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Interview with Master CBD_Sweden

Hello Growers!
We are sharing a @CBD_Sweden 's story today. GrowDiaries has reached out to him and asked to answer a couple of questions. We actually have no words here to add, just congratulate our new Master Grower, and please read below what he he has to tell you. 
Q: Hey, CBD_Sweden, how are you? Congrats on the Master status. How do you feel about it?

Thanks and hello @GrowDiaries and every one that read this interview. Today is a good day and I feel honored to get the master status and this interview. I think this is a nice way to honor growers that are active and serious in this excellent platform. And I know from my own experience that I like this part of Growdiaries a lot, its interesting to read about a grower and get to know them a little more.

Q: Tell us about yourself. Where are you from? What's your passion besides growing? Favorite movie/band/pet?

A: Im 42 years old and live in a house in Sweden 80 km from the Swedish capitol Stockholm in a county called Södermanland. I am married and have 2 children, 15 and 18 years old. Im blond and blue eyed and look like a typical Swedish man and talk English with a Swedish accent just like the stereotype of Swedes :). Me and my wife have been together for 23 years and celebrate 24 years now in November.

I have my own company that plows snow in the winter (and we have a lot of it here :) and in the summer we cut grass with big lawnmowers all around Stockholm, we also plan and build parks, playgrounds and takes care of entire neighborhoods so that it is always clean, safe and functional for residents.

As far as music is concerned, I like most things, but rock and heavy metal make me warm about the heart. I can also reluctantly admit that I like eurodisco from the 90's. When it comes to movies, Clint Eastwood's movies are one of the favorites. Most action films, crime drama, documentaries, war movies, western movies and reality-based movies. I cannot handle family drama, romantic comedies or science fiction and zombie movies. In terms of series, I'm currently watching Designated Survivor, Shooter and The Blacklist.

We have 3 cats at home and one is mine, it’s a wonderful and lovely American Main Coon cat called Hudson, he is 1.5 years old and is a big fellow and 8 kilograms heavy and he will continue to grow until he is 5. I hope he gets to 12 KG like his majestic father. He can also tell if im going to have a seizure and always be by my side until its over, then he leaves and do his thing again.

I am a former pro motocross rider that started riding when I was 3 years old. I have been in the Swedish elite from junior to senior and have competed in the Swedish nationals for many years in different classes  and been in the top ten over my whole career. I stopped pro riding when I was 23 but still rides the bike when I feel and can do it. I have served in the Swedish army and was a part of the Swedish special forces in northern part of Sweden. I was a marksman (Sniper) in that unit. After that I have been self-employed in my own company. My passions are salt licorice, pancakes, crayfish in the Swedish way,  Motocross, Snowmobiles, exercising sports in many different ways and of course my family and work. Im also like nature and traveling.

Q: Why did you start growing?

A: I started growing cannabis to get a medicine that helps me with my nerve aches and seizures. I had tried all kinds of drugs and treatment methods the doctors gave me without it helping me. I have spent about 1 year researching and studying all the studies I've found in terms of medical cannabis before I decided to try it. I had never tried cannabis before in my life.  And when it worked, I started to grow it myself because cbd rich cannabis is impossible to be found in the black market here in Sweden. And I don’t like to sponsor criminal gangs and drug smugglers and i dident know any one that grew cannabis at that point.

In June 2015 I was hit by a car from behind when I was sitting  in my car at a stop light, the oter driver was watching the student girls att the side of the road in ther wite short dresses. He hit me in a speed of 70 km/h (44 mp/h). I got 8 disc rupture in my neck, chest back and lumbar spine. It also hurt my spinal cord and parts of my central nervous system. I live with constant pain throughout the body, it is called nerve pain and it should apparently be the worst pain you can have. It also causes me to have different types of seizures and spasticity in my muscles just like people with Multiple Sclerosis. I sometimes get paralyzed in my legs, face and arms. But not in all parts of the body at the same time.

I have not been able to work physically since my accident but hope I will get the right care and be able to come back to a more normal life. In the end of this month Im going to meet the leading experts in Sweden in this kind of injuries after a year of waiting for them to have the time to take care of me and try to help me.

Q: How did you find out about GrowDiaries?

A: When I was looking for a strain to help me with my problems  I came across CBD Crew from Spain. They helped me to choose strain. When I was about to start my first grow, Line from CBD Crew told me that if a wanted I could use this platform and document my grow. I think I was the first private grower that documented a CBD Therapy in this way.

