satisfied! 🎉 A very clear and focused effect is what I expected from a pure landrace sativa like this. She’s very very strong and the high lasts about 5-6 hours (understand?! 6 hours later you’ll still feel a mild positive and motivating high that still helps you getting things done). 6 hours is really a lot of time. And while it’s good for deep thinking or deep text conversations (because it’s quite hard to talk), I can’t tell the same for physical activities in general, which are not suggested. So, in general, it’s clearly a top-notch strain. But let me now compare it with the Silver Haze I’ve grown last year. Unfortunately, I sadly need to say the Doc can’t beat her. I really hoped to, but the high here is more raw, visceral, primitive, and a little hard to manage sometimes. Vaping the same quantity of Silver Haze never made me feel that sense of paranoia in the beginning, and with Silver Haze I could always get that little happy psychedelic experience that often gifted me with some amazing introspective sessions that helped me fix some problems and grow a lot like a person and a human. Nothing that vaping the Doc @ 170C or even 180C can’t do, but with Silver Haze it was all a little more peaceful and stable. So this, plus the very long and unknown flowering time, are the reasons why I’ll not grow this strain again. But my journey to find the best sativa on the planet will definitely not stop here. Thanks for following and I hope you liked this review. Stay safe =) TOTEM
5 years ago
Silver Haze
Growing it
It took me almost 5 months to write this review. I don’t know where to start from. Well, I always wanted to grow a legendary sativa like this, but I felt I wasn’t really ready to do it. I preferred to grow other strains and try new growing mediums before, and that’s exactly what I did. And because I don’t like ordinary and “easy” things, I wanted to put myself to the limits and try something really hard and never tried before (by me): growing the legendary Silver Haze from Sensi Seeds in ScrOG using a coco coir medium, filling all the grow room (1m x 1m) with one plant only. Yes, that’s what I did. In general, I can say I’m very happy with the results, except for one thing: Advanced Nutrients. I’m sad because they burned many fan leaves on last weeks, and this because of a misunderstanding with reported dosages on bottles (which, I later discovered, are calculated following American growing standards with 1000W HPS lights). The problem is that Advanced Nutrients, with their PH-PPM perfect formula, tells you NOT to adjust PPMs of the solution because the reported value from your pen will be affected by many other components besides dissolved fertilizer in the water (eg. pH buffers, humic and fulvic acid, amino acids, etc...). They say you should start from 1/4 of the reported dosage, and increase that value a bit a bit until you reach full strength. That’s not the way I like to work, and that’s why I’ll never use their nutrients again. I’ll choose a brand of nutrients that makes you easily manage PPMs instead. But let’s talk about something happier now: the plant itself. The hype is real here. Let’s start by saying that those burned leaves didn’t ruin any final buds. Yay! The only concern I had about this growth was linked to Silver’s flowering stretch. I didn’t know the strain, and couldn’t guess how the stretch would have been. I only knew she could become 3x bigger during the first month of bloom. But if you don’t know when she’s gonna stop, what do you do? Stop bending, without filling up all the ScrOG grid, or you keep bending, hoping she will not stop while she’s still under the grid? Hard choice. Really hard. That’s why everyone says you firstly have to know the strain, before trying ScrOG. I’ve been lucky here, and yes, I opted for option B: keep bending! 😜 The plant, as you see, is strong, and I’d say even tolerant enough to nutes. My case was a bit extreme, so maybe a skunk would have suffered too, lol. She likes topping, and reacts to it very very quickly, as well as super cropping or LST. During flowering, you can keep bending for at least 3.5/4 weeks since the day you switch to 12/12. If you do the switch and are sure that you don’t have light leaks on dark hours, you’ll start seeing pistils after one week (with temperatures similar to mine). During flowering, you don’t have to worry about size of your buds, since they’ll get A LOT bigger only on last two weeks. Believe me! Let’s now talk about the most interesting part: buds and their effects. If you touch them, they leave you a tropical mouth watering smell on your fingers. The smell is a combination of tropical fruits like pineapple and mango, and peach. I love it. When you smoke her, you keep tasting those flavors if you vaporize at 180C, but if you increase to 200C, you don’t taste that citrus hint anymore (or maybe just a little less). The effect is the true masterpiece of this strain. No paranoia. Couch lock is absent, but if you decide to relax on your sofa, or bed, you’ll be in the perfect location to start thinking and contemplating about your life and many many many other things. Thoughts are moving faster here. No joke. You’re creative like never before, and happy. You don’t think about problems. You like everything. And you start appreciating how nice moving slow and focusing on every little thing you do is. Wow. Almost 5 months to create this wonderful thing. I don’t think I’ll never find another strain like this. Someone tells Jack Herer could be better, who knows? But this is now my starting point on what a real sativa should be. Nice one, Sensi Seeds. Update: added bud photos after 3 months of curing in the jars!
