Hello Everyone 👏,
As you can see, are all Cherry Colas growing, they all have a tightrips in their pots for now, for recognition.
Will make nicer pictures of them in a few days.
They are now 4 days from germination🙏.
The humidifier had been added, so I had to adjust the room a lil bit.
Seedlings don't need much nutrients, neighter do autoflowers. with normal soil I would recommend to only give water for 1-2 weeks, since it holds nutrients in it as well.
But since I'm using Cocos for this grow, I might have to add some basic nutrients in the upcomming week.
For this week I gave/give only water turns and Startbooster turns.
Update day 5:
- Lowerd the lights to avoid stretching. they are now at 75cm distance from lamp to pots.
I want them at 40-50 cm, but I don't want to rush it.
- Added another layer of cocos to avoid the soil from drying up therefore the roots from dying.
This will happen because of lowering the lamps down, the soil will get exposed more to heat.
As you can see, the humidifier is doing his thing haha. Pictures and videos where taken without the lights + fans on.
because of that, it will look like this. Still fun thought.
Enjoy 🙌