Q: Do you grow for personal use only?

A: My grows are only for me, but if someone of my GD friends is passing by Sweden I will gladly let them have a real taste of some organic grown and water cured buds.

Q: How do people react when they find out you grow weed? Do you family and friends know you grow?

A: The only ones that know I grow is my wife and you all here in GD, she doesn’t like it but when she sees that this works and makes me feel a lot better she is more understanding. She has gotten her husband back in some way.

Before I started medicating with cbd rich cannabis I was on all the opioids, OxyContin, hydrokodon, Vicodin, kodein ,morfin, fentanyl and tramadol that the doctors had given me. I took 63 pills every day to handle the pain and all Sid effects of the painmedicine. 2 times I have had respiratory arrest by accidental opiate overdose of the drugs the doctor had me on. And the first time my wife saved my life and the second time I was already in hospital so they fixed it there.After the second time I stop taking any pharmaceutical drugs even if my doctor wanted me to continue with them.

Q: What was your first strain to grow?

A: My first strain that I grew was CBD Crews CBD therapy and I documented it here I GD. It was a little scary but it worked out fine and I got fantastic medicine out of it.

Q: Why do you want to keep a Diary of your grow?

A: It’s a way of storing my pictures and a easy way to have all the info about the grow in the same place. I can also look back and see what I did right or wrong so I can fix it to the next grow or discuss it with a other growers here in GD.

Q: Anything you'd like to add?

A: Yes I have a couple of things. I would like to start by thanking Growdiaries for a wonderful platform for us growers and an amazing site that brings so much joy to both me and all other users here. You have created something unique and I hope you will continue to develop as the best site for growers and achieve great success as a business, economically, sizeally and in number of users. Growdiaries is a page that has replaced Facebook for me and I have attached many lovely contacts here both to users and even to seed companies who are very helpful and maintain a high level of service if you have questions about cultivation and such.

And i would like to thank the lovely women @GardenOfAutos, for wanting me to get interview here so i can tell you my story. I have about 15 growers from here that i talk with every day, they are a bunch of crazy, kind, helpful and lovely people. They can get a bad day to be a great day in a instant. And then i have to say thanks to the old guard of growers who have been here at GD since the start, they helped and and took good care of me when i was new here and made me feel welcome. I would also like to thank CBD Crew who helped me when I started looking at doing my own medicine and all the help they have given me. Thank you to all sponsors who help with the totally crazy prizes in the competitions and make GD something unique, I will also like to thank them for their dedication and time on this page. 

For those who do not know anything about Sweden and feel like you'd like to know more about this amazing country, you can always search Sweden in Wikipedia or elsewhere and read a little about it and also check where we are in comparison with your country on the world map. And as a side note, Gd are located at Santa Monica Boulevard if I have the right info. In 2005 me and my friend were in west Hollywood and walking in Santa Monica Boulevard looking for our hotel after been out drinking to many beers. The hotel was the Chamberlain West Hollywood Hotel at 1000 Westmount Drive and they had just opened up the hotel and there were still some work left to be done. When we was going to walk in to the hotel I was so drunk that I had to vomit and it was right outside the entrance and I can still today feel ashamed of the event and the embarrassment of vomiting outside that hotel :).

Q: Whose story do you want to hear next?

A: I would like to hear every growers story that has become a Master Grower. But I have one in mind right now  and that is @Bigpun, he is a Canadian with Scandinavian ancestry's and he loves licorice like me. He also have a interesting story and is a funny and crazy guy with a big Viking beard.

Thank you so much, @CBD_Sweden for sharing this wonderful story with us. We are so happy to have you here, and we wish you best of luck on your way to full recovery. We will be always here to help you with whatever you need. Right, Family? And, seriously, thank you for vomiting in Santa Monica. JK
@Bigpun you are next!
Happy Friday,
GD Team


