The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Dia 134 y semana 6 de floración,ultimo dia de vida de las plantas. Este año ha sido un poco raro las plantas han crecido como monstruos tuvieron un crecimiento espectacular un tallo muy grande y junto con sus ramas flexibles y muy resistentes. Pero al llegar el engorde de floración no se porque les falto el empujon final para hinchar el cogollo, tiene muy buena pinta , mucha resina y muy fuerte buen olor pero me esperaba mas en la fase final. Cortamos ya que tambien habian orugas y no terminaba de eliminarlas por completo, la semana que viene era entera de lluvias así que decidi cortar un poco mas temprano para poder prevenir cualquier mal mayor, hay mucha gente que le gusta cortar antes de tiempo ya que el efecto es muy diferente, este año probaremos que tal.
This plant is looking absolutely stunning, she's happy, she's strong and she's ready to give her best this 2021 outdoor season, this is gonna be a beautiful year, let's see how this lady express herself, she's very close from being Transplanted, let's do it guys! 💛💚💓
Gorgeous lady! This plant have performed really well so far in this 4 weeks since planted, beautiful hybrid leaves I know this lady is gonna kill it this year, very excited to grow her, I expect to make a nice bush out pf her with many fat colas however she looks just so cute right now without any training or topping, I'll be transplanting this lady veeery soon so stay tuned guys!!! 💓💚💛
Beautiful plant, this OG kush looks really really happy after 4 weeks since planted, this pheno looks a little more sativa than the pheno number 1 as you can see, but I expect the same from both plants, OG kush always makes me happy, this version of royal queen seeds looks really awesome and I'm very glad to be working with their OG kush this 2021 outdoor season, stay tuned to see how this lady keeps developing guys! We're very close from transplanting this ladies!
This plant looks stunning, I love this strain, I enjoyed a lot last year, her flowers are absolutely 🔝 quality, and I love that strange sweet gasoline smell, I can't wait to transplant this lady and make her become a nice bush like I did last year, this lady has been Transplanted on day 34 since planted may 5th! Can't wait to start training this lady!
This plant looks so beautiful! I'm glad to see that both phenos of the big jeff look very similar and have the exact same shape of the leaves, that's a good signal, let's see how this lady keeps developing!! 💓💚💛👨‍🌾
Gorgeous looking plant, you can tell she's definitely an indica strain by those beautiful fat leaves that she has, I'm very excited to try this strain for the 1st time, and also it's the first time I grow a strain from this Spanish Bank from the canary islands! I'm pumped to be able to grow her this year, let's see how she performs!!
This lady just like her sisters have the exact same height, same size, same leaves oh guys I'm excited about my Runtz muffin by Barney's Farm for this 2021 outdoor season!!! This is gonna be a beautiful year, the plants are only getting water because I'm about to transplant them into their big pots, let's see how this stunning strain by Barney's develop under the Mediterranean sun although there are still some cloudy days on may. Stay tuned growmies, this is gonna be fun!!
This lady has grown up for real what an awesome strain guys, the leaves are exactly the same lookimg on each pheno of runtz muffin, I got 3 plants, and this pheno #2 as you guys can see it's a beauty! I CANNOT WAIT TO TRANSPLANT HER! follow me on this beautiful journey guys! 💛❤️💚
Las plantas siguen creciendo y formando flores. A la mitad les e aplicado una defoliacion selectiva de hojas primarias para abrir paso a las ramas bajas y agrupar la planta de esta forma consigues plantas mas compactas al no tener que alejarse tanto las ramas del tallo para recibir luz. La otra mitad no lo a necesitado al ser un fenotipo mas xativo y corto. El aporte de co2 las hace trabajar bastante y aguantar la dosis de nutrientes diaria. Solo se riega una vez a la semana con sensizym. La distancia internodal de algunas plantas es espectacularmente corta. Llos cogollos ya estan unidos y apenas han comenzado a salir. Muy ansioso por ver como continua esta variedad de barneys farm. En el ultimo video podeis ver el plano general y la diferencia que hay entre el fenotipo mas xativo y el fenotipo indico a pesar de ser todas dos si dos 33 y estar bajo las mismas condiciones.
