🏆 Last chance to vote!
(11.20.18) Hello friends,, I'm going to update this grow on my computer since the phone is struggling to even handle typing this message... I'll try to have everything ready by tomorrow. Much love (11.21.18) ~ Update ~ Hello again! I have some good news! The buds are purple and beautiful, I can’t wait to see the end results :) I hoped the cold weather would bring out some purple qualities and boom! It did it :D as a side note it was a bit weird making a vlog while being sick but hey that’s how it goes. I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy the holidays my friends, much love <3 ~ Individual Progress Notes ~ [CBD Blueberry] Height: 23” Tops: 7 Notes: This girl may be the weirdest one but she’s got the buds! I’m not sure what will become of this mutated girl, though I’m sure she’ll have fantastic anti anxiety qualities. I might turn most of the end product into RSO. Though I’ll cure and keep some on the side for times of need. [Mazar] Height: 22” Tops: 16 Notes: Had a bit of nute burn, not too much though. I’m going to feed this girl separately so I can avoid stressing her out. The Mazar has the most bud sites, this make her buds smaller in comparison to CBD and SSH. [Super Silver Haze] Height: 23” Tops: 16 Notes: I have to say it, this plant might be my favorite. I love Mazar and all her fluffy beauty but the heavy stems, big fans, packed buds, she took my number spot! I love how strong and easy it is to deal with her. As a new grower I couldn’t ask for a better beginner strain. [White Widow] Height: 23” Tops: 16 Notes: Okay, White Widow will always be my numero uno. An all day smoke that never gets old (to me). I could work, study, game, or sleep without any distractions or odd effects. This might be in part to my personal chemistry, so I can’t say this will affect you the same way. I hope this girl is like all the WW I’ve had before or better! ~ Final Thoughts ~ As I bring my weekly update to a close I wanted to say thank you all for the support and comments, you have no idea how grateful I am to each and every one of you. Enjoy the holidays, much love & good grow’n <3
Experiencing what seems to be my first nutrient lock out. Bought a soil ph tester from homdepo its reading 7.0 so that what bring me to that conclusion on top of the slower growing and the slight yellowing around the leaves. I was being cheap and using the liquid ph tester that comes with the ph up and down and im regretting now seeing my plants in not the best condition. Im ordering a better ph pen today i used the vivosun one the i currently have got the water to 5.8 checked the run off and its at 6.2 hopefully that helps. Saturday im going to top dress and water at 5.8 aging and im thinking that should put me back on track Any advice i could definitely use some tips and pointers
8/27 I think I mightve been overwatering. It's so hard to tell when the conditions change week to week. That's Maine for ya. Bags were still heavy and plants were soaked. I tried to shake the more advanced flowering plants without sending water everywhere. That's how septoria spreads. The event horizon I treated with plant doctor looks the best it ever has. It's tile for another application on the toasted toffy. I'm seeing a few spots again. I didn't have time to take pictures or do a video. This video is from last night. I'll treat that toasted toffy again today and I'll record it here. After I see it working u may treat the others. I see some residue of k bicarb but it has pretty much eradicated the pm. I know it will always be there but these treatments seem to be working. I'll be adding beastie bloom to my line up soon. EVERYDAY I go over the buds are bigger more compact and dense. Event horizon, toasted toffy and the red runtz (I think) in the 50 are