[DAY 57] - 27/07/2022
- Lamp 40 cm from the center of the canopy and 100% dimmer (150 watt);
- TEMP. 29°-30° - RH 70%;
- In the next few days I will raise the EC from 1.2/1.3 up to 1.5/1.7 and increase the bloom dose, at the moment I am still giving the pre-flo dose;
- I'm trying to promote the growth of the left side and for this reason I moved the lamp far to the left in order to get more light in those still low points (for two days, then it will come back to the center of the box);
- This also allows me to bring the lamp closer to the highest right branch, as it only gets side light. For this reason, despite the proximity there should be no burning problems, I will keep the situation under control;
[DAY 58] - 28/07/2022
- Lamp 40 cm from the center of the canopy and 100% dimmer (150 watt);
- TEMP. 29°-30° - RH 70%;
- EC 1.5 - PH 6;
- Today I added 1.5 liter to the DWC with this composition: Water EC 0; Silicate and CalMag up to 0.4; A+B up to 1.4; Bloombastic up to 1.7; 0.2 ml/l Hydro booster; 2 ml/l H2O2
[DAY 59] - 29/07/2022
- Lamp 44 cm from the center of the canopy (22 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (150 watt); - moved the lamp 10 cm away more to promote stretch (tip by my friend @SwissKush);
- TEMP. 29°-30° - RH 70%;
- EC 1.5 - PH 6;
- A lot of resin on the leaves, nice smell;
- Took a video for a growquestion.
[DAY 60] - 30/07/2022
- Lamp 43 cm from the center of the canopy (20 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (150 watt); - tomorrow I raise lamp 5 cm more;
- TEMP. 29°-30° - RH 70%;
- EC 1.7 - PH 6;
- Removed 3 damaged leaves, with the beginning of next week I will make a big cut under the net, there are too many leaves and flowering sites that do not take light and it is useless to keep them;
- She's drinking about 2.5 liter of solution/day
[DAY 61] - 31/07/2022
- Lamp 46 cm from the center of the canopy (23 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (150 watt);
- TEMP. 29°-30° - RH 60%;
- EC 2 - PH 5.9;
- Removed some damaged leaves and a few leaves that were stealing too much light to the lower flowering sites, about fifteen leaves removed. 10 hours to recover from it.
Still a lot to cut down there in the coming days when buds begin to form;
- The EC went up by about 0.3 in 24 hours, this is due to the Bloombastic, the plant does not want it for now;
- From tomorrow I will proceed to a small flush by adding 2 liters of water a day with EC 0 to prepare the DWC for the new feed for the new week (which will start on day 64).
[DAY 62] - 1/8/2022
- Lamp 46 cm from the center of the canopy (22 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (150 watt);
- TEMP. 30°/31° - RH 40-50%;
- EC 1.8 - PH 5.8; added 2 liter of demineralized water EC 0 - PHed
[DAY 63] - 2/8/2022
- Lamp 46 cm from the center of the canopy (22 cm from the top) and 100% dimmer (144 watt);
- TEMP. 30°/31° - RH 40-50%;
- EC 1.6 - PH 6; added 2 liter of demineralized water EC 0 - PHed. Tomorrow I'll replace the whole bucket with new feed EC 1.7 PH 6;
- I believe the plant is no longer growing, and I also notice that the buds are slowly swelling. Tomorrow I tie back the main colas and then in the next days I will remove everything that does not get light, I hope it reacts well 🙏