The plant looks super beautiful, typical OG kush fat indica leaves, excellent growth pace, obviously short height, I love OG kush, last time I grew this strain it was 4 years ago, it's gonna be a beautiful plant for this 2021, she loves the spanish sun! Stay tuned everybody
first pic was april 25 second the 26 and about two day in between or so on the others up until today the may the 3rd last day of week 7 now i can say things are starting to look good 😌 thru picture of what it looks like under the bed in case anyone was curious.. one has slight light burn finally got passed me and didn’t give in aha till today aha (edit ) i forgot to mention pots are about 15 in and yea i measured from the floor every time old habits aha
***Note that I started to count the days when I placed the seeds between paper towels. The seeds were planted 3 days later and sprouted from the ground 2 days after being planted. D63 (26/04/2021) : I top dressed the soil of every pot with Gaia Green power bloom 2-8-4, earthworm casting, bone meal and shrimp compost. I think it was a bit late in the flower to top dress the Glue Gelato. From now on I will only give water. D66 (29/04/2021): I saw more calcium deficiency but on the Banana Kush this time. She is really close from the light and I think this is why the closest leaves got some rust brown ish spots. The lamp under the Banana Kush and the Gelato is higher now. I made a gallon of home made organic CalMag supplement with Epsom salt, crushed egg shell and molasse. I gave all 3 plants 200ml of home made CalMag when watering them. I will gave them approximately 100-150ml of this CalMag supplement every other watering. D69 (02/05/2021): The smell is crazy 😍 It smells soooo good! The house is starting to smell strong too 😳😅. - Light: the lights are at 100% and at 12 inch form the plants. - Temperature: during the day: 24-26C ; during the night: 20C. - Humidity: the humidity is maintain around 46-48% all the time. - Air circulation: There is an oscillating fan on the ground, one fixed fan pointing on top of the canopy and one fixed fan to help cool the lights. - Water: I gave water every other day or when the ground feel dry or the pots feels light.
This lady looks absolutely gorgeous, she's got big beautiful leaves, I cannot wait to transplant this lady and make her become a beautiful fat bush! Let's do this! I'm very glad to be working with this strain this 2021 outdoor season, this lady has been Transplanted after 34 days since planted to her definitive 30L texpot, let's see how this lady performs!!
This lady looks absolutely gorgeous, she's got big beautiful leaves, I cannot wait to transplant this lady and make her become a beautiful fat bush! Let's do this! I'm very glad to be working with this strain this 2021 outdoor season, this lady has been Transplanted after 34 days since planted to her definitive 30L texpot, let's see how this lady performs!!
Las plantas siguen creciendo y formando flores. A la mitad les e aplicado una defoliacion selectiva de hojas primarias para abrir paso a las ramas bajas y agrupar la planta de esta forma consigues plantas mas compactas al no tener que alejarse tanto las ramas del tallo para recibir luz. La otra mitad no lo a necesitado al ser un fenotipo mas xativo y corto. El aporte de co2 las hace trabajar bastante y aguantar la dosis de nutrientes diaria. Solo se riega una vez a la semana con sensizym. La distancia internodal de algunas plantas es espectacularmente corta. Llos cogollos ya estan unidos y apenas han comenzado a salir. Muy ansioso por ver como continua esta variedad de barneys farm. En el ultimo video podeis ver el plano general y la diferencia que hay entre el fenotipo mas xativo y el fenotipo indico a pesar de ser todas dos si dos 33 y estar bajo las mismas condiciones.
Las plantas siguen creciendo y formando flores. A la mitad les e aplicado una defoliacion selectiva de hojas primarias para abrir paso a las ramas bajas y agrupar la planta de esta forma consigues plantas mas compactas al no tener que alejarse tanto las ramas del tallo para recibir luz. La otra mitad no lo a necesitado al ser un fenotipo mas xativo y corto. El aporte de co2 las hace trabajar bastante y aguantar la dosis de nutrientes diaria. Solo se riega una vez a la semana con sensizym. La distancia internodal de algunas plantas es espectacularmente corta. Llos cogollos ya estan unidos y apenas han comenzado a salir. Muy ansioso por ver como continua esta variedad de barneys farm. En el ultimo video podeis ver el plano general y la diferencia que hay entre el fenotipo mas xativo y el fenotipo indico a pesar de ser todas dos si dos 33 y estar bajo las mismas condiciones.
60% strength on nutes. LST this week to expose more Nodes!
60% strength on nutes. LST this week to expose more Nodes!