flowering to beat hell! The get bigger everytime I see them. I can smell them as soon as I round the corner. This is going to be a good year. These strainsxare high in thc. Maybe I gave up some mold resistance and a harder to grow strain but if I can make it to the end it will be fire. WENT BACK OVER AROUND 5. OBVIOUSLY IN THIS SCORCHING 80°+ day the seedling in the 10 was dry as a popcorn fart. Some other plants seemed dry when I stuck my arm down the bag but I could feel some moisture when I pushed my finger through the medium. They WILL need water but I'm not giving it to them tonight. Took a shit ton if pictures and a video this morning. I'll uploadcthat shit tomorrow. I'm trying to do a couple right now. Anyway I continued to defoliate what needs it. Flowers are swelling. I GAVE THE TOASTED TOFFY ITS 2ND TREATING OF PLANT DOCTOR. I USED A QTR GALLON OF A 4 TSP PER GALLON MIXTURE. I MADE SURE TO GET AS MUCH OF THE FOLIAGE AS POSSIBLE AND THEN I USED THE RESTCON THE MEDIUM. I SHOULDVE PROBABLY WATERED THAT ONE BUT ITS GOING TO RAIN TONIGHT. AT LEAST I HOPE IT IS. Looks like some of the pics are uploading! Yay! The plants looked the best I've ever seen them tonight so I held off watering. My wife is I'll and may need to go to the hospital. So instead of watering prematurely I can monitor the situation and make a decision in the morning. I made enough phed water for my father to go around and water everything. He is aware of the situation. Hopfully that will not be necessary. However, I don't want to over water and I feel like they didn't want it. Just going with my intuition. It's done me pretty good so far. 8/28 Luckily no hospital. It's sprinkling out. Plants are covered in water so we got SOME rain. It says we will get 0.00 but that can't be right. I watered the 10 yesterday and everything else this morning with a gallon each except the middle gmo in the 30 which got 1.5 gallons. Did not water the one in the 50 gal pot. It looks a little overwatered. Also looks like it has a slight calcium/magnesium deficiency. I'll up the calmag and i'll make sure when I do water I'll water thoroughly. Like usual toasted toffy is looking better after the treatment. The all star has been the k bicarb. I haven't seen shit for pm. Just a little residue from the k-bicarb. Took a video and some pictures. This is the fun time. I like watching the buds develop. Some of these plants were monster cropped so they are STACKED. I'll keep what I do updated. 8/29 Made an awesome video today bit it won't upload. Probably because its a little over 2 minutes. I'll do another one if it won't upload. Nope it won't even attempt to upload it now. Oh well. They flowers just looked so pretty this morning. I noticed some WPM on the event horizon in the middle. I noticed SOME on the bottom and interior of the GMO that I had already identified. I'll do another k-bicarb treatment and see how that goes. Plant Doctor seems to he doing a pretty good job on the septoria on toastedctoffy and my favorite event horizon. That plantvis THICK. it's going to be stacked and have some huge colas. I need to LST it and suppirt those giant colas and separate them a bit more. There is never any shortage of work to be done I can tell you that. I have defoliation to do on the sherb pie and the middle event horizon. It seems like crisis after crisis. Bu my plants are STRONG. 