Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino x Ruderalis
So far no nutrients in the water as of yet.
Starting to stink around day 19 of flower. Nice smooth skunky smell. Not exactly skunk. But smooth and sweet. Heat is not as bad but still pretty bad.
pH is good.
No visible signs of pests* or pathogens.
*pests* little fruit fly looking bugs that don’t land but hover around. And a tiny spider trying to catch them. Web production from this spider has been extremely minimal, and when present, only existing connecting from leaf tip to leaf tip; On the fan leaf tips furthest away from the center.
I haven’t removed the spider as it appears as an overwhelmingly insignificant problem, in fact: maybe a potential deterrent from other unwanted pests, like a protector/guardian. Either way I easily clear away any webs with my hands without even feeling or noticing anything. I think in the video, he is blurred out of focus on a leaf tip. Anyways. If the lil arachnid gets closer in towards the buds, I might consider moving him, but he is literally staying all the way to the outside perimeter of the plant. He is very considerate.