This is my second experience growing Crop King’s CBDutch Treat, and has a story to it so please consider the description when seeing the rating (5stars).
Started off as a clone, and transplanted outdoors. One of the first things noticed about CBDutch Treat is that it is a super grower. It stretches, and gains size very quickly. The main stem was larger than a coin very quickly. This plant did great in a cooler, Canadian Maritime climate.
I have far less experience growing outdoors and did not realize that plants can be so photosensitive! It was producing buds by July, immediately after the longest day of summer. I have been told that Afghan varieties can be sensitive to flower at anything less than 20/4 hours of light/dark. So CBDutch Treat triggers immediately in Canada, this plant will be huge quickly, and have buds by July/August. I think that harvest may be in September. I was really thrown off by this timeline. Online I can only find the indoor timeline, and no outdoor prediction.
A quick finisher is ideal for short summers, however, the tradeoff is that you have massive buds very early. When we experienced heavy rains, the temperatures were still warm, which enables more mold and microbes. Partway through flower, at the end of August, I noticed the plant had mold. The massive, huge buds had brown splotches of spores, and the sugar leaves were dying outwards. Considering I had other plants, I made the decision to harvest early (ultimately it may not have been as early as thought, to the points above). Gigantic buds were cut open to reveal bad chemistry that you don’t want to vape - lots of rotted bud was trashed. My final yield is comparable to most of my other grows, so this plant would have broken personal records.
The buds, though white still, turned to orange over the course of the dry and cure. The smell is sweet, of peaches, or cream. This taste persists when vaping, and has been the same through multiple CBDutch Treat Plants. This strain tastes reaaaally good.
Because it is a CBD strain it has 4%THC and 8%CBD. Its light, and perfect for before work, tasks, serious things, or edibles. The effects are slightly energizing. Because I harvested early, it seems a bit different then my first plant. So I expect the effects/potency could vary.
Overall, with a lack of information on outdoor flowering, the total surprise of full buds before September, and then mold so easily ... I can’t really give it a good rating. However, I would still approve growing it - it is a unique, effective strain with a great taste.