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Da ich mittlerweile eher der Meinung bin das meine Pflanzen etwas zu viel dünger bekommen haben gebe ich zur Zeit nur noch Wasser werde die auch bis zum Ende jetzt durchziehen (Spülung)........ Ach ja und diese Woche war hart die Temperaturen in der Box unten zu halten habe montag, dienstag und mittwoch in der beleuchtungs Phase das Zelt auf gehabt dadurch hatte ich 28,2 spitzen Temperatur 🌞 ziemlich hoch für die blüte Phase aber bei geschlossenem Zelt hatte ich morgens 32 Grad in der licht Phase da musste ich reagieren das problem an der nummer is das ich in einem Mehrfamilienhaus haus lebe mit 24 Parteien da gab es Dann schon auf meiner Etage komische Blicke Vor allem am Dienstag bin kurz einkaufen gegangen Zelt war offen und habe vergessen das Küchen fenster zu schließen komme wieder und mein Nachbar spricht mich an......... 😂🤣✌️ Das da ja ein sehr schöner Geruch aus meiner Küche kommt und ich sollte doch mal lieber mein Fenster schließen da er zwar kein Problem mit dem Geruch hat aber es ja noch andere Parteien im Haus gibt..... Puh😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰 mehr Glück als Verstand gehabt. Da ich aber auch den halben Tag dem Geruch von gras ausgesetzt bin nehme ich das auch nicht mehr so stark wahr wie andere.......
Questa settimana ho notato un piccolo stress alle foglie della cima centrale (questo stress credo sia dovuto alle temperature elevate )
Mega Power plant auto grew great. I ran her a bit long and she foxtailed on me. I was aiming for more of a good night kinda smoke. Hopefully with the relaxing qualities of this strain, plus the extra ripeness I may have a winner. I won't find out likely for about 2 months. Between dry time, and others ahead of her with my schedule I am getting them done as fast as I can. Very frosty flowers. Has a sweet earthy fruity smell. I have a harvest video that would not upload. The video can be found on my YouTube channel. The Viparspectra P4000 light worked great, and is of excellent quality from my experience. Thank you Viparspectra, and Spliff Seeds. Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Mega Power plant auto grew great. I ran her a bit long and she foxtailed on me. I was aiming for more of a good night kinda smoke. Hopefully with the relaxing qualities of this strain, plus the extra ripeness I may have a winner. I won't find out likely for about 2 months. Between dry time, and others ahead of her with my schedule I am getting them done as fast as I can. Very frosty flowers. Has a sweet earthy fruity smell. I have a harvest video that would not upload. The video can be found on my YouTube channel. The Viparspectra P4000 light worked great, and is of excellent quality from my experience. Thank you Viparspectra, and Spliff Seeds. Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
GP #1 required another week of heavy defoliation. Light defoliation on GP#2. Shes sticky to the touch and starting to show orange hairs. Smell is starting to really come out in the room even before I open the tent. GP#1 is at 43 inches and GP#2 is at 40 and a half. I added a video where she knuckled up after being supercropped a couple of weeks ago. I thought I needed to brace her to handle the bud weight but she’s going to be just fine. Til next week!
July 23: A great week of warm sunny weather with enough rain to prevent the garden from becoming too dry. Flowers are stacking... a bit leafy but dense. Smell is coming on strong and resin developing complexity of different fragrances. CBD Crack resin smells amazing sweet, like bubblegum and roses. Small plant but amazing fragrance.
July 23: A great week of warm sunny weather with enough rain to prevent the garden from becoming too dry. Flowers are stacking... a bit leafy but dense. Smell is coming on strong and resin developing complexity of different fragrances. Purple Punch has great structure and nice smell I'm sure most would really like.