heat alarm: 2 days outside temp is 40˚C, in tent 31°C / 65 rh (is in acceptable vpd-range -> no change) signs of heat stress (1 ww+bb/1 bg) and few mould on surface of soil running tent open with add. osc. fan very few nute burn every 2 days basic water; weekly basic water + nutes 2 more bgs heat stress ____________________________________________ light- and watering schedule: see photos now: 16 plants 3 x Auto Orange Bud > Dutch Passion (early80's) 3 x Haze Berry Automatic > Royal Queen Seeds (2018) 2 x Auto Euforia > Dutch Passion (late 90's) 2 x Auto Bubblegum > TH Seeds (late 80's) 2 x Original Auto BubbleGum > Fast Buds Company (late 80's) 1 x Strawberry Pie Auto > Fast Buds Company 1 x Gorilla Cookies Auto Seed Stockers (2015) 2 x Auto White Widow x Big Bud > Female Seeds setup + strategy: 18 seeds 3 x Auto Orange Bud > Dutch Passion (early80's) 3 x Haze Berry Automatic > Royal Queen Seeds (2018) 3 x Auto Euforia > Dutch Passion (late 90's) 2 x Auto Bubblegum > TH Seeds (late 80's) 2 x Original Auto BubbleGum > Fast Buds Company (late 80's) 2 x Strawberry Pie Auto > Fast Buds Company 1 x Gorilla Cookies Auto Seed Stockers (2015) 2 x Auto White Widow x Big Bud > Female Seeds setup: 18 x gronest 2 liter 60 cm x 120 cm x 180 cm (2 x 4) growtent 4 l humidifier 25 watt axial fan 15 watt clip fan ro-filter bath room with a 50 watts room fan (-> carbon filter not necessary) ...and a lot of odds and ends. grow strategy: max yield by stressing with: 1. tiny shoes (2 l fabric pots standing on 3 plastic rings (4 cm) for max oxygen) 2. tiny growspace (18plants on 0.72 sqm) 3. many strains (8 strains) 4. annoying neighbourhood (mixing old - i.e. bubblegum (late 80's) - with young- i.e. hazeberry (2018) - genetics) 5. no stress by light or food or water 6. unintentionally too much food plus: - no lst - no hst - just leaf tucking - positioning bigger strains (euphoria, orange bud, haze berry) or just bigger phenos on less intense light spots (end of tent + edges) - music-rotation: 24 hrs reggae (for sativas) - 24 hrs classicals (because it's scientifically proofed) - 24 hrs traditionals from the hindukush region (for the indicas) max efficiency (min electricity - max yield): - light: 23 h on - 1 h off - keeping the distance of 18" (45 cm) and dimming to the right par (lux) - value depending on growing stages (see sheet: beginning 185 par ( 10000 lux/100 watt )/end 340 par ( 18000 lux/175 watt )) => ends up in approx. 170 watts in average over max 15 weeks temperatur management: - using approx. max. half of what the lamp can do keeps temperature low: my tsl 2000 is pulling max. 360 watts of the wall - i need only 175 watts, results in less temperature than using a 175 watts lamp - adjusting the temperature by using a humidifier outside of tent: blown in humidity is soaking degrees and is transported out by fan, works much better than doing the same with pure air summer extreme: no humidifier: 36°C / 35 rh - with humidifier: 29°C / 65 rh works for 1-2 weeks of real hot summer days, no mould, no signs of stress in two summers germination: seeding in waterglass spraying "basic"-water: ro-water (22 ppm) + calmag to 180 ppm every 4 - 8 hours until sprouted man versus fungus gnat: 5 days before seeding i'm running the tent with "basic"-watered pots as if there were plants inside - led on, fans on, humidifier on. Fungus gnats coming with the soil might take the chance to come out now for breeding. i'm waiting with a 9 mm rifle. in the past i found 6 gnats in 2 of 8 x 50 l biobizz lightmix bags coming out of the soil. i could eliminate every single gnat successfully ;) rotating harvest: the little ones will be harvested completely when ready. at this point only the top branches of the big ones will be cut...and the new (basic-watered) pots of the new grow will move into the tent. 2-3 weeks later the secod half of the big ones will be cut and the second half of the new grow will move in... nutes: biobizz / soil: biobizz lightmix bloom,grow,topmax,activera,algamic + aminopower instead of bio heaven (too expensive) individual feeding schedule/once a week: veg: 200 - 600 ppm bloom: 600 - 900 ppm water: ro-water with: veg: 100-150 ppm calmag bloom: 150 ppm calmag
the girl went to nature :) I will visit her once a week :).
