The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Snow Ryder Auto
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Snow Ryder Auto

Global pos.
4 harvests
Global pos.
4 harvests

The two most important features of SnowRyder are her auto-flowering capability and the sparkling, resin crystals that cover her mature buds like a blanket of snow. Auto-flowering cannabis begins blooming according to the age of the plant, rather than the light cycle, and this tendency gives SnowRyder growing advantages both indoors and out. SnowRyder seeds produce plants which normally begin flowering around the time they has produced their 6th to 9th set of true leaves, (typically 6-8 weeks in good growing conditions). SnowRyder is not a dwarf cannabis strain, nor will she grow out of control due to grower error (such as vegetating too long). SnowRyder´s final height is more or less pre-determined, with most plants finishing around 90-120cm. Outdoors, auto-flowering means that SnowRyder seeds can be started early in Spring to have her flowering in June or July (when the weather is at its best) and finished by September. Plants are sturdy and internodal gaps remain short in good conditions. Buds are Indica-tight, frosted with sticky resin and have a sweet-spicy, earthy-citrus flavour. SnowRyder cannabis gives a deep body stone that´s tempered by a breezy high.

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Snow Ryder Automatic - First GrowKekke
Snow Ryder Auto
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+1 strain
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Snow Ryder Auto
Growing it
Der Rauch ist sehr angenehm, er ist nicht zu vergleichen mit gekauftem Gras von der Straße. Die Wirkung geht beim Rauchen in den Kopf und bleibt eine Weile, beim ausklingen geht es in den Körper. Sehr sehr angenehm und nicht zu stark. Ich würde sagen SnowRyder ist eher tagsüber zu rauchen. Da es mein aller erster Grow war, habe ich natürlich viele Fehler gemacht. Obwohl ich von vornherein eigentlich alles wusste da ich mich in vielen Foren belesen habe. Beim nächsten Grow werden in die Töpfe fast bis oben hin mit Substrat füllen. Es war ein wenig mühsam mit dem LST und Wässern. Da der Rand der Töpfe deutlich höher war wie der niedrigste Pukt des Substrats. Der nächste Fehler der mir passiert ist, ich habe den run-off erst sehr spät gemessen.Der pH-Wert war fast bei allen Pflanzen bei 4 bis 4,4. Zum Glück habe ich mir vor dem Grow pH-plus besorgt und konnte es sofort korrigieren. Was sehr unangenehm war das der ph-Tester nicht richtig funktioniert hatte. Mit dem neue Gerät konnte ich alles korrigieren. Kurz gesagt viele Fehler und ein passables Ergebnis. The smoke is very pleasant, it cannot be compared with grass bought on the street. The effect goes into the head when smoking and stays for a while, when it fades into the body. Very, very pleasant and not too strong. I would say SnowRyder is more likely to smoke during the day. Google "Translation" Since it was my very first grow, I made a lot of mistakes, of course. Although I actually knew everything from the start because I read through many forums. The next time you grow, the pots will be filled almost to the top with substrate. It was a bit of a chore with the LST and watering. Because the edge of the pots was significantly higher than the lowest point of the substrate. The next mistake that happened to me was that I measured the run-off very late; the pH value was 4 to 4.4 in almost all plants. Fortunately, I got hold of the Grow pH-plus and was able to correct it immediately. What was very uncomfortable was that the ph tester did not work properly. With the new device I was able to correct everything. In short, a lot of mistakes and a passable result.
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4 years ago
Snow Ryder Auto
Growing it
Fruity in mouth, and very sweet, even without curing. I felt relaxed and in a better mood overall (Kratom might have helped tho). This plant was very quick to flower and stayed short the whole time (about 50cm tall), easy to work with in any way and have the best smell I've ever smelled. I recommand this plant for first time growers and/or people who enjoy a very fruity smell and a chill induced state of mind.
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6 years ago

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