Day 23 - These chubby, stubble little chicks finally got tall enough that I could LST the top cola. These girls seem healthy as shit but man I'll be happier as they continue to stretch. It's been hard working in the soil because of all the fan leaves. Worried about future moisture issues. Still have no clue how much to water them.
Day 25 - Gave them their first nutes. Used about a third of the recommended pair from the fox farm trio since I'm using Ocean Forest soil. I've heard it's pretty hot, so I just fed with Calmag the last ten days. Continued with training the branches and it's really helping out. The branches are easy to tie down now that they are getting some length. Lights turned down to 82% for the last two days or so. Did some rearranging since the par in the center is slightly higher. My thought is the increased distance to the center will allow me to get balance out the two Pinots since the Sammy is shorter. We will see. I may send that off to live with a buddy if I run out of space.
Random - Did I mention one of my other hobbys is home automation? I uploaded a shot of my dashboard that changes every time I get some crazy idea. I have fun messing with it and it keeps me in touch with my plants.
Day 29 - two are starting to flower. Removed the humidifier and bumped the light up to 90%.
Finally realized what a dry pot weighs so that helps to know when they need water.
Time lapses are really helpful for me because I can see how each cola is developing.
I can see where I need to tuck fan leaves and focus some lst love.
Big momma is complete and going to let her be since I think it’s well distributed. The other Pinot is a few days behind, as is the Sammy. Happy with all Bree so far.
Work has begun on the automatic watering system for when I need to leave for a few days