🏆 Last chance to vote!
En la semana 14 de floracion se ha hecho más notoria la sobrefertilizacion pasada, ya que las hojas siguieron su curso y se han puesto crujientes, amarillas, al punto de que las amarillas entre los cogollos las he sacado, para que no se formen moho o algun hongo que arruine este proceso largo,por ende toda la planta se ha quedado casi sin hojas, entonces me surgen un montón de dudas con respecto a como proceder en estas semanas finales, me inclino por empezar con el lavado de raíces en la entrante semana 15, para así dar el corte final en la semana 17, según lo que aconseja el banco,(suelo darle 2 semanas más de floración, de las recomendaciones q brinda el bereber, aunque en esta ocasión, no lo considero posible). También ha sido notoria la formación de la famosa, cola de zorro ,en algunos de los cogollos, (esto tiene relacion con el Stress que sufre una planta), una sobrefertilizacion es considerado algo stresante para una planta de marihuana.En otros casos la cola de zorro, también es una característica de algunas geneticas. En las fotos principales de dicha genetica se pueden observar estos detalles, pero bueno,todo va salir bien✈️😎😅👺
Hello growers 👋 Today I put less nutrients, I figured out I've put to much fertilizer... I'm on the end of the week 5 (35 days) Stay High :)
Home stretch baby!!! Start of week 10 of flower, and things are looking chop ready:) The ill effects of last weeks PK burn have subsided and the plants are back to healthy. Have been checking trichomes and flower form, and based on my experience, these ladies are coming down in 6 days, October 6th. One of the plants has the hardest, densest, stickiest nug i have ever seen. So looking forward to tasting. I have been off the nutes for a few days and will be water only from here on out. I have dusted off my old bowl trimmer and drying rack. I have always wet-trimmed and dried in a rack. I dry for about 5 days and then start jarring and burping. The bowl trimmer is soooo fast. It cuts my trim time by literally 90%, will post a video on chop day. Updates later in week F66 - Chopped the one girl who had a tonne of amber in her. Looks to be a good 2.5 zips when dry, time will tell if my estimate is correct, but it comes from experience. Other 7 plants coming down on F71. Check my bowl trimmer video!
Home stretch baby!!! Start of week 10 of flower, and things are looking chop ready:) The ill effects of last weeks PK burn have subsided and the plants are back to healthy. Have been checking trichomes and flower form, and based on my experience, these ladies are coming down in 6 days, October 6th. One of the plants has the hardest, densest, stickiest nug i have ever seen. So looking forward to tasting. I have been off the nutes for a few days and will be water only from here on out. I have dusted off my old bowl trimmer and drying rack. I have always wet-trimmed and dried in a rack. I dry for about 5 days and then start jarring and burping. The bowl trimmer is soooo fast. It cuts my trim time by literally 90%, will post a video on chop day. Updates later in week F66 - Chopped the one girl who had a tonne of amber in her. Looks to be a good 2.5 zips when dry, time will tell if my estimate is correct, but it comes from experience. Other 7 plants coming down on F71. Check my bowl trimmer video!
Heeeey guys! 👋 Sorry for the very late update! I had so many things going on but now I can finally update the diary! This is the last week before harvest and I kept an eye on my plants pretty much all the time! When I started to notice more amber trichomes were appearing I knew that my babies were finally ready! I just wanted a small amount of CBN, so probably I reached a good balance! Besides that I believe everything was quite relaxing and simple this week. Their smell was wonderful! I also trimmed by babies almost everyday, I kept removing the most ugly leaves to allow some of the lower buds to develop a little more this final week! I stopped watering them 4 days before harvest and then I gave them one day of total darkness. I hope you all enjoy the videos and photos! Thanks!
Heeeey guys! 👋 Sorry for the very late update! I had so many things going on but now I can finally update the diary! This is the last week before harvest and I kept an eye on my plants pretty much all the time! When I started to notice more amber trichomes were appearing I knew that my babies were finally ready! I just wanted a small amount of CBN, so probably I reached a good balance! Besides that I believe everything was quite relaxing and simple this week. Their smell was wonderful! I also trimmed by babies almost everyday, I kept removing the most ugly leaves to allow some of the lower buds to develop a little more this final week! I stopped watering them 4 days before harvest and then I gave them one day of total darkness. I hope you all enjoy the videos and photos! Thanks!
Heeeey guys! 👋 Sorry for the very late update! I had so many things going on but now I can finally update the diary! This is the last week before harvest and I kept an eye on my plants pretty much all the time! When I started to notice more amber trichomes were appearing I knew that my babies were finally ready! I just wanted a small amount of CBN, so probably I reached a good balance! Besides that I believe everything was quite relaxing and simple this week. Their smell was wonderful! I also trimmed by babies almost everyday, I kept removing the most ugly leaves to allow some of the lower buds to develop a little more this final week! I stopped watering them 4 days before harvest and then I gave them one day of total darkness. I hope you all enjoy the videos and photos! Thanks!