6 years ago
Stress Killer Automatic CBD
Growing it
This plant is the result of everything I learned since I signed up on Grow Diaries. Autoflowering strain, topping, cropping, LST, coco coir, automatic watering system. That was pretty fun, but also hard to do. It was hard because, as an auto, she had a pre-defined life cycle, and all that training had to be made with not enough recovering time between sessions. By the way, I got a big surprise here. Until the last defoliation I couldn’t see how many buds I got there. And I didn’t expect those buds could increase their size that much in just a week. This time I even did a proper flush and let the medium dry up before harvesting. Because of the size of the plant, I had to split harvest into 3 days. But look what I got: 133.2 grams! I’m so happy about this result. I was expecting something like 70 grams, but I doubled that value! Since I tried some buds from the net, it should be even more than this, though. This strain is a new generation auto from Royal Queen Seeds. It’s not one of the old ones with 30% ruderalis like many of their other auto strains (I think they should update them decreasing ruderalis percentage), and I have to say that it’s a very strong one. Nutes resistant, or even nutes lover. Will even love hard training. I messed up with the PPM since I had no time to manage it properly, and I got a little overfeeding in the last weeks, as soon as I added Overdrive to the reservoir. What I mean is that PPM has been over 4000 for like all the cycle, following Advanced Nutrients dosage (4ml/L of Connoisseur A+B and 2ml/L of all the other additives). That’s the kind of strength I’m talking about. It was my first time managing irrigations with a reservoir and a water pump, and I think it’s been a life changing experience. It allowed me to save much time, and helped me going on vacation for 10 days with almost no worries (just some salts accumulation in the pot during those days as she started sucking a lot of water, not allowing runoff to come out anymore). That system helps you, but you still have to be there. Because coco coir is good, but it requires a proper maintenance. The Stress Killer Automatic is a mix of Lemon Haze and Juanita La Lagrimosa. She doesn’t smell like lemon, but she definitely has a sweet, candy-like taste. She reminded me of the AK47 auto from RQS I tried some years ago. Talking about the effect, I think this strain does exactly what they say about it. I mean, you smoke, wait some minutes, and start feeling light in the head. It’s a bit stronger than other CBD strains I’ve tried, and even if you can feel a bit of indica on it, Stress Killer is much more on the sativa side. It’s not so strong, so you can do whatever you wanna do, but if you vape it, just don’t go over 185C or you’ll start feeling a bit groggy. 200C is the best temperature to get everything it has to offer, but for daytime I prefer 180C or 185C. By the way it works nice to help you take life less seriously, and help positive thoughts flowing in your head. But, as always, weed is not a remedy against problems. If you’re a bit stressed, that’s ok and it works great, but if you have bigger problems, I think weed can’t do much to help you solve them. Higher THC strains will even do worse in case of bad trips. In general I’m so happy about this strain. It’s not the best one I’ve tried to do activities (Royal Highness, to me, with her clear mind experience, is definitely the best one out there), but that’s very nice to relax after work or an intense activity, or just to remove some light stresses coming from discussions or some negative thoughts/overthinking. Thank you Royal Queen Seeds, and especially @James!
6 years ago
CBD Auto 1:1 (CBD Crack)
Growing it
Welcome back everybody! Another successful journey with this CBD Crack. It’s been very fun to grow her. Tried topping on autos for the first time, and it worked like a charm. The fun fact? I got 155g wet in a 5L pot! I got far less with my Gorilla in her 18L pot. It’s all about training! This strain has been amazing. Very strong, and will tolerate nutrients very easily (even some error like overfeeding). With this one I tried some experiments, like giving organic bloom boosters together with mineral ones, and it worked great. I could only give her less of that, because some leaves suffered a bit in the late stage. I tried a small bud from those hanging on the net, and the effect is amazing. It’s mellow, but you feel positive, happy, and a little relaxed at first. After like 20 minutes, THC loses some (it’s still there!) of its initial potency, and opens the stage for the CBD, which will make you feel very relaxed! The scent is still not so much mango, but it reminds me to that smell. Will see after some curing! Thank you for following this growth and see you later with a new one! Cheers Update: 37.2g from a 5L pot is amazing!
