Hi Growmies, She is becoming a monster. This plant is only 18 cm tall and basically consists of stems an buds, by now she has overtaken her mother in terms of bud production, quality and bud volume. I like to believe that the one feeding of pk 13/14 stimulated it even more. As of now the feeding will get less end less, preparing her for ripening. I am a super proud of this little project and it’s outcome and looking forward to cut this beauty down in roughly 3 weeks. Not much more to do but wait.
Hi Growmies, She is becoming a monster. This plant is only 18 cm tall and basically consists of stems an buds, by now she has overtaken her mother in terms of bud production, quality and bud volume. I like to believe that the one feeding of pk 13/14 stimulated it even more. As of now the feeding will get less end less, preparing her for ripening. I am a super proud of this little project and it’s outcome and looking forward to cut this beauty down in roughly 3 weeks. Not much more to do but wait.
Hi Growmies, She is becoming a monster. This plant is only 18 cm tall and basically consists of stems an buds, by now she has overtaken her mother in terms of bud production, quality and bud volume. I like to believe that the one feeding of pk 13/14 stimulated it even more. As of now the feeding will get less end less, preparing her for ripening. I am a super proud of this little project and it’s outcome and looking forward to cut this beauty down in roughly 3 weeks. Not much more to do but wait.
☘️02/05 - Empieza su segunda semana en Etapa de crecimiento. ☘️En el día se hoy esta cumpliendo 27 días de vida en total. ☘️Voy a dejar que esté cinco semanas en etapa de crecimiento para que pueda desarrollarse de forma correcta. ☘️La planta mide 11cm de largo, se encuentra grande y linda. ☘️Hasta el momento no tuve ningún problema. ☘️En estos dias seguire subiendo mas imagenes de como viene su crecimiento. ☘️Si notas algo extraño en las imagenes no dudes en avisarme! Podes seguirme en Insta gram como @bruweed_arg! 🍀🤙🏻
☘️04/05 - Empieza su primera semana en etapa de crecimiento. ☘️En el día de hoy le estuve agregando tres productos de Top Crop, Vege,Barrier y Green Explosion, para esta etapa es muy importante utilizarlos. ☘️Esta midiendo 7cm de largo. ☘️El 04/05 cumple 13 días de vida en total desde su germinacion. ☘️La planta creció muy rápido de una semana a otra, se encuentra en perfectas condiciones sin tener hasta el momento ningún problema. ☘️Antes de entrar en etapa de crecimiento hice el cambio de maceta, estaba utilizando una Root House de 3L y ahora estoy utilizando una Root de 10L. ☘️En estos dias seguire subiendo mas imagenes de como viene su evolución. ☘️Podes seguirme en Insta gram como @bruweed_arg 😶‍🌫️
Well this girl is nearing the end, flush maybe next few days flush as too hit 70 cloudy 30 amber 🤞 🌱 absolute beauty of a autoflower her smell is unreal 💚 Her sister is still outside luckily I was quick too remove as I think she has a rooting bacteria issue due too rust spots, she will be left and I'll update as and when 💚
Weather was better than before. A couple of sunny and warmer days. Installed the lights with the timer in order to support a 16/8 light cycle with a 1 minute burst of light every two hours at night. Mid week i transplanted them, super happy about that. Cover crop looks great. The placeholder pots have been filled with horsetail, alfalfa, bokashi and worms. Cleared them out to use it as mulch on top. Watered them in with fresh brewed vermicompost tea. The Jamaican Dream CBD will later move into the garden, so the roots can connect with the soil through the bottom of the bag. Plants looking great by the end of week, but still in flower.... started a new run for back up and a friend of mine would give me some very nice seedlings and clones if things go wrong.
Weather was better than before. A couple of sunny and warmer days. Installed the lights with the timer in order to support a 16/8 light cycle with a 1 minute burst of light every two hours at night. Mid week i transplanted them, super happy about that. Cover crop looks great. The placeholder pots have been filled with horsetail, alfalfa, bokashi and worms. Cleared them out to use it as mulch on top. Watered them in with fresh brewed vermicompost tea. The Jamaican Dream CBD will later move into the garden, so the roots can connect with the soil through the bottom of the bag. Plants looking great by the end of week, but still in flower.... started a new run for back up and a friend of mine would give me some very nice seedlings and clones if things go wrong.