8/30 It was in the 40s at 6am. Shook off the plants. Bags are still heavy. I see some septoria climbing a bottom branch of the toasted toffy. It's foggy as hell out. Can't see a foot in front of me. Saw a LITTLE PM on the gmo I've been treating. It's just time to apply the ki bicarb. Plant Doctor is working wonders on even horizon in the back. I see some pm on the one in the middle. I think I'll treat that with plant doctor as well. I'm not sure. I messed up the video. I've got work to do. I'm waiting until I water and I'll feed again. I'm going to add beastie bloom to the lineup this time I think. Only one plant seems like it m9ght be too early for it. We'll see. I need to look back. I'll document what I do. Video won't upload. I'll try later but it's sideways WENT OVER AROUND 3PM AND EVERYTHING LOOKED FABULOUS. WELL....THE PLANT I DIDNT WATERCLAST TIME IN THE 50 WAS DROOPING SO I GAVE IT A GALLON AND A HALF. THE TEN WAS LIGHT SO I GAVE IT A GALLON. IT WASNT DROOPY BUT ITS A HUGE PLANT IN A 10GAL AND USES A LOT OF WATER. I WAS PLANNING TO GO CHECK THEM TONIGHT AND SEE IF THEY NEEDED WATER BUT EVERYTHING IS PRAYING TO THE SUN! I DONT WANT TO OVERWATER AND I BELIEVE THESE WOULD BE BEST SUITED TO BE WATERED IN TGE MORNING. ILL FEED THIS TIME AS WELL. IM CONSIDERING ANOTHER APP OF K BICARB. TOOK A FEW PICTURES AND VIDEOS BUT ILL NEED TO UPLOAD 8/31 FED AND WATERED EVERYTHING. TOASTED TOFFY DIDNT GET FED DUE TO SEPTORIA AND THE 10 ISNT FAR ENOUGH ALONG.. THE 50 WAS WATERED YESTERDAY BUT GOT THE FEED WITH A LITTLE MORE WATER THIS MORNING. I ADDED ABOUT 1/16 TSP BEASTUE BLOOM TO THE REGULAR LINEUP TO SEE HOW IT GOES. MY BUDDY TOLD ME LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH PM. I WENT BACK OVER TO DEFOLIATE AND LOOK FOR PM AND I FOUND IT. ON THE GMO INTETIOR AND SOME BOTTOM BRANCHES. I DEFOLIATED WHAT WAS BAD AND THEN I SPRAYED 3 GMO'S, EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE AND SHERB PIE WITH K-BICARB. HOPFULLY THAT WILL KEEP THINGS OUT OF CONTROL. I WILL BE WATCHING AND KEEPING UP WITH FUNGACIDES. IF I FIND ONE NOT WORKING ILL SWITCH IT UP. I HAVE A FEW OPTIONS. BUDS ARE EXPLODING IN GROWTH! WINDY OUT. I SAW A SECONDARY BRANCH LIMP AND MY GEART SUNK. I LOOKED DOWN THOUGH AND SAW THAT IT JUST WAS BLOWN HATD AGAINST THE TOMATO CAGE AND SNAPPED. I REMOVED IT WITB A SIGH OF RELIEF. MY BUDDY SAYS THE SEPTORIA DOESNT LOOK TO BAD AND ITS PRETTY FAR IN FLOWER SO HE THINKS ILL BE ALRIGHT. NEVER GROWING CLONES AGAIN. ILL STICK TO SEEDS AND STEAINS MADE FOR MAINES 9/1 Forgot to write an entry. IT RAINED FOR A BIT BUT TURNED TO BRIGHT 80'S 9/2 WATERED EVERYTHING. I THINK ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER TREATMENT OF PLANT DOCTOR TODAY. The septoria is getting a little worse. The buds are swelling everyday though. I think this plant only has a month left. I just need to outrun it. So far so good. I think my watering habits are better now. It's different depending on weather. Potassium bicarb has been wonderful treating the pm on that gmo. I treated the middle event horizon with it as well. It seems to work awesome. I'm losing tons of leaves. I hope that's normal senescence. I think it is seeing as how I see SOME foliage in the woods. Its matching other diaries. The plant must shed some leaves to make these flowers that seem to double in size every time I see them! Trying to upload a couple videos but they are long so we'll see what happens. WENT BACK OVER AT NIGHT ANDCAPPLIED A LITTLE BIT OF K BICARB AND DEFOLIATED WHAT I SAW ON THAT GMO. IVE BEEN DEFOLIATING WHAT SEEMS LIKE A LOT BUT BUDS ARE SWELLING AND ITS CONGRUENT WITH THE MAJORITY OF MY DIARIES. I WISH I HAD PERFECT CONDITIONS BUT I DONT. I TREATED THE EVENTHORIZON WITH PLANT DOCTOR AGAIN. I USED APPROX A QTR GALLON OF 2 TSP/GALLON AND TRIED TO AVOID BUDS WHILE STILL GETTING THE LEAVES. I KINDA USED THE REST AS A SQUALCH SINCE I HAD WATERED THIS MORNING. THE WIND WAS STRONG. I ADDED A GARDEN STAKE AND ROPE SUPPORT TO THE TOASTED TOFFY AND ATTACHED IT RIGHT TO THE FRAME OF THE CAGE. LOOKS GOOD FOR NOW. ILL KEEP THINGS UPDATED.
Day 14. Second dose of nutes. Day 17. Trimmed leaf and bent plant over LST. Day 18. Side branches coming in nicely. Day 19. HST side branches.
