Very nice smoke. I'd say it's a mix of body and head high, but mainly a head high. This is among the more euphoric smokes I've tried and I've come to like it a lot. It clears your mind and shots you right off to a happy place where all bad things seems far away 😂
You can hit it in the morning without going back to sleep again and you can spark before you go to bed and still ho to sleep as usual. It doesn't slow you down much but it won't keep you awake either so I'd catagorize it as an all day smoke.
One funny thing compared to most other highs is that it doesn't seem to have much of come down, your just high for 2-3 hours and then all of a sudden the high is gone 😊
When it comes to smell and taste it is very hard to describe. Mainly I'd just say it's pungent ad f*ck. It can really smell up the room in no time. One very funny thing a friend of mine noticed is that I'm curing in 6 jars or so and each jar smells different which is something I've never tried before. The taste of the smoke is much like the smell. It's hard to put words on, but i does not taste like most regular weed.
All in all I'm very satisfied with the outcome both in terms of quantity and quality and of your looking to grow some special quality weed you can definitely go for a Chemdawg 😉
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5 years ago