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Korfercommented7 years ago
You are such an inspiration ! Always the good words and the right advice. I hope you'll get the relief you need in your everyday struggle by always improving your grows thanks to your experience and the GD community. You are truly a good man and deserve the best. You're the true CBD expert ;)
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Korfer, Thanks so much. How good I can inspire and help, I am pleased. I hope and think I will gradually get better, my trip has just begun and i will never give up.
TheFairyBudMothercommented7 years ago
Great interview, CBD. Congratulations!!!! I’m a fan. I appreciate knowing that you also use marijuana as medicine after using pharmaceuticals with terrible side effects. Also yesssss to 90s eurodisco! Seriously how this man keeps cat fur off his weed given 3 cats, at least one of which is enormous, is an achievement!
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@TheFairyBudMother, Thanks Fairy, and im a fan of you. The cats isent allowed to be in that basement and i have 4 doors before i come in to the grow room and always change shoes and shirt when entering the grow area. And of course vacuuming every day outside and inside of the growspace.
Tryhardcommented7 years ago
Great interview and I can respect you that little more For the point you don’t grow cannabis to get high It’s for medical reason for no fault of your own Which I’m sorry to hear about Couldn’t of happend a nicer guy Hope your life goes fulfilled and have many great times ahead And from one cat person to another Congratulations Piece and weed @cbd_sweden
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@@Tryhard, Sometimes the life smacks you right in the testicles and makes your life go to a place were you dont have wished to be. And im thankful for the medical cannabis and what it does for me. Even though life has given me bad cards right now, I am convinced that my life will be as amazing as before and that I will live more normally in the future. peace and weed, and here we go, rock n roll. 🤘🤘😎
WhiteWidowcommented7 years ago
Best interview so far bro, even though i knew all the answers i enjoyed reading it! I wish only the best for you, your wife and kids, your animals, your job.. @bigpun prepare your anus (moose gif-and not the fainting one), you are next hahah
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, Thanks Ww, you make me 😊 with all of the flattery. I have all the best things in life around me, and with that around i will get better and better. 😎
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
@WhiteWidow, hahahaha
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden wonderfull interview cbd! it makes me a little quiet and make a tear fall from my face. i hope you get well very soon! i'm very happy that i met you, you are a true inspiration! one day we will hopefully meet each other in sweden or belgium and have a nice smoke 😘
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, Thank you lovely fiend. No tears needed, this is just a little "road bump" in my life and im happy that its me and nobody else that i love that had to experience this "road bump". Im still that happy guy with good hopes of a normal live in the future. i'm also very happy that i met you, You inspire me with your cense of humor and a good hart. I really hope that we will meet someday, when i get a little more stable in my body and have control over this little "road bump" i will be able to go and meet you somewhere, maybe in your favorite coffee shop in Rotterdam for a nice smoke sesh were its legal? 😘😎
BigDaddyKcommented7 years ago
👍 well done buddy
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@BigDaddyK, Thanks BDK.
Toninocommented7 years ago
This was so awesome to read so great to get to know you better I have always love to read your diary and you keep the bar high for all of us and that is great always happy wen you come see my thanka again for this great interview 😉👏👍
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Tonino, Thanks for the kind words.
Bigpuncommented7 years ago
Congratulations @CBD_ Sweden you really deserve this Master title. Thank you for that great interview buddy. I've only known you a short while but I am honored to call you a friend/ brother. Shit you want me to do one of these things?!... yikes scary.. but if that's what you want buddy I'm in @growdiaries be gentle hahahahaha #foreplay 👍🤘🤘👊🍻🇨🇦
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Bigpun, Thank you my big viking friend. I know its scary, but you will make it and i know that a lot of us here in GD will look forward to get to know you a little more.
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
Bro.. I admire you even more. And I didn't know there was more available. What a great interview. I knew, but I didn't know that. I'm speechless.. It really sucks we have opposite time zones. I'd love to talk to you more. 👊👊😎 you are a F***ing Rock Star
Teamdirtbag2commented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, see I'm right. You are a ROCK STAR. I just have to remember to stay out of your sights. Lol Your just a great person I'm lucky to have met you. 👊😎
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Teamdirtbag2, Thank you Farmer, i have a lot more in stock and you will probably get to know it too in small portions occasionally. Yes the time zones makes the whole thing a little more challenging, but we have to take care of those moments whenever we can. And here we go, Rock N Roll 😎 I'm through with standing' in lines to clubs I'll never get in It's like the bottom of the ninth and I'm never gonna win This life hasn't turned out Quite the way I want it to be (Tell me what you want) I want a brand new house on an episode of Cribs And a bathroom I can play baseball in And a king size tub Big enough for ten plus me (Yeah, so what you need?) I need a a credit card that's got no limit And a big black jet with a bedroom in it Gonna join the mile high club At thirty-seven thousand feet (Been there, done that) I want a new tour bus full of old guitars My own star on Hollywood Boulevard Somewhere between Cher And James Dean is fine for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life For fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair And change