Servus Hab jetzt mal ein zweiten Run begonnen. 1 Mutant war leider dabei. Dafür läufts mit den anderen Pflanzen glaube recht gut … Mal schauen ob der 1 m geknackt wird
Papaya sherbet has truly exploded in the first week of flower truly excited to see what comes out of this plant never stops surprising me a little needs a little defoliation and a nice water not going to do much until the third week of flower don’t want to stunt her 🔥💪
Experiencing what seems to be my first nutrient lock out. Bought a soil ph tester from homdepo its reading 7.0 so that what bring me to that conclusion on top of the slower growing and the slight yellowing around the leaves. I was being cheap and using the liquid ph tester that comes with the ph up and down and im regretting now seeing my plants in not the best condition. Im ordering a better ph pen today i used the vivosun one the i currently have got the water to 5.8 checked the run off and its at 6.2 hopefully that helps. Saturday im going to top dress and water at 5.8 aging and im thinking that should put me back on track Any advice i could definitely use some tips and pointers
Experiencing what seems to be my first nutrient lock out. Bought a soil ph tester from homdepo its reading 7.0 so that what bring me to that conclusion on top of the slower growing and the slight yellowing around the leaves. I was being cheap and using the liquid ph tester that comes with the ph up and down and im regretting now seeing my plants in not the best condition. Im ordering a better ph pen today i used the vivosun one the i currently have got the water to 5.8 checked the run off and its at 6.2 hopefully that helps. Saturday im going to top dress and water at 5.8 aging and im thinking that should put me back on track Any advice i could definitely use some tips and pointers or advice
Experiencing what seems to be my first nutrient lock out. Bought a soil ph tester from homdepo its reading 7.0 so that what bring me to that conclusion on top of the slower growing and the slight yellowing around the leaves. I was being cheap and using the liquid ph tester that comes with the ph up and down and im regretting now seeing my plants in not the best condition. Im ordering a better ph pen today i used the vivosun one the i currently have got the water to 5.8 checked the run off and its at 6.2 hopefully that helps. Saturday im going to top dress and water at 5.8 aging and im thinking that should put me back on track Any advice i could definitely use some tips and pointers or advice
Today marks the 7th week of flowering for my cannabis plant, and it's truly fascinating to observe the changes that are taking place. The stretching phase has officially come to an end, and now the plant is fully focused on developing its buds. I can see that the buds are starting to swell and gain size, which is a promising sign of a healthy flowering process. I've adjusted the feeding schedule with BioBizz products to match the plant's current needs. Overall, the plant looks healthy and vigorous. The pistils are turning a beautiful shade, and the resin production is beginning to increase. I’m excited to see how the buds will continue to develop over the next few weeks. I’ll keep monitoring closely and make sure everything stays on track. Be excited for the coming weeks 💚🌱🌱
Today marks the 7th week of flowering for my cannabis plant, and it's truly fascinating to observe the changes that are taking place. The stretching phase has officially come to an end, and now the plant is fully focused on developing its buds. I can see that the buds are starting to swell and gain size, which is a promising sign of a healthy flowering process. I've adjusted the feeding schedule with BioBizz products to match the plant's current needs. Overall, the plant looks healthy and vigorous. The pistils are turning a beautiful shade, and the resin production is beginning to increase. I’m excited to see how the buds will continue to develop over the next few weeks. I’ll keep monitoring closely and make sure everything stays on track. Be excited for the coming weeks 💚🌱🌱
Day 15 - Gave the girls 500ml of plain RO at 6.3(ish) PH. Watered in a ring around 'em to encourage the roots to spread out. Day 16 - Didn't do anything today just monitoring grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD etc. Day 17 - Waterred 'em down again, 500ml plain RO at ~ 5.9 PH. Days 18 &19 - Nothing done, just monitoring the grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD, etc. Day 20 - Waterred 'em down with around 700ml plain RO at ~ 6.1 PH. Day 21 - Didn't do anything today just monitoring grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD etc. Notes: I'm starting an Arduino project that automatically waters the plants based on the soil moisture and will calculate weekly water consumption. I already have one setup that does all of that and has a water level indicator that alerts me when the water level is low. Automatic Watering Kit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4746 Soil Moisture Kit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4241