amazing growth this week from all 3 plants. The peanut butter cookies is recovering from the transplant. Both the auto cheese and auto cinderella jack have both started to show signs of flowering and have bushed out incredibly well. The pbc has had its first top done and has started growing 2 extra nodes.
07/08/2020 - training has been done on all the autos. They have recovered extremely well and seem to not be slowing down. Finally starting to see the type of flowers I have been striving for. After a semi unsuccessful first grow, this has been a huge relief. Both autos are now showing signs of going into flower so I will try to stop LST unless any unruly branches form.
The peanut butter cookies has now started to fully recover from the transplant and topping. Will now allow this to flourish and grow as big as it wants as both autos should be done before its too big (hopefully)