The plant of course is much more smaller with the restricted root zone causing a bonsai effect. However, she performed really well under the circumstances with a relatively large yield all things considered. I usually smoke high CBD but was very impressed with this high. Let's see how it goes after spending more time under the influence.
Growing in the solo cup sized container proved to be much more challenging than a regular grow. The plant soon became stressed dealing with the tiny root zone making everything hyper sensitive. The first issue was showing as tip burn even though the ppm was kept in the 650-850 range. Then the leaves showed a general yellowing overall specially showing at the bottom fan leaves. At this point I was changing the nutrient solution every 2-3 days trying different nutrient brands and concentrations seemingly without much success. It was a nerve wracking period which ultimately lead me back to General Hydroponics with amendments. I did learn that the plant can weather the storm even with less than perfect vegetative leaves while she focuses all her energies into calyx production. It’s was upsetting to see less than stellar health but eventually all the leaves drop and the flowers power on seemingly without issue.
The cascading diamond structure developed as a result of a couple broken branches that occurred during the training process in an effort broaden the plant profile with wider lateral spacing. Although initially upset when the fractured branches that withered after being bandaged up and . After removal of said branches it was exciting to see the new possibilities. The cascade formation called for additional side lighting to maintain uniform bud size all the way down the front lower end of the plant. I was looking to create a stadium like effect.
The experience of operating the visual hydroponic unit called for a number of practical adjustments along the way. Although initially, very excited with the system concept as an integrated design with nutrient solution supply and gravity drain through the pump, with the air supply inside the pipe with the air bubbler acting as the drain/root filter... in hindsight, obviously, it would not work as the root mass became denser and denser. The first issue, as the path of least resistance, the air was forced back down the nutrient supply pipe. This prevented the pump from priming itself and subsequently no nutrient solution delivery was even possible. As a result, the original air stone was left in place to prevent the roots from entering the nutrient tank and a new bubbler stone simply added to the tank itself.
Although the original idea was for the air to be continuously pumping directly through the roots, the flood and drain would actually be just as good when drawing the fresh air in and out with each pump/drain of nutrient solution. The ON cycle was initially set to 10 seconds which eventually became 30 seconds as the roots mass grew denser. This proved to be too unreliable as the fill level was no longer consistent which required constant monitoring to be sure that there was no flooding over and above the container lid. It which case, a simple feeder tube to the top of the root zone was the best option. The ON cycle was set to 5 seconds with a 15 minute OFF interval. Overall the biggest concern was the timer itself, which had several bad reviews for malfunctions with growers losing their plants. However, I have no choice as this was one of the few timers that was capable of cycling down to the second but it all workout fine in that regard… no problem.
Was it a perfect grow?... no, definitely not. However, as a relative beginner, it was definitely a great learning experience. Mostly, I need to work on the nutrient blend and concentration. For more control, a backup tank with float valve delivery to maintain the water level for this particular system would be a good idea as well.