Heeeey guys! 👋 Sorry for the very late update! I had so many things going on but now I can finally update the diary! This is the last week before harvest and I kept an eye on my plants pretty much all the time! When I started to notice more amber trichomes were appearing I knew that my babies were finally ready! I just wanted a small amount of CBN, so probably I reached a good balance! Besides that I believe everything was quite relaxing and simple this week. Their smell was wonderful! I also trimmed by babies almost everyday, I kept removing the most ugly leaves to allow some of the lower buds to develop a little more this final week! I stopped watering them 4 days before harvest and then I gave them one day of total darkness. I hope you all enjoy the videos and photos! Thanks!
terminando la 2° semana y empezando a la 3° cumpliendose 21 dias pasamos a macetas de 1lt a 7lt y contiamos el crecimiento de estas cepas de rayalqueenseeds y utilizando un sistema de aumento de c02 abase de micelio , las plantas respondieron increible las raices EXPLOTARON ! tanto que colonizaron la maceta y la red baja y tuve que romper las macetas para salvar sus raices, increible crecimiento, - abonamos oganicamente y complementamos un mejor suelo mas vivo y el trasplante salio un exito ! y los resultados de el.. se ve en las fotos !
terminando la 2° semana y empezando a la 3° cumpliendose 21 dias pasamos a macetas de 1lt a 7lt y contiamos el crecimiento de estas cepas de rayalqueenseeds y utilizando un sistema de aumento de c02 abase de micelio , las plantas respondieron increible las raices EXPLOTARON ! tanto que colonizaron la maceta y la red baja y tuve que romper las macetas para salvar sus raices, increible crecimiento, - abonamos oganicamente y complementamos un mejor suelo mas vivo y el trasplante salio un exito ! y los resultados de el.. se ve en las fotos !
Ola 🙂... the two sisters grow up very well ... first time I try them.. the seeds were given to me by the boy from the grow shop, after buy some Barney's seeds .. With them, under the 205 BD LED light, there is also the sister, who can actually find in the diary SUPER SOIL LED (if you want to see the differences) 😉... 5th week started by giving him a nice lunch based on banana macerate (10 days to macerate), about 0.5 in 1.5l h2o .. pH I never check it when I am using a ready-made soil .. the water I use is quite good and does not contain chlorine (fundamental in organic) .. it has a pH always around 6.5 / 7.5 and is ok ... afterwards I only gave h2o to drink for once, again without letting it come out of the bottom of the vase .. two days after treacle-based sweet like the past week .. this time I gave 1 teaspoon apiece (they will be about 5ml, I think, but that's okay) in 1.5l h2o ... time after still water .. and today, Friday 27th, I finely chopped a bit of barley malt and I made a top dressing, wetting with water in mix with 3ml topmax for 3l h2o, to increase the malt action .. I see just one or two thrips every now and then, but I'm under control .. I have not used anything to drive them out .. only the fan always on and the humidity left slightly higher ... They start to smell good and very sticky too .. I don't know how to describe the aroma at the moment .. sweet .. but complex .. we'll see .. hi, thanks for the time 🙏 and tell me if you like it ... See you next week😉✌️
terminando la 2° semana y empezando a la 3° cumpliendose 21 dias pasamos a macetas de 1lt a 7lt y contiamos el crecimiento de estas cepas de rayalqueenseeds y utilizando un sistema de aumento de c02 abase de micelio , las plantas respondieron increible las raices EXPLOTARON ! tanto que colonizaron la maceta y la red baja y tuve que romper las macetas para salvar sus raices, increible crecimiento, - abonamos oganicamente y complementamos un mejor suelo mas vivo y el trasplante salio un exito ! y los resultados de el.. se ve en las fotos !
So, they’re still growing vertically, again, I had to go away for 3 days. Not planned. Tops got too close and a load of them burnt to a crisp, the seriously burnt ones have been cut off and the other ones that weren’t too bad have been bent down. It was 14 inches when the plant was flipped, I reckon she would be around 48 inches now if I didn’t have to hack at her. But disappointed as I reckon she would have been a beauty. But... life goes on and I’m sure she will yield alright when the time comes 4ish weeks time. Literally the only problem this week has been vertical space, plant itself is very healthy. Next time I better get a taller tent 🤦‍♂️
been awhile... gee, idk how long been in jars now.... anyways, was playin around with the microscope yesterday, and made a little video... i called it :Red the Video:) just wanted to share some final thoughts .... this is pure medicinal, with no brain altering component ... this is for ppl (workers, military, emt, children, etc) who need to keep a clear head with full high dose of thc/cbd for medical problems... this has - kill cancerous cells if administered correctly...... ........ this is now my go-to medicinal strain...... 👍😎
This week was a breeze...found a nice routine...plants are healthy...nothin to it👏👏👏 until next time growers...waitin on this budshow to start in the meantime 🤙🤟✈️
Things are looking up. 😁👍🏼📈
Flowers forming. Leaves getting yellow spots. Sprayed beam oil for a couple days and trimmed away sick leaves this week. New leaves were normal.
Flashing time ~~ Mid week did a hair cut to the plant . That smell is so lemon🤩🤩😍 So there is nothing much to say except my vent take a brake for a night and i have look at termo and it said 99 humidity ⛔⛔ omg the tent was sweaty ,long story short big problen with fast fix .