Yo, get ready cuz I aint got time for the
b!Tches - Sing with me go go go
High as f
Whats up my friends how is it going?
Im just happy I did some crazy stuff on this gorilla girl after having the accident with the main trunk thank God it healed and created other colas but since she was so bushy I went and defoliate her some more, she got bushy again but left her like that didnt fck with her no more until I had to for specific REASONS but before that I also went and literally stab two of her branches, you will see duct tape covering those, reason I did that was to force her to produce more flower thru those branches believing that HEALING redirects vitamins from living soil when feed in a schedule with the right nutes, she gets healed real fast plus she got real bud on those two branches that were stabbed.
IT was literally something to force her produce more bud and yes indeed it worked those bud suites right now are fully loades on tips are very dense thc yellowish and then white hairs and the main trunk has white hairs good size fattening up and yielding some more but still not so many yellow dark amber hairs like in those branches that were stabbed lol
I called that SiriuzShot lol
Hey guys whats up its just about getting creative, look at how green my leaves are and the nice nice bud is coming up
We at mid bloom right now brothers just switched schedule to 18/6 Flowering girls need resting time added fan for extra air flow and hopefully adds density to buds???
Yo give your tips suggestion anything related organically home made whats good lemme know so I can keep fattening up this ladies very well
Hey by the way added some molasses and banana tea with some other tea and sugary stuff they taking it well, no nute burnt no problems at all girls liked it x 100000
Good stuff organically
Lemme know if anything alright
Stay tuned for more
Check me out @cannagrowersiriuz
Take it easy son have fun
Happy growing