Week 8 of flower has come and gone. She will be harvested in the next week. Again I would like to apologize to @Exotic_Seed and Sebastian for not keeping up with the diary. I will do the same strain for them with a full diary ASAP! 😍
May 15th We’ve had some tough winds. She handled it very well actually. Her stem bulked. Added a layer of coco on top to help with winds and to choke up on her stem
5/12/2024 happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies and buds 5/15 super frosty sugar leaves. I can visually see them standing, that they are so tall
Day 14. Weather is finally warm enough to put them out completely. Was kind of concerned with even getting them to this point. I started them fairly early. Day 15. May 9th, 2024 They lasted all night outside finally and will stay. I did add some worm casting on top of the soil. I plan to add some veg nutes soon. Will be using roots organics terp tea line. May 11th #3 is 3.5 inches #2 2.25 inch #1 2 inch
Eccoci qui... Questa è una bestia!!! Pianta altissima con una colata di cime davvero molto molto interessanti, sono molto curioso di vederla alla fine mancheranno ancora 2/3 settimane ma non vedo l'ora di tagliarla!!! Grazie a @KannabiaSeeds e a @Xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Settimana prossima si tagliaaaaa!!!! Finalemente siamo arrivati alla fine con questa piccola mi sono divertito è stato bellissimo coltivarla outdoor, è venuta bassa ma molto molto compatta!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto
Plants have now been somewhat defoliated, sex of the plants can now also be determined. Fertilized according to Bio-Bizz Shema It was watered every 2 days. ___ Pflanzen wurden nun etwas entlaubt, Geschlecht der Pflanzen lässt sich nun auch schon bestimmen. Gedüngt wurde nach Bio-Bizz Shema Gegossen wurde alle 2 Tage.
Eccoci qui... In questa prima settimana di fioritura ho notato come le due piccoline abbiano avuto questa crescita così esponenziale e come tutte le collab DA ORA SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO per testimoniare meglio la fioritura!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... In questa prima settimana di fioritura ho notato come le due piccoline abbiano avuto questa crescita così esponenziale e come tutte le collab DA ORA SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO per testimoniare meglio la fioritura!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Questa varietà mi lascia a bocca aperta è gigante!!! Sono rimasto molto colpito da come pur avendola messa giù da seme sia avanti in fioritura come i cloni con 53 giorni alle spalle!!!!! Sono curioso di questa bellezza, e come in tutti i diari SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO. Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
this week i topdressing with Fish bone meal 4-16-0 100g per plant and 4-9-4 100g 3-7-4 50g per plant Avg. 250gram of craft organic fertilizer for plant 4-16-0 = 100g = 400-1600-0 4-9-4 = 100g = 400-900-400 3-7-4 = 50g = 150-350-200 950-2850-600 /100 = 9.5-28.5-6.0 g every 250g from fish bone and craft So plant avg. got npk 9.5-28.5-6.0 per 1 plant from Topdressing In next week we plan to take little N and more than K Good phenotype it look like Berries Candy and syrup sugar
Day 45 in flower... Trichomes are about 80% milk and no amber... The paint and big Z are 7-9 weekers and orange cake is 9-10... Def few weeks on the orange cake... But getting close to how I like it on the other two... The smells are outta this world... Orange cake smells like orange cake... Very orange like it's nuts... Never smelt anything like it tbh... The paint is a different pheno than previous ones because there's usually a chemical skunk smell but this is a fruity pebble smell with layers of earth smell and a sticky presence that doesn't go away for a long time lol... The big Z is another sweet smelling but more along the smell of a mouth full of Skittles and that dirt earth smell aftertones... They're awesome and I'm really excited!
