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This is the start of week 4 of flower. Raised my light to the maximum height, have it on 100% full spectrum and 50% red and ir. Noticed some yellow tips with a little curling, thought it was light burn, but now think it may be over nutrients so I lowered nutrients to about 75% of what they recommended to see maybe it will help. Other than that not much else I did, besides letting these girls grow.
Introducing bloom nutrients to her now, going to do a partial flush on the tank itself. I refill with RO water thats pH adjusted. I only use her nutrient solution for watering from the top a few times a day but not enough to cause significant runoff into the tank .
De groeiperiode heeft ze doorgebracht op de vensterbank in de volle zon achter het raam(vegetation). Toen ze wat groter werd en de bloemetjes uitkwamen heb ik haar in de tent geplaatst onder een ledlamp van 600 watt van aliexpress, omdat het de laatste weken voornamelijk bewolkt was. De LST heeft haar geen kwaad gedaan, ze reageerde goed op het buigen en trekken. Ik heb haar verwend met de producten van Plagron en Spa Reine mineraalwater (PH6). Omdat ik haar in een air-pot van 38 liter heb geplant had ik verwacht dat ze een veel groter wortelstelsel zou hebben, maar dit is niet het geval zoals je kan zien in het filmpje. Dit was mijn eerste grow en ben super tevreden met het eindresultaat. Heb haar geknipt en opgehangen en wanneer alles droog is zal ik dit verslag voltooien. Ben zeer benieuwd naar de smaak. Wordt vervolgd... tot snel. 18 juli | de ganja van de lijn afgehaald, dikke takken weggeknipt en gewogen. 61 gram ben ik zeer tevreden mee🙂 Zojuist de eerste joint gerookt, de smaak is zoals je van Northern Light mag verwachten echt klassiek old school, kruidig, aardeachtig en het effect is op de bank hangend voor je uit staren. Na een maand in potten curen is de smaak nog voller en lekkerder. Growdiaries rocks, geweldige concept van een wereldwijde gemeenschap van kwekers.
De groeiperiode heeft ze doorgebracht op de vensterbank in de volle zon achter het raam(vegetation). Toen ze wat groter werd en de bloemetjes uitkwamen heb ik haar in de tent geplaatst onder een ledlamp van 600 watt van aliexpress, omdat het de laatste weken voornamelijk bewolkt was. De LST heeft haar geen kwaad gedaan, ze reageerde goed op het buigen en trekken. Ik heb haar verwend met de producten van Plagron en Spa Reine mineraalwater (PH6). Omdat ik haar in een air-pot van 38 liter heb geplant had ik verwacht dat ze een veel groter wortelstelsel zou hebben, maar dit is niet het geval zoals je kan zien in het filmpje. Dit was mijn eerste grow en ben super tevreden met het eindresultaat. Heb haar geknipt en opgehangen en wanneer alles droog is zal ik dit verslag voltooien. Ben zeer benieuwd naar de smaak. Wordt vervolgd... tot snel. 18 juli | de ganja van de lijn afgehaald, dikke takken weggeknipt en gewogen. 61 gram ben ik zeer tevreden mee🙂 Zojuist de eerste joint gerookt, de smaak is zoals je van Northern Light mag verwachten echt klassiek old school, kruidig, aardeachtig en het effect is op de bank hangend voor je uit staren. Na een maand in potten curen is de smaak nog voller en lekkerder. Growdiaries rocks, geweldige concept van een wereldwijde gemeenschap van kwekers.
Really small dense nuggs don’t kno y she tend to have small dense nuggs cud be genetics due to the watermelon zkittles but the terps on her crzy and wen u squeeze the nuggs 🍬🍉🎂 Can’t till see her fatting Up
Due to the messed up leafs I had cut my losses on this gelato41 big bushy pheno Striped all the big leafs and imma finna flush her soon and cut my loses she wud ave been a nice chunky girl but sometimes u gotta roll wid the punches 😅😅
Woop happy with how the grow is coming along had fun trimming the girls down shitting myself at the same time though😝 still on an 18/6 schedule as I didn’t want to over stress the plants following defoliation and scrog . Scrog setting up wasn’t too bad hope I done it right 😅 the screen is slowly becoming very green haha .. I’ll keep looking around on the web to widen my knowledge but for now it seems all is good my plan is to switch to 12/12 starting week 6 and around this time I should look into adding bloom to feed the autos as I’m sure they’re in pre flower stage right now but if ever in doubt I shall ask Some cool photos to look at as well Happy growing ☠️
OK so we are at day 57 and wer flowering. Looking nice and tall and green. Can't wait for the buds to come. Not bad just tap water and watered down coffee grounds once a week. https://home.howstuffworks.com/green-living/use-diluted-coffee-to-fertilize-plants.htm#:~:text=A%20weak%20solution%20of%20coffee,on%20the%20left%2C%20is%20perfect.&text=Don't%20just%20pour%20it,green%20growth%20and%20strong%20stems.
