The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Namaste This week was awesome. Finally dried and jarred the harvest from the two smaller girls. 23 grams in total. Nothing to brag about but it is all mine. And booooy she’s kicking. Very pleasant smoke and 2-3 hours of intense high. Cooking last night was adventurous haha! The remaining lady has swollen big time, the buds are heavy and dense despite of some foxtail. I give it around a week to be ready. Have a happy grow!
Esta es la última semana de crecimiento. Espero llegar a unos 30cm de altura para esta semana. He hecho varios cortes de bajos, defoliacion y super cropping. Se ven saludables y sigo esperando el estiramiento de la pequeña que quedó atrás. Iré actualizando. Día 25. Hoy hice una corte de hojas grande. Esta noche voy a aplicar EMRO foliar. Algunas plantas se van muy arriba. Pero dentro de todo vienen parejas. En unos días paso a floración. Probablemente ya la próxima semana sea naranja. Día 28. Último día de crecimiento. Esta noche cambio el depósito. Voy a tener que comprar otro, o ir rellenando a los 3 días del cambio, dado que estan tomando mucha solución. Algunas se estiraron más de lo esperado y la pequeña no alcanzó el tamaño deseado, pero no importa. Voy a ir aplicando LST para mantener una altura pareja. Las raíces crecieron muchísimo, pero por ahora es manejable el tema. Ahora llega la hora de la verdad.
End of week 4 and all is great! This girl is beefin up to be a monster! Already got a ton of bud on her an their is still 4-6 weeks to go. loving this Hortilux Eye 1000w bulb. Really bringing the A game. Not so bumbed about spending $ 125 on a bulb haven’t had to really take any foliage off yet with the exception of the growth under the netting I removed at 1 weeks into flowering. I say “hell no” too popcorn fluff! Lol gotta save that energy for the top buds. Going great so far anyway, I made a DIY light bar for my light rail mover out of an old metal bed frame so that was cool. Saved $50 per tent... I ain’t no sucker gonna pay $50 for an aluminum bar with some bolts. Lol gonna hook up my “water coolers soon too since the summer is approaching and my water temps are begging to creep up again. Lol you may have noticed a computer case sitting in the corner of my grow tents in past videos, they are DIY water chillers made from some thermoelectric coolers and a copper cooling coil. Stay tuned to see them operational soon! I will be posting a DIY video on how to build one yourself out of an old desktop computer and a few other parts off Amazon. Cheers 💨
Finally some progress, maybe now we can start picking up the pace, eh? She's got this weird spiraling growth going on, as if she is a knot coming undone, or like a tornado.
Hi everyone, masters and beginners. This week we will use the fimming technique on these beautiful photoperiodes to promote more gems. Thanks to the Fimming Technique, The Growth Hormone Reaches All The Side Ramifications and Not Only The Main One of the Central Stem. Stay on the piece for subsequent updates
Hi everyone, masters and beginners. This week we will use the fimming technique on these beautiful photoperiodes to promote more gems. Thanks to the Fimming Technique, The Growth Hormone Reaches All The Side Ramifications and Not Only The Main One of the Central Stem. Stay on the piece for subsequent updates
So I started getting this weird deficiency several weeks ago, but now it seems to have taken over the entire plant. I know that RO water has no CalMag, but I upped the CaliMagic dose and its just gotten worse. Going to have to consult with some of my growmies to see whats going on.
So I started getting this weird deficiency several weeks ago, but now it seems to have taken over the entire plant. I know that RO water has no CalMag, but I upped the CaliMagic dose and its just gotten worse. Going to have to consult with some of my growmies to see whats going on.
So after conferring with one of my dispensary-grower friends, he said that its likely because I had "dry patches", which essentially means, that certain areas of the pot were not getting wet and the roots down there were dying. After being more attentive about evenly watering, and a little defolitation, she's back to looking her old self. Even better actually. She's loving flowering, almost to the point of screaming to me "FINALLY!", and I couldn't agree more. Its been a chilhood dream to be abke to grow my own weed. So after all these years, I am beyond excited. Its so close I can almost *smell* it lol. SideNote: I also took two cuts for clones incase this bud turns out to be bomb.
Was my first plant, but I'm happy with the result :))))
I'm getting impatient now. Gave her a light P burn with a extra feed of PK at the end of last week and have dropped Boost entirely. Fade came on faster than expected but I think that's the Boost making her hungry, leaving no doubt in my mind it's a PGR. Dammit. Two more weeks??
Hey, it's all normal, I would say, today I removed all the leaves that were dried out or over 60 percent yellow. I'm really looking forward to the harvest, but I already know that the result in terms of quantity won't be my personal highscore, I should have left it in the vegi phase longer but the net is "warned" before the stretch, but I didn't think it was so severe, that was I think the biggest mistake in this grow😏 but well you never stop learning and the next time will be better 😊👌 oh so the trichomes are clear to milky I think 1 week then it is harvest but I want about 30 / 50 have ratio 😱😁
Hey, it's all normal, I would say, today I removed all the leaves that were dried out or over 60 percent yellow. I'm really looking forward to the harvest, but I already know that the result in terms of quantity won't be my personal highscore, I should have left it in the vegi phase longer but the net is "warned" before the stretch, but I didn't think it was so severe, that was I think the biggest mistake in this grow😏 but well you never stop learning and the next time will be better 😊👌 oh so the trichomes are clear to milky I think 1 week then it is harvest but I want about 30 / 50 have ratio 😱😁
Next week harvest! 🔥
04/29/2021 GSC, is Fairing well against PM Blue Dream not so much going to have to physically wash leaves to take care of that. Watered in with Seed & Plant (mychoriza).
04/29/2021 GSC, is Fairing well against PM Blue Dream not so much going to have to physically wash leaves to take care of that. Watered in with Seed & Plant (mychoriza).