6 years ago
Royal Highness
Growing it
There we go. Welcome back buds! 18 weeks from seed, and this is the end of 2017 growth cycle. Royal Highness has been a good girl. As I said many times, this was a density growth, or, better, a cycle intended to grow many different strains with no expectations about the yield, due to the limited space. I never topped or trainer her, and she grew up partially in the shadow of nearest and bigger plants. She came out like a Christmas tree, with a big cola on the top, and smaller colas on lower branches. The yield is definitely a lot under the expectations, but that’s not a problem since I just wanted to try the strain. I say this because I’ll be the only person smoking all these strain. And I don’t smoke a lot, so yeah, you can guess how long I’ll take to smoke them all. Just one thing about final weeks of flowering: I don’t know why, but she automatically cropped her top cola. I initially thought it could be mold, but it was really a voluntary crop. So strange! Her smell is so creamy and makes me remember the AK47 auto by RQS I’ve grown some years ago. I tried a sample bud some weeks ago when THC levels were still low, so I’m not writing a smoke report now. Will do it as soon as buds are ready.
6 years ago
Dance World
Growing it
YO! Today’s the day. Double harvest of both this Dance World and the Royal Highness, so I can finally say that there are no more plants born in 2017. So, the first growth cycle is officially over! Unfortunately this story doesn’t have a happy ending, though. Just after my last update, all the leaves started becoming all crispy and dry. What happened? I’m still questioning. I think that was a mix of hot temperature around the pot and one extra feeding just a few days after the previous. By the way, week 19, or day 137. I went over the suggested time from RQS! Trimming has been very hard to do for this reason, but I eventually came out with a good result: for the moment, I got 168g wet. I removed almost every crispy leaf, but some of them are still there. During the trim, I could clearly smell a profound and intense scent of lemon/ginger that is so nice. I mean, a REALLY strong scent. Now all the buds are hanging up on the net for like 10 days, so I’ll wait for the smoke report. Talking about her growth: she’s a magical Sativa, but not all phenotypes will stretch so hard when flowering starts. Just keep in mind this, because she could definitely fly. The ginger smell has always been there, but became stronger at the end. The flowers is not dense, and have have many separate “gems” with some leaves around. Very hard to trim. But it’s good to see those huge buds when work is over. Just to let you know, I’ve tried a small sample some weeks ago, and the high was fabulous. Mentally very creative and light, physically you’ll not feel overwhelmed, but still feeling those waves on the legs. So good guys! Daytime strain definitely!
6 years ago
Blue Mystic
Growing it
Hey hey buds! Now that I’m writing this, my house smells like Blueberry, and it’s a real pleasure. I’ve just harvested these two ladies. I think they could stay there for two more days, but all the trichomes were milky. Since I don’t like too strong narcotic effects, I decided to stop now, at day 143 (week 20) for Blue Mystic #1, and day 133 (week 19) for Blue Mystic #2. Even if one was planted one week before the other, the second one, at the end, was stronger and more productive. Blue Mystic #1, the oldest one, has a citrus smell, while Blue Mystic #2 has a strong sweet, berry smell. I think I’ve found two different phenotypes of the same strain. I mean, her genetics are Northern Light x Blueberry, so I think I got both them two. I didn’t try any sample because I wanted to dry buds up before. Now they’re hanging on the net for like 10 days and I’ll do a smoke report as soon as possible. About their growth: BM#1 had some problems from the beginning to the end. I mean, not dangerous problems, but she definitely was more sensible to nutes, and was in a position where she couldn’t dry her soil up very easily. At the end, I flushed her with too much Flawless Finish, while soil was still wet, and I think I caused a nutrients lockdown. Many errors altogether. BM#2 grew up perfectly, but when I flushed her I did the same errors with Flawless Finish, and I think I caused some magnesium excess, that covered every leaf with many yellow/white spots. For the moment, I got 76g wet from Blue Mystic #1, and 116g wet from Blue Mystic #2, that is 192g wet in total. Let’s see how many grams I’ll get from dried up buds. Of course I could do better, but winter+so many plants have been very hard to manage. Will be back very soon with new amazing strains 😎🖐️
6 years ago
Growing it
