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So, Week 4 is done and the Sweet Seeds Gorilla Girl XL Autos are slowly coming along. It has been even colder in Canada this past week and temperatures in the tent have been hovering around the 70 degree mark. The humidity has come up a bit to around 30% and this is an improvement but the combination of too cold + humidity too low = small, struggling but surviving plants. It’s disappointing but this is consistently my toughest grow cycle of the year. Other than that, I increased the water to 4 litres per watering which is still being done every 4th day- so that’s 0.7 of a litre per plant per day. Although I was planning on topping all four of these plants following my previous Sweet Seeds grow experience, these ladies are just not up for it- too small, too slow and surviving not thriving. I will look forward to that with my next and final Sweet Seeds grow so stay tuned for that in future. Mom’s Tip for Week #4- Cleanliness is next to Godliness!… I wholeheartedly feel that a clean and organized tent/grow room is essential for a successful grow. I often see other growers leaving dead foliage to pile up in the bottom of their tents, watering with no drip trays or not cleaning their space in between grow cycles. They are often plagued with unwanted visitors, fungal infections and a nasty build up of crud in the most precious place- your happy garden! Here are my top tips for keeping your tent/grow room clean, organized and consistently productive. Always remove dead or defoliated foliage from the bottom of your tent and take it all the way out of the immediate growing area/room. Biodegrading foliage provides the perfect environment for unwanted insects/pests to hide in and feed on- potentially creating an infestation that could devastate your crop and contaminate future grows. I place all green materials including my post harvest plants into the compost pile where it breaks down creating beautiful, natural fertilizer for future grows! Always use drip trays when watering or clean up excess dirty water that seeps through your pots/containers- potentially creating ideal conditions for various fungi and molds that can affect your plants, equipment and perhaps even you. I use inexpensive, plastic drip trays to catch any run off instead of relying on the waterproof bottom that is sold with my tent. I have personally witnessed the mold that can grow on and between these waterproof bottoms and the actual bottom of your tent as well as moisture so severe that it rotted through the stitching/seams of an otherwise perfect tent. Always clean your tent/grow room in between each and every grow cycle as well as throughout the grow as needed- potentially avoiding cross contamination from the previous grow and maintaining a high daily standard. Aside from insects and pests, fungi and molds- pollen from a previous grow gone wrong can wreak havoc on future grows if not dealt with correctly. I thoroughly vacuum my entire tent and wipe it down with a hot water/bleach solution applied with a spray bottle and a clean cloth. I also use a cordless Black and Decker hand vac conveniently mounted on a wall near the tent for daily maintenance and clean ups as needed. Keeping your tent, immediate grow space and supplies organized will also make things easier. I keep everything up and off the floors and if possible stored in rubbermaid type containers. This allows for quick and easy sweeping/vacuuming, wiping/dusting and the deep cleans required in between grows. All of the above mentioned tips will help increase the odds in your favour for a successful grow/harvest but they will also increase the longevity of your equipment too. Growing Cannabis at home can be quite a hefty initial investment so if a little light cleaning can make my core components (tent, lights, intake/exhaust fans, etc.) last longer, work better and equal more bang for my buck- it’s a no brainer!
Everyone is looking great right now! Even the small sativas! All the indicas needed daily low-stress training and some fan leaves to be cut off to expose more light to the bud sites. Really holding on to a lot of potential right now. Hoping for the best!
she's popping up with her buds now. Her size is kinda cute given the size of the pot she's in. She's having this white spots on her leaves but I don't think its powdery mildew and she's the only one that has it. Looking forward to seeing her flowers in the next few weeks.
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 10/09/21 😿 well they held out as long as they could but 2:3 plants folded like a cheap suit.. a combination of stretch and crazy weight.. these buds are as dense as cucumber lol, even harder that the impossibly dense Critical P's we grew.. I had to invite a friend to give them a squeeze, to ensure there's more than 1 party to this fish tale lmao 😹..long story short the tent is a mess, we staked a few the best we could and made a few mains comfortable to finish on their side..we don't plan to move them until they're finished.. the next run in this tent will have to be aesthetically pleasing to make up for this hideous finish..*balance*..all plants are fading fast after cutting their feed, we're doing water only and they should be fully washed out come harvest ❤️..thanks for reading if you made it this far and happy harvests everyone!!💡🌱 😽💨 Youtube: ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ 10/12/21 Buds are swelling and the crystals are really piling on, however the tent is a mess lol...I'm really looking forward to harvesting these plant... trichs are still mostly clear, we definitely have some time left
Esta semana hubo un par de noches de tormenta, por suerte pude resguardarla bajo un invernadero improvisado y no sufrió daños. Aun sigue pidiendo bastante agua aunque no tanta como hace unas semanas. Queda poco para la cosecha, las colas están duras y pesadas, pero sus ramas parecen aguantar el peso sin problemas.
Ya se acerca el día de la cosecha aunque sigue produciendo flores nuevas, el olor es fuerte, penetrante y hasta cierto punto picante. Estoy regando solo con agua y así seguiré hasta que la corte.
Ultima actualización antes de la cosecha. Los tricomas ya parecen estar en su punto así que esta noche o mañana procederé a su poda y corte.
Se acerca el día de la cosecha, los cogollos están duros como piedras. Sólo riegos con agua conforme la va demandando.
07-10-2021: Bonding is a daily routine right now but that is just as I am used to in second week 12/12. One lady broke, probably to much tension. I fixed her with candle wax, will probably survive that without being slowed down. And if she is slowed down that is not too bad because she grows the fastest of all. Need to remove some leaves one day because light is not penetrating very great as you can see on the pictures. Starting to wonder if the differences between the ladies onder the Mars Hydro are because of the light or because of the strain.09-10-2021 09-10-2021: First signs of early flower are visible😬. I am guessing I switched to 12/12 just in time. Net is almost full, plenty of room for the buds to develop. Nutrients are taken up very fast now. EC is still dropping and PH is still rising so nothing to change. Next week I will raise the CO2 level to 1000 ppm. 11-10-2021: Net is almost full so flowering can start now if you ask me.. Very curious about this round since I am still experimenting with the CO2 and temperature. This night I raise the CO2 level to 1200PPM, just to see what happens. (Yes I can see the impact of these adjustments over one night) 14-10-2021: raised EC to 1.7... Seem to love it. Probably combined with the extra CO2
Everything is dialed in :) still 650 PPFD and 28 cm plant to light. The vegetativ growth is going strong. Kept the LST tight and tried to form a good conopy. A lot of the floor space is covered.