It's been a crazy 10 days better late than never...i met this plant dug up. Must have been an animal sniffing the fish fertilizer regardless she bounced back after a few days...i am grateful i caught it a few hours after i reckon. Road to 📈
Day 51 and buds are thickening and frosting up nicely. I'm impressed. Ff feeding schedule
I dunno I just work here. This week I have mostly been eating Death Stars. If you have grown morning glories you know how indiscriminate they are to wreath and coil around as they grow, I had expected to be fighting off and hacking at it to leave the Mary J alone, but to my surprise...... it's as if they have an understanding, leaving it alone. The ladybug I found outside in the cold a few weeks back happened to be a female, I have only seen 1 larvae so far which is now a light orange ladybug with spots and all. From what I read up on lady beetles they dump eggs and are done with it and can lay several dozen at a time. I could have sworn she and her baby were working in tandem though I had seen them one morning on the vines, they seemed quite content to live here, the tent being wide open for long periods, and they seemed uninterested in flying anywhere. Seems odd she only had 1 beetle baby though, maybe I just haven't seen more than 2 at a time. I love them though, efficient little Duracell terminators that never cease, apparently, the main breed that many garden stores sell is a species prone to flying away. Thank you Terrance for all your diligent work in helping to keep the garden clean and pest-free. It turns out, the ladybug isn’t named for any particular female trait it possesses. Rather, it is named for a specific lady- the Virgin Mary. Why? This isn’t precisely known. One of the leading theories is that the name came about as a result of the ladybug’s bright red shell, which is not too dissimilar from the red cloak Mary is often pictured wearing in biblical paintings. There’s also an old European legend that states that farmers many hundreds of years ago prayed to the Virgin Mary asking for help to save them from the pests devouring their crops and in return she sent a swarm of tiny beetles bearing her trademark coat to eat them. In truth, ladybugs are known to dine almost exclusively on insects we humans consider pests, like aphids, something old-timey farmers without pesticides or other easy means of keeping their crops protected from destructive creatures were no doubt incredibly thankful for. Since back in those days it was common to thank God for almost any good fortune, it’s not hard to see how this legend popped up, and perhaps this gratefulness really did contribute to the name. But let the reader observe that each of the 66 books, as well as an almost countless number of ancient books of all races and languages, teach the same mathematical and physiological facts. Man has turned the mighty power he possesses into every object and principle of force in the universe except himself. When man focuses his divine thinking lens upon himself, he will realize that he is the epitome of unlimited Cosmic Energy. Then the "Heavens will roll together as a scroll "and reveal the Real Man as "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." ON EITHER side of the Thalamus, in the head, is a gland, known in physiology as the Pineal, on the posterior, and the Pituitary on the anterior side of the Thalamus. The Pineal is cone-shaped and secretes a yellow or golden fluid. The Pituitary Body, opposite it, is ellipsoid in shape and contains a whitish secretion, like milk. The fluids that are found in both these bodies come from the same source, namely, the Claustrum, which means "barrier" or "cloister," and is referred to as cloister for the very good reason that a precious and holy thing is secreted or secluded there. Saint Claus, or Santa Claus, is another term for this precious fluid, which is indeed a holy gift in the body of each one of us. The precious fluid which flows down from the Claustrum separates, part going into the Pineal gland and part to the Pituitary body, and these, being special laboratories of the head, differentiate the fluid from the Claustrum, and it takes on the colors above-mentioned, and in the Pineal Gland becomes yellow and has electric properties. The Pituitary Body, having the milk-like fluid, has magnetic properties. The claustrum is a thin sheet of isolated gray matter, found just medial to the Island of Reil. Santee says it “is a sheet of peculiar gray substance, and is made up of fusiform (spindle shaped) cell-bodies.” It is from this claustrum that contains yellow substance within its outer grayish exterior, that the wonderful, priceless OIL is formed that flows down into the olivary fasciculus, “descending with the rubrospinal tract through the reticular formation in the pons and medulla to the lateral column of the spinal cord. It terminates in the gray matter of the spinal cord, probably giving off collaterals to corresponding nuclei in the brain stem.” Santee. This is the OIL, the precious gift of which the Bible speaks, “Thou anointest my head with oil.” And not only is there oil manufactured within this special laboratory of the brain, but there is actually an olive tree, which bears actual olives so named in any anatomy. The two olives are two infinitesimal eminences on either side of the medulla, with the Pyramid between. They are one-half inch in length. It is found well developed only in the higher mammals. They are RELAY (Santee) stations between the cerebrum and the cerebellum and between the spinal cord and the cerebellum. This oil is the most sacred substance in the body it is the quintessence of gold the “Gold of Ophir” most truly a rare gift. Globules of oil are found in the vital fluid, the