flipped to flower a couple days ago. you'll see a defoliation in the timelapse, they bounce back just so quick it's insane. just barely started stretching yesterday/today. super excited for that and to see how my canopy / quadline works out in the end.
i've gone down a whole living soil / organics rabbit hole recently with BuildASoil and One Straw Revolution etc etc. I really think I'm going to switch to large living soil beds for my next grow. That said, I've started adding in some foliar and root drenches with organic products - BuildABloom, fish hydrolysate, freeze dried coconut and aloe. Plants seem to really be enjoying it, after applying they just seem so happy. really happy with the smell I'm getting and don't even have pistils, much less flower yet.
So that's pretty much where I'm at. Wyze camera dropped the ball on the timelapse for the...sixth week in a row. I set it up, it seems to be running fine all week and then at the end it's missing days and corrupted. I got my hands on a linux script to make timelapses out of the raw footage, so this week I'm just recording continuously and going to try and run that.