HELLO EVERYBODY! Harvest time has come, one week later than expected. Day 138, or, in other words, almost 20 weeks from seed. This was a long journey that started in fall 2017 and ended in (almost) spring 2018. I had to face various challenges, where the hardest one was temperature management. Winter here has been very cold, and my grow room wasn’t ready for that. I firstly tried using two heating bars, but those weren’t enough, so I bought two more ceramic heating lamp, that finally helped to keep a constant and acceptable temperature. STRAIN AND GROWTH Talking about the strain itself, this Euphoria started very fast, a lot faster than all the other plants in the grow room, and was a pleasure to grow. Because of the fast growth, I’ve been able to train her a little bit, despite of the lack of space (it was a density growth), and this helped me obtaining a decent harvest at the end. She’s been topped 6 times in total, plus a bit of LST to separate some branches, and when flowering started, I transplanted her from a 12L pot to a 20L airport with added perlite and Biobizz light mix. 6L of water every week, given every Monday, and she always felt satisfied. During flowering, the smell was totally fruity, even more than Blue Mystic one, so I really appreciated it. When I harvested this plant, the scent was a little more industrial candy like. Very sweet, maybe too much, but this is normal when you harvest weed. By the way, she’s grown like an indica, and her final height didn’t reach 1m. But she created many big colas instead! Due to the lack of space, she used nearest plants to support her branches. This made her stems not strong enough, and in fact, when I took her out of the grow box for the flush, she fell on herself. I think I wrote everything I could about the growth, so now let’s talk about the smoke session! SMOKE REPORT It was my first CBD strain ever, so there was a lot of hype in the air. Let’s firstly say that I LOVED the effect. I vaporized about 0.3g in my Mighty vaporizer, starting from 180C and gradually increasing the temperature, finally reaching 200C. Making a comparison with normal THC strains, the effect kicks in a little bit later. Indica or Sativa? In the first 20 minutes, it’s totally (100%) indica. As soon as you finish your smoke session, you NEED to lay down on your sofa or bed. Your body asks for it! You don’t even have the strength to write a message on your phone. And that’s been hard, because I was writing this review while I was on high, haha! RQS says this strain is 80% Indica and 20% Sativa. Is that true? YES! After 20 minutes, you start feeling that 20% Sativa effect: your mind is like in paradise, you feel relaxed, and are not able to think about bad things. If you do, you immediately start thinking about how fun is that you’re trying to think about bad things while you’re so happy in that moment… and you start smiling like crazy. That’s good! It’s the kind of high that no one could hate. It’s the one that makes people peaceful and happy. Love that!!!! By the way, after 20 minutes you still feel like you can’t stand up, but now you have a little stimulated mind. And you’re not hungry. You basically feel so good! Physically, the effect is very strong, and makes you feel waves of pleasure in all your body (especially in the legs). Mentally, it’s not like THC strains: you’re just slightly on high. You perfectly know what’s happening around. You’re just as high as that much needed to feel in peace with everything around you. The problem about it is that you can’t think about doing any activity because of (or thanks to) that indica effect that makes you want to stay there and just relax. I’d say it’s definitely a night strain. If you close your eyes, the effect becomes a little stronger, meaning that you start tripping a little bit. But you’re not on another planet like you’re with high THC strains. Happy thoughts and beautiful, peaceful, visual pictures. It doesn’t make you want to talk, firstly because you’re so relaxed, and secondly because you feel like your mouth is really HEAVY. When I wrote this review, I was laying on my bed. In that moment, I felt like the bed had a factory shape of my body in the middle, slightly reduced in height, just like a hole of my same shape, and that the extremities were protecting me from external wind. But I was in my room, and there was no wind of course, so… you can see how your mind tries to visualize some imaginary and fun journeys or stories. That’s actually pretty cool. But when you think about these things, you’re totally on track, and know what’s happening around you. So... you physically feel so good, and mentally you’re slightly more creative and reactive thanks to the low levels of THC. It’s like being on high even if you’re sober. And, as time passes, let’s say after 30 minutes, your mental high starts weakening, leaving space for that amazing physical relaxation that will last for at least two long hours. Should you try it? Definitely. If every CBD strain has these potentials, now I understand why there is so much hype in the air about them. Peace and love, and see you on my next growth! 👊
6 years ago
Royal Gorilla
Growing it
Hello buds! Well, this was a long journey. 123 days from seed (almost 18 weeks). It was winter, and temperature management was hard at first. I’m sorry that I decided to grow so many plant altogether, and as a result, this Gorilla was forced to grow on two sides only. I topped her once, and when flowering started, the two main branches stretched A LOT, as you can see. At the end, the plant was not so strong to keep her shape without falling down on every side. Advanced Nutrients nutes did their job, but Biomagno organic nutrients did a way better job last time on this same strain. But hey, next time I want to grow this strain again, using coco coir and same Advanced Nutrients nutes. Will do a smoke report as soon as possible. For the moment, all the colas are drying out for about 10 days at 15C, as you can see on last three photos. See you soon, peace and love 😊👊
6 years ago