semen, and when the prodigal son has wasted his substance, he finds that it takes a long time to replace the deficiency and make good the looted bank account. the olives, which contain the oil, are the reservoirs the relay stations, of course, which furnish the oil for the lamp, the pineal gland, at the top of which is the flame or eye. When the Kundalini, the serpent fire that lies concealed within the sacral plexus is awakened, burns up the dross within the spinal cord, and reaches the conarium, it sets fire to this oil and thus lights the “perpetual lamp,” which “Gives the light to the whole house. To constantly replenish this spirit within the body consumes large portions of energy, after 90 days testosterone will triple, 180 days the body no longer uses energy to replenish the spirit and all internal energy will be devoted to conscious thought repairing the body, cognitive function accelerates allowing absorption of knowledge at incredible rates, once problems to solve, now its as easy twelve stages of transmutation. These two glands are the male and female, the Joseph and Mary of the physical body, and are the parents of the spiritual son born in the solar plexus of each human being, commencing about the age of twelve. Milk & Honey. Symbolic Gold and Silver, Positive & Negative, Masculine & Feminine, Ying & Yang, Chaos & Order, Adam (Atom) & Eve (Energy), Matter & Spirit. Spirit & Intelligence, The One, You................ A CHILD brought to its mother a piece of ice and asked: "What is this?" The mother answered, "it is ice." Again the child asked, "What is there in ice?" The mother answered: "There is water in the ice." The child desired to find the water in the ice, and it procured a hammer, pounded the piece of ice into little bits and the warm air soon changed all the ice to water. The child was grievously disappointed, for the ice that the child supposed contained water had disappeared. And the child said, "Where is the ice that contained this water?" And so it came to pass that the mother was compelled, by the child's persistent questions, to say, "ice is all water; there is no such thing as ice; that which we call ice is crystalized or frozen water." The child understood. A student brought to his teacher some water and asked, "What is water ? What does it contain ?" The teacher answered, "Water contains oxygen and hydrogen," and then explained how the two gases might be separated and set free by heat. The student boiled the water until all of the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen had been set free, but he was surprised to find that all of the water had disappeared. Then the student asked of the teacher, "Where is the water that held the gases that have escaped?" Then was the teacher compelled by the student's persistent questions to answer, "Water itself is the product of oxygen and hydrogen. Water does not contain anything other than these gases. In reality, there is no such substances or fluid as water; that which we name water is a rate of motion set in operation by the union of two parts of hydrogen with one part of oxygen and, of course, the phenomenon disappears when the union of the gases is broken." The student understood. A devout scientist presented himself before God and said, "Lord, what are these gases men call oxygen and hydrogen?" The good Lord answered and said, "They are molecules in the blood and body of the universe." Then spoke the scientist, "Lord, wilt thou tell me of the kind of molecules that compose Thy blood and body?" The Lord replied, "These same molecules, gases, or principles, compose my blood and body; for I and the universe are one and the same." Once again the scientist said, "My Lord, may I ask, then, what is spirit and what is matter?" And thus answered the Lord : "As ice and water are one, and the gases and water are one, so is spirit and matter one. The different phases and manifestations cognized by man in the molecules of My body that is, the universe are caused by the Word ; thus, they are My thoughts clothed with form." Now the scientist felt bold, being redeemed from fear, and asked "is my blood, then, identical with Thy blood in composition and Divine Essence?" And the Lord said, "Yea, thou art one with the Father." ^ The scientist now understood and said: "Now mine eyes are opened and I perceive that, when I eat, I partake of Thy body; when I drink, I drink of Thy blood; and when I breathe, I breathe Thy spirit." So-called matter is Pure Intelligence and nothing else because there is not anything else. Pure intelligence cannot progress or become better. There is nothing but Intelligence. Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience must mean Intelligence; therefore these terms are all included in the word. Let us adopt a short word that will express all that the above-written words are intended to express, namely, the word IT. "I" stand for all the eternal I. "T" stands for operation, manifestation, vibration, action, or motion. The "I" in motion is "T," or Crossification, viz., the T-cross. We say, "IT" rains! "IT is cold!" "IT is all right!" What do we mean by "It?" Who knows? Some say, "The weather!" Others, "Natural phenomena !" Very well, then what do we mean by "the weather," or "natural phenomena?" Why, just It, of course! IT does not progress; it does not need to. IT forever manifests, operates, differentiates, and presents different aspects or viewpoints of ITSELF. But these different phases are neither good, better nor best, neither bad nor worse simply different shades and colorings of the One and Only Intelligence. Every so-called thing, whether it be an animal, vegetable or mineral, molecule or atom, ion or electron, is the result of the One Intelligence expressing