FFT8, the eighth of the FastBuds fast flowering photoperiod testers. I had referenced being done with the line, but I forgot about this one! Maybe a testament to it hanging out in the background and having a projected window much longer than the rest of the testers (as it was listed as mostly sativa). Fastbuds stated 9 weeks and this is what I brought it to plus one more extra finishing. Harvested as we approached the end of week 10.
Historically, this grow reaches back through my modern modifications to my veg. tent, using different previous soil amendments, and just on the other side of bad pest problems. Plants were grown without any training as a main stalk, and to medium indoor height - none were allowed to become massive plants.
FFT8 was the most delayed of the entire line, took some time to get cooking, and then just displayed a sativa lankiness, thinness, and stretch. It seems to dislike the extreme heat I was dealing with and the bud texture was slightly stringy with pistils everywhere. I placed FFT8 outside in the Eastern Canadian climate to finish up and get frosty, it only mildly appreciated that move and did accumulate trichomes, but I have no faith it would have grown better outdoors in that spot. Bulking was average at best, not much swell, it just kept that slender shape.
Smells during growing were pretty non-notable, and it didn’t really blow me away upon dry and cure. I get a great deal of just neutral herb, maybe a touch of a few other things, but generally nothing. This one really only does well as a background mixer.
Like all the Fastbuds testers, where aroma and flavour lack, the effects are really good. My brain confirms this is sativa, I almost get no body relaxation at all, and the feeling is only in my head. Not over the top concussive, but definitely gets your thoughts a bit wound up. Can’t underestimate the potency. This is a useful strain to focus on something or get creative.
My rating will of course be subpar because its missing alot of elements I select for. It did not seem to thrive in harsh and changing conditions, I didn’t clone (my choice) so I’m not sure the viability, the smells are mild, and the bulking is only modest.
Like all these testers, a seasoned professional can really do wonders. You check out BudXs, and you will know what I mean. But for the general population, some of these will just remain testers. I couldn’t get anything special out of this one. I have gifted to others and hopefully get schooled by them too. 6/10