Last week of dragon force then flush this girl in a few days as too try hit 70 cloudy 30 amber trichomes 👊 Her sister is booming into flower week 3 now I will create a new diary too continue her onwards sonyou dont miss the full potential 🌱 The smells from the orange sherbet are beautifull, I have defoliate the younger orange sherbet abit heavy but we plod on 🤞🌱
Hi all another week closer to the end goal,hopefully I'll can stop paying everyone else for there shit fucking weed they sell me and I can get top shelf stuff out me shed haha.well that's the plan and by god has this been and experience.first grow so you on top off everything before it even starts sometimes making my own problems mostly but honestly it was a joy and eventful.first fan broke,2 cheap dehumidifiers not making one bit difference so keeping temps and humidity down the last 2 to 3 weeks has been crazy bought another dehumidifier a big 20 litre one great job but in tent temps would be 30 degress if left it so learned lung room important so just keeping that best i can but with no fan no carbon filter not due to arrive till 21st of may ill be smoking a blunt when it arrives so the smell is off the charts ha plus wife says she was talking to post man more times since the start of this grow than me as I've been out entertain the girls for weeks haha🤣🤣🤣 So on to plants feeding strawberry banana same as always not there yet wait another week maybe and might only do 3 days flush on her ill see but have been flushing wedding cheesecake the last nine days more than I want to as waiting on new tent hopefully here Tomorrow so chop chop she responding well anyway only fan leaves going yellow not sugar leaves as of yet so want to do it before that starts happening im actually shitting myself about it tho has anyone else felt like that on there first grow I taught my problem would be ill do to early chop to quick just saw the thing down before there was even a bud just dying to smoke it because can't wait but it's the opposite I just don't touch it now dont want to fuck it all up so I'm terrified to go near it with a cutters 😅 😅🤣wen tent arrives ill be more confident I reckon we'll ill have to no matter what she has to come down tomorrow fingers crossed all goes well Thanks again for stopping by and all the help a long the way definitely would be ready for chop without it. I'll give report on the 1 gram I'll probably get when chopped, dried and cured 😄 🤣 😂 Keep growing and blazing all on to next week
D36/V32 - 06/05/23 - SCROG net added. Some LST D37/V33 - 07/05/23 - LST on SCROG D38/V34 - 08/05/23 - LST on SCROG D39/V35 - 09/05/23 - LST on SCROG D40/V36 - 10/05/23 - LST on SCROG D41/V37 - 11/05/23 - 👉 Water Change - Pure water for 2 days she's going to bloom D42/V38 - 12/05/23 - 👉 second day of flush
growing chem pie was amazing from start to finish, he made beautiful buds covered in resin. Every day it was wonderful to go and see how it blooms. during cultivation I came across two completely different phenotypes. One had rather more open but very firm buds, but the other was more like a crossbow and also firm buds. During drying, a little mold appeared on one of the bud, but otherwise everything is fine. after a month of curing, the taste of the smoke was very pronounced.
growing chem pie was amazing from start to finish, he made beautiful buds covered in resin. Every day it was wonderful to go and see how it blooms. during cultivation I came across two completely different phenotypes. One had rather more open but very firm buds, but the other was more like a crossbow and also firm buds. During drying, a little mold appeared on one of the bud, but otherwise everything is fine. after a month of curing, the taste of the smoke was very pronounced.
not so pretty buds, but through their fragrance they are unforgettable flowers for me. It smells beautiful of grapefruit
not so pretty buds, but through their fragrance they are unforgettable flowers for me. It smells beautiful of grapefruit
J-43 arrosages avec engrais (ph6.8) J-45 arrosages eau (ph6.6) J-47 arrosages avec engrais (ph6.8) Content du résultat jusqu'à présent malgré quelques inconvénients (larves de mouches de terreau)
Última semana de mis plantitas Hoy corto 12 de 16 Fue un cultivo sin problemas. Y creo que viene buena producción Recomiendo 100% los fertilizantes hesi buenísimos. 5 cultivos con ellos y 0 problemas. El sustrato Biobizz light mix excelente Las semillas de barneys farm uff pura crema. Eva seeds recomendables y las sweed seeds buenisimas semillas para seguir cultivando. Los Led yxo para ser de un perfil bajo qué no a toda la gente les gusta cumplen la. Función 480w de pura potencia en un espacio de 120x120 los recomiendo para gente que tenga un presupuesto bajo. Ahora voy por unos sobre 600w aunque los reforzaría estos con unos led de 100w . Bueno feliz con los resultados. Esta semana mostraré los resultados de las plantas cortadas. Se vienen más cultivos Salu2