AUGUST 24 to AUGUST 30, 2024
Sunrise 07:05, sunset 20:50 for total daylight of 13:45 hours.
Specimen continues to push upwards, gaining approximately 13cm in height over the past week. Plant is taller than anticipated and planned for, which could present some difficulties as it's getting into the oscillating air circulation fan's wake. Was surprised to see the continued stretch, but there were two days of high heat that may have been the trigger, or, it may have been the result of defoliation and pruning, or it was simply the plant's final push, or a combination of all those factors.
It appears to have crowned, or is close to being fully crowned, and as such I undertook a fairly heavy defoliation to improve airflow through the bottom of the plant, and strategically removed leaves in the upper canopy to improve light exposure.
Fungus gnats did regain their hold, and so I decided to top dress with Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (delivered via pulverized Mosquito Dunks) in an effort to kill larvae, treated with Soil Pest Defense (Neem Oil, Castile Soap and Yucca Extract) and replaced Bug Scan Yellow Sticky Traps at soil level. Effects were pretty immediate, but I will need to stay on top of this. Would like to cease use of Neem Oil in the soil, so considering acquiring some beneficial nematodes to combat the pest issue.
Overall, specimen and its' "neighbours" in the greenhouse are doing well, and filling the room. When accounting for the bench and containers, tops of plants are over 152cm (5ft) from ground level. It is making management a little more challenging, and proving to be more difficult to find good angles to photograph (the space is pretty much filled up).
The scent of citrus, skunk and spice emanating from the greenhouse is building, and at times quite strong. Still appears to me to be on-track for ripening the week of October 14, 2024.
Day 120 - n/a
Day 121 - Drip watered 5.0L of plain rainwater with pH of 6.7
Day 122 - n/a
Day 123 - Defoliated specimens, focused on removing leaves from lower parts of the plant to improve airflow (lollipop), pruning hidden or non-producing branches, and strategically removing select upper fan leaves to improve light exposure and airflow.
Day 124 - Top dressed with pulverized Mosquito Dunk (1/4 unit per specimen); 1.5L drip watered with plain rainwater in the morning; Hand watered 2.0L of Soil Pest Defense Drench in the afternoon; Hand watered 1.0L of plain rainwater about 30 minutes after soil drench; Replaced Bug Scan Yellow Sticky Traps (1 unit per specimen, cut in half and rested at soil surface on two sides; With defoliation from yesterday, room air flow seems adequate, after increasing speed of lower fans.
Day 125 - n/a
Day 126 - n/a
Next week, planning to feed the rhizosphere with Compost Tea and continue efforts to control fungus gnat population.