Day 42 Sept 9th - Keeping tent way cleaner from now on, still have more to do. These ladies are getting very bushy. I can and need to defoliate them again this week ASAP. I am impressed with how they turned out so far, but allowing more light penetration during the 3rd week of flower is going to hopefully get me thicccc colas up and down the branches.
Day 43 - defoliated and lollipopped :)
Day 45 sept 13th - Switched light schedule back to a 20/4. 10 AM off, 2 PM on. Dehumidifier working flawlessly, cool temps all week as fall rolls around. Plants are doing very well as I prepare them for mid flower :)
Day 47 sept 15th - Pistils are poppin like crazy, looks like these gals responded very very well to the defoliation. See you in a couple days for next week! :)
Day 48 sept 16th - Just amazing growth