Beginning of week.. Still waiting on these damn pistils to finish up.. Trichomes are still looking pretty clear for the most part.. Plenty of milky but Id rather have a little amber starting and still seeing mostly milky/cloudy.. Not in it for the clear trichomes lol.. I prefer the couchlock effect more anyway. I have read that i stead of counting flower as the day of flipping to 12-12 because outdoor growers have to wait till they see flower starting.. Which can take up to 2 weeks after flipping to 12-12.. So I guess adding 2 more weeks to what I thought.. So.. Expert Seeds say the longest she could take is 64 days.. We are beginning week 7 of flower if we look at it that way then.. Which would mean that today is only day 49 or so... 63 days will be about 9 weeks of flower... Some shit like that.. Ugh. I should keep better track of the days lol. I could just do it by the weeks.. But I feel like this strain is already going way longer than she should have. I can tell the end product is WORTH THE WAIT for sure!!! .. Later that day.. Ok so I went ahead and mixed a batch of pH'd water with some General Hydroponics FloraNectar Fruit-N-Fusion.. 1qt of water with 2ml of the mix... I'm hoping to stop the yellowing from spreading to the buds at this point since I need to push her another 2 weeks, at least! Hopefully it will help the terpene profile also.. It smells like it should lol.. This stuff smells delicious.. I cant wait to see what it does when used throughout an entire flower cycle.. Not all stupid like I did this time lolol.. Just not trying to add anymore salt nutes.. Or any nitrogen I guess since its getting closer to harvest.. I wish I would have been using it the last 2 weeks at least.. Oh well.. Live and learn!.. Mid week.. Ive been still watering with Flora Nectar FruitNFusion in pH'd to 6.1 tap water during the day.. And just pH'd to 6.2 tap water that is left in the fridge to be able to water with cold water at lights out.. Not doing much to this strain.. But my other strain is turning super purple! Its so pretty! Im actually trying to create some feminized pollen from a cut from this plant. Its such a heavy yielder and super dank asf.. These nugs could break rocks lol.. Rock fucking hard.. Anyways.. Just waiting till she's ready to be harvested! End of week.. She has fattened up some this week. I should have never flushed so early lol. Live and learn tho.. Smells are lingering alot longer than they were before.. Now the whole house smells everytime I pic her up for watering and daily inspections lol.. She is slightly turning colors.. Reds.. Pinks.. Some purple.. Done with this week.. On to the next!...
This week I didn’t too much with the because she is still in her seedling fase. I’m just waiting for her to grow her leaves bigger en some more nodes. Ones she do that then I will provide a bigger light source for her and do some training like topping. This week I only water her and keep the life in the ground alive by making sure the earth is not too wet or too dry.
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à James de @royalqueenseedsrqs de me permettre de cultiver ses fabuleuses génétiques et de faire cette culture en m'offrant l'engrais nécessaire à ce run Merci aussi à greenception pour leur participation à ce run avec leur greenception GC4 Je rappelle que je cultive par passion et que le rendement n'est pas ma priorité même si grâce à ma toute nouvelle lampe je doute sérieusement que le rendement soit faible MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe greenception GC4 Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 Fabrikpot 11 litres Easy boost nutriments RQS Easy combo RQS Substrat supermarché retravaillé Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germer ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (18 graines sur 20) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je conseille de transplanter les autofloraisons dans leur pot définitif car les rempotages pourraient stressé la plante et cela aurait un impact sur le rendement , Je préconise donc des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé (pot geotextile 11l) pour cela il suffis de bien mélanger 50 grammes de easy boost dans les 11 litres de substrat Je dépose donc la plantule dans un pot de 11 litres je recouvre de terre je tasse et arrose. Je place ma lampe GC4 greenception environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 20/04 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour 1 léger arrosage avec 10 centilitres d'eau ph6.3 Le prochain arrosage s'effectuera à l'aide d'une pastille easy COMBO RQS dilué dans de l'eau ph6.3 Jour 4 arrosage avec 2 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute la pastille easy boost RQS
Week 11 has passed. Weather has been amazing as predicted, with temperatures reaching 30°C on some days, but pas 3 days have been milder, around 20-22°C. Flowers still seem to slightly increase in size, and the smell is great. Almost no glassy trichromes anymore: vast majority is (slightly) milky I'd say, and around 10-15% is getting amber. One of these days, I'll put her in a dark place for 48 hours to give the THC level a last good push before harvesting. D77: there she goes, final 48 hours have started! I'm putting her in a closet during the day so she stays at a dark spot for twose last two days. After that it's harvesting time! D79: Harvested tonight! No molds or anything, only a small caterpillar that had found his shelter in the flowers. Cut it out, impact on the flowers was negligible. D4 of drying: Plant is drying out slowly, humidity levels have been around 70-80% as weather has been quite bad the past few days. Also, all branches are all still attached to the main stem, which slows down the drying process. To mitigate the humidity, I put a fan to keep air circulating, which is successful up until now. Drying will probably still take a bit longer. Smell has definitely decreased while drying, so after that I'm planning on curing it a few weeks. Buds are not the densest, but definitely not bad either! I'm really happy with the results given that she was grown outdoors and using only granular organic nutrients. D7 of drying: decided to cut the nugs from the branches. Definitely still not sufficiently dry, but we're getting there. Large branches were still a little bendy but quite stiff already. Smaller bud branches we're almost snappable. Storing them in a room with 60% humidity now, where they can dry out some more. They're currently weighing 80g, don't know how much will still evaporate and how much of the weight the branches account for. Anyone has an idea on what I might expect? I'll be really glad if it's anything around 30 to 35g!
Saw some excellent lateral growth from their branches in the last week. Been removing fan leaves from main stem to allow meristems to grow more. I was using kelp in a foliar to induce apical dominance but have since removed it from the girl's regimin with the hopes of flowering beginning soon.
The start of the week and the girls are full in stretch mode. The end of the first week on 12/12 and hulk 2 is doing awesome en hulk 1is doing good