my name 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses, drivin' fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger's gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny with her bleach blond hair And well, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes Sign a couple autographs So I can eat my meals for free (I'll have the quesadilla, ha, ha) I'm gonna dress my ass with the latest fashion Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion Gonna date a centerfold that loves To blow my money for me (So how you gonna do it?) I'm gonna trade this life For fortune and fame I'd even cut my hair And change my name 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses, drivin' fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger's gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny with her bleach blond hair And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary of today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Well, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar I'm gonna sing those songs that offend the censors Gonna pop my pills from a Pez dispenser Get washed-up singers writin' all my songs Lipsync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong Well, we all just wanna be big rockstars And live in hilltop houses, drivin' fifteen cars The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat And we'll hang out in the coolest bars In the VIP with the movie stars Every good gold digger's gonna wind up there Every Playboy bunny with her bleach blond hair And we'll hide out in the private rooms With the latest dictionary of today's who's who They'll get you anything with that evil smile Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial Well, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar Hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar
Fun_Growincommented7 years ago
CBD, interesting story friend, best of luck on the injury! looks like The Pack is taking over here 😜💪
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Fun_Growin, Thanks 😀. It will work out fine im sure.😎
MUDBUGcommented7 years ago
Alot of people would have gave up in your postion 👏👏👏 This is why GD is a different forum you dont get this just anywhere people reading,listening, sum are willing to go out there way to help others sum make sum bad ass friends on here i know im just a month in here but seems like ive been here awhile stay strong CBD hope things keep rolling your way brother😧😧✌️✌️
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@MUDBUG, Thanks. To give up have never been my kind of thing, i just try harder until it works out. Thats the beauty of this platform and all of the different growers that are so generous with both the time and effort to help others. Superman is my middle name, so to be strong is no problem 😉 And i be rocking N rolling until its rolling my way. Thanks again and here we go, rock n roll 😎
biggreens420commented7 years ago
Nice interview Bro nice to hear peoples story congratulations
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@biggreens420, Thanks Green.
Tazardcommented7 years ago
Congratulations 🍾. 🎊
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@Tazard1, Thanks a lot Taz.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, try to find John Berfelo Medi Kush strain.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden,yeah it is really expensive, but it's the only one that I can suggest you for medical purpose that is able to brings out all the essentials molecules from your medicine. Others are more recreational gadgets that will burn your lips or your medecine... So ! This is where you must think Xmas is coming 😄 And this could probably be Daddy's own personal gift 😉
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I have tried it and its great. Its expensive but i will buy one when im done investing in my grow room and equipment for it.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, as you are a medical grower for medical use, you might be interested in the Volcano vape ( I suggest you the Mighty) . Getting all the essential healing properties from the vape. You will get more healing molecules in one draw than any other joint or bong .
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XxxAutocommented7 years ago
Congratulations master @CBD_Sweden 👍 and a great story to read from u... greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@XxxAuto, But its a step in the right direction. I hope sweden will follow.
XxxAutocommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, Tak Tak.... think we must continue as usually language until GD has a translation button 😀 And with regard to the release of medical Canna, yes, it is unfortunately just a try and for selected patients 😭
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@XxxAuto,Thanks my nordic friend. Mange tak. Så du er danske og nordiske naboer med mig. Jeg så, at du vil få adgang til medicinsk cannabis efter årsskiftet ligesom Tyskland. Tillykke. Og vil gerne lykønske dig med din mester titel. 😀
DaGrowQueencommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden Congratulations ;-)
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@DaGrowQueen, Thanks 😊
MG2009commented7 years ago
Great read ,much respect sending healing vibes from east coast USA.
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@MG2009, Thanks, i appreciate it.
420_liquidsuncommented7 years ago
Nice interview bro, you deserve it...i hope everything goes well in your rest of life.. congrats.. 👊🏼😎
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@420_liquidsun, Thanks Liquid. Its going to get well and already starting to se improvements and a better quality of life.
ClubRiotcommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden congratulations for the interview! a beautiful story, and you are a very friendly person! good luck!👍
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@ClubRiot, Thanks Club. I try to be that and its nice that you have noticed it.
bobo420commented7 years ago
Great interview, as with others it's always nice to know a bit more about people. Hopefully they'll legalize soon so you can grow your medicine they way you want it. You have nice diaries and lovely strains and from what I've seen you're an all around great dude ;)
CBD_Swedencommented7 years ago
@bobo420, Thanks.