Thanks right off to Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds.... These girls have stunk the wife and us out for a few months now...The odours from these girls is very strong. Part of one girl trimmed and I must say., this is not fun to trim...Very stick, glues your fingers together, gums up the scissors very quickly, and once trimmed, you better have a good ventilated place to dry, or your house is going to smell pretty dank...Looking forward to trying this in about a week. Will fill you in with final tallies..
Final tally in from 2 plants..36 ounces and I only took the bigger colas as my trimming inspiration came to an end. Donated the 3rd plant to a couple of friends.
Now for tastes and effects....Wow, wow wow...very pleasant smoke that goes down very easily, but once in., expands your lungs and makes you hang on. Heart beats loud and strong after finishing one of these blunts and can glue you to the couch if your not careful of your intake. Great night time smoke if you can't sleep, it will help put you into dream land. This strain was recommended by one of the guys at AMS and I can see why it's one of his favs.
Thanks AMS I am going to be in top quality herb for quite some time...🙏: 1:
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2 years ago