The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hey So I had to harvest a little earlier now because I'm going on vacation, so I'm done with everything 2 weeks before :) It was quite easy to grow it has a very strong smell and generally a strong effect it tastes sweet/sour/woody It is sticky and the buds are quite heavy I harvested 146.5g dry weight from a plant :))
I am really Happy with this Strain, it's growing so beautiful, this week she Streched so much and started now to pack up as well. You can see even the first signs of frost coming up. I hope you Like my Grow. Im looking forward to some beautiful Buds in the near future !
Holaa horses 🐴 Nice stretch for last week. Auto Kabul just hit 47 DLI marker 🤝 drinking and eating pre flower nutrients. Last week i was thinking how to raise it and now i have to start think how to lower it 😅 Becoming Monster. Andy's project suffering a bit. Going to move it away from boombox so auto kabul gets more space. It was nice first dripfeed test grow. 16.6 Looks pretty good at the moment. watered 2L with 1.4ec. Andy moved away. With High Hopes 🍀
Week 2. Just the normal stretch. Nothing eventful. After this week, I'll be giving random weekly updates due to my busy schedule.
Meine pflanzen nehmen immer mehr gestalt an. Eine der zwei Diablo Rojo hat leichte Probleme, die Blätter haben gelbe Punkte. Hab es mit verschiedenen methoden versucht zu bessern ( mehr/weniger wasser und weniger Dünger) wächst aber dennoch ganz gut. Alle anderen Pflanzen sehen sehr fit aus.
When I started growing I set two goals for myself. I was the first to make 1 gram-1€ and I was very close. This grow cost me 52€ (that includes electricity, seeds, biobizz...) but unfortunately I had to buy nematodes (+ 9€) for a total of 61€. That means he would have succeeded if I hadn't had a fly infestation from the ground. I told you that I was very close to the goal. The second one is to make 1w-1gram, considering my setup and my "knowledge"🙈, I think it's impossible. However, I must admit that I am very satisfied with 53 grams. HAPPY GROW EVERYONE AND GOOD LUCK GUYS.
for the girl, several yellowed leaves were removed :) everything looks not bad, maybe I would even say very beautiful :) I already increased the light intensity to 85%, I'm a little afraid that there might be a problem due to excessive heat, well, you have to watch :) the girl drinks a lot ,in a week I poured her 12 liters :) I also gave the girl a really strong food mixture with almost 1100 ppm, but I also gave completely clean water with 20 ppm and 6.3 ph :).
+5cm, I think reached her final height. Smell is very strong and delicious. There were a lot of leaves to trimm in this week. Getting difficult to trimm colas without touching young flowers - going to reduce defoliation. Will continue to feed flowering mix, but still plan to switch to final parts mix very soon. Spraying maybe every second day once a day now, keeping RH between 40%-60%. Appreciate growing this one - very strong plant with delicious smell😍 [Setup] - Tent: Sticky Experts 1m x 0.5m - Light: 2 x Sanlight Q3W at 100% = 240W - Pot: Nutriculture Oxypot Single filled with 10L solution
for the girl, several yellowed leaves were removed :) everything looks not bad, maybe I would even say very beautiful :) I already increased the light intensity to 85%, I'm a little afraid that there might be a problem due to excessive heat, well, you have to watch :) the girl drinks a lot ,in a week I poured her 12 liters :) I also gave the girl a really strong food mixture with almost 1100 ppm, but I also gave completely clean water with 20 ppm and 6.3 ph :).
It has been a very uncomfortable week, also known as the "sheep cold". Lots of wind, lots of rain and temperatures down to 5°C at night. I'm glad I built a support frame for the large plants, otherwise a few branches would have broken off. The plants in the pots are doing well, even those planted directly in the garden soil seem to be settling in. There are no pests to speak of. Frisian Dew in pot: 94 cm Frisian Dew in garden soil: 64 cm Shaman in pot: 76 cm Shaman in garden soil: 57 cm Durban Poisin in pot 60 cm
Woche 3 der Blüte ist rum. Insgesamt sind die Ladys jetzt 42 Tage alt. Jede Lady fängt langsam an ihren typischen Geruch zu bekommen. Bei der StrawberryBanana musste ich einen Trieb wegschneiden, da er drei weiße Flecken, zwei davon auf den Blättern und einer auf dem Trieb hatte. Sonst wurden hier und da ein paar Fanleaves entfernt die andere Triebe verdeckt haben. Die GorillaZkittlez hat drei Mainbuds entwickelt und hat die bis jetzt dicksten Buds mit den meisten Trichomen. Unter der Woche habe ich einmal ca 400ml je Lady gegossen. Das zweite mal war an Tag 21F. Hier gab es für jede Lady ca 600ml. Zusätzlich gab es 4g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 1ml/L PureZym, 1ml/L PowerRoots von Plagron und 2ml/L StickyFingers von XpertNutrients. Es hätten etwas mehr Sonnenstunden sein können aber da kann man nichts machen. Dafür musste ich nicht so oft gießen und das Substrat hatte eine gut gleichbleibende Feuchtigkeit. Ich drück die Daumen das die nächsten Wochen noch ein bisschen mehr sonne mitbringen💪🏻💚 GorillaZkittlez: 68cm GorillaAuto: 93cm StrawberryBanana: 93cm Vielen Dank fürs reinschauen 🤙🏻💚
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had rain all morning and intermittently throughout the day. The high temperature was 71°. This is challenging weather for cannabis. Thankfully these are in veg, and are thriving in it. Day 2 we had lots of sunshine and high temperature around 84°. Day 3 we had partly cloudy skies and a high temp of 72°. I watered from the hose about 2 gallons per pot. Day 4 we had clear skies, lots of sunshine, and a high temperature of 89°. Day 5 Day 6 we had rain the previous night and today lots of sunshine. High temperature was 86°. The rain took care of the watering today. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 88°F. Skies were clear and sunny. I watered 2-2.5 gallons from the hose. This week was a success. The plants added almost a foot in height. They've gotten much bigger and appreciate the phosphorus that was built up in the recycled soil. I added more stakes to support the two main branches. This supports the branches and spreads them out to get the light in to lower branches. We are having warmer temperatures and these girls are loving it. I expect an explosion of growth next week.