itself in different rates of motion. Then what is Spirit? Spirit means breath or life. Spirit, that which is breathed into man, must be intelligent, or man would not be intelligent. Non-intelligent substance, which is, of course, unthinkable, would not breathe into anything, nor make it intelligent if it did. Therefore, we see that Spirit, Intelligence and Matter are one and the same Esse in different rates of motion. So-called molecules, atoms, and electrons know what to do. They know where and how to cohere, unite and operate to form a leaf or a flower. They know how to separate and disintegrate that same leaf or flower. These particles of omnipresent life build planets, suns, and systems; they hurl the comet on its way across measureless deserts of star dust and emboss its burning path. From the materialistic and individual concept of life and its operations, it is pitiable and pathetic to view the wrecks along the shores of science. It is only when we view these apparently sad failures from the firm foothold of the unity of being and the operation of wisdom that we clearly see in these frictions and warring elements and temporary defeats and victories the chemical operation of Eternal Spirit operating with its own substance its very self. It is only through the fires of transmutation that we are enabled to see that all life is one Eternal Life and therefore cannot be taken, injured, or destroyed. The fitful, varying, changing beliefs of men in the transition stage from the sleep and dreams of materialism to the realization of the Oneness of Spirit show forth in a babel of words and theories, a few of which I shall briefly consider, beginning with the yet popular belief in Evolution: The evolutionary concept has its starting point in the idea (a) that matter so-called is a something separate from mind, intelligence, or Spirit; (b) that this matter had a beginning; (c) that it contains within itself the desire to progress or improve; and, finally, that the race is progressing, becoming wiser, better, etc. Against this assumption, I submit the proposition that the Universe one verse always existed without beginning or ending and is and always has been absolutely perfect in all its varied manifestations and operations. A machine is no stronger than its weakest part. If the self-existing universe is weak or imperfect in any part, it must, of necessity, always have been so. Having all the knowledge there is it is unthinkable that there is any imperfection anywhere. Everything we see, feel, or taste, or in any manner sense, is perfect substance, condensed or manifested from perfect elements, but all differ in their notes, vibrations, or modes or rates of motion. A serpent is as perfect, therefore as good, as a man. Without feet, it outruns a man; without hands, it outclimbs the ape and has been a symbol of wisdom through all the ages. Man is an evil thing to the serpent's consciousness. Neither are evil nor good. They are different expressions or variations of the "Play of the Infinite Will." The brain of the jellyfish is composed of the same elements, of the same substance as the brain of a man, merely of a different combination. Can a man tell what the jellyfish is thinking, or why it moves and manifests its energy thus or so? How, then, is man wiser than the jellyfish because his thoughts are of a different nature and operate to different ends? The dodecahedron: (26 + 20) 46 corners = 46 protons. Element = palladium. Uranium (92) is also associated with the dodecahedron but would be two dodecahedra side-by-side.
Decided to harvest. Single treated plant 3x weight of other untreated 2. Same pot, same nutrient, same spectral composition,same ppfd, same music, same treatment same everything except 2 things One is genetic. Next grow will be identical clones. 2 will be treated, 2 will not. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L. syn. Taraxacum vulgare L.), belonging to the Asteraceae family, is a pharmacopeial, edible plant. It probably originated from Europe; it also gradually spread to Asia, then North America, and later to some South American countries. In many European countries, it is a common weed growing in fallow fields, roadsides, meadows, and lawns. Dandelion is a perennial weed with sturdy taproot, long green leaves organized in a rose-like manner, single yellow flowers, and characteristic cotton-like fruits with many seeds that are scattered by the wind [14]. The pharmacopeial raw materials are the roots of the dandelion (Taraxaci radix), herba, and also flowers. The traditional uses of dandelion that are mentioned in the literature concern its use as a remedy in kidney diseases, diabetes, bacterial infections, diuretic, liver, kidney, and spleen disorders, and as an anti-inflammatory factor [15]. On the other hand, dandelion parts are used as food, mainly as a salad ingredient, young leaves are placed in many dishes, and the inulin-rich roots are used as substitutes for coffee or tea [15]. It has been detected that approximately 100 g of fresh leaves contain 88.5 g of water, 19.1 g of crude protein, 6.03 g of crude fat, 10.8 g of crude fiber, and 0.67 g/100 g dry matter of calcium, 6.51 g/100 g dry matter of potassium, 3.99 g/100 g dry matter of zinc, 12.6 mg/100 g dry matter of tocopherols, 156.6 mg/100 g dry matter of L -ascorbic acid and 93.9 mg/100 g dry matter of carotenoids [16]. Dandelion flower extracts can be used as flavor additives in many food products, such as desserts, candies, baked cakes, puddings, and other similar food products [17]. The main active compounds of dandelion are presented in Figure 2. The dandelion's purpose is to pull calcium from deep and bring it up to the topsoil, its root system can penetrate deeper than grass.