1/16/2023 - Day 14: not much new to report. All 6 plants are continuing to look healthy. The Grand Prix seem to be a bit smaller than the Frozen White Runtz and Ice Bath. They all look good though. 1/18/2023 - Day 16: clipped a leaf off each Grand Prix to send it in for a genetic test to determine the sex. I used Farmer Freeman. Nothing else to report at this time. 1/20/2023 - Day 18: watered all 6 plants and foliar fed with the same water. Ph was 6.6, and mixed with ThermX-70, FishShit, Rootwise Micro Complete, Pure Protein Dry organic fish fertilizer, BuildASoil Big 6, Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, Fermented Comfrey Extract, and Yah-Whey Thrive. I know I went crazy, but might as well use it if I have it. 1/21/2023 - Day 19: Plants are looking happy. They obviously loved the feeding yesterday
I've topped this girl a week before I switched to flower, they're all in a 120 x 120 x 200 frow tent under a sf2000 from spiderfarmer I'll add a HLG qb135 in about a week.
Day 3 for Euphoria i've topped this one so hopefully see different results when I compare to the Euphoria #2
Langsam kommen wir dem Höhepunkt nah. Die kleine trinkt wie verrückt und lässt es sich gut gehen unter der 200w LED. Geruch wird langsam intensiver. Man merkt sofort wenn die Box auf geht. Ich glaube es wird das beste Ergebnis meiner Karriere.
welcome to one of the last episodes of the BIG Cheese twins chronicles! ...I cannot believe it either, but when i checked her trichomes this morning, with my microscope.. she is as good as done!!(the FAT, smaller one at least) So beautiful trichomes she has too.. a lot of them looked like lil' chuncks of cheese! (deep yellow, with spots on them 😁) But a lot of old cheese too (orange, brown) so think gonna chop her end of this week!(be4 it starts raining again..😎) Its finally sunny weather so gonna let her enjoy the sunshine some more 😎 dont think her sister is ready yet (the tall skinny one) but she will get there soon enough! She is covered with trichomes.. my camera had a hard time focussing in the buds so sprakly!!😻 So the next episode of the cheese twins chronicles will be a harvest!! Get your popcorn ready😁👊 happy growing for all✊
...I cannot believe it either, but when i checked het trichomes yesterday, with my microscope.. she is ready!! So beautiful trichomes she has too.. a lot of them looked like lil' chucks of cheese! (deep yellow, with spots on them 😁) But a lot of old cheese too (orange, brown) so think gonna chop her end of this week! Its finally sunny weather so gonna let her enjoy the sunshine some more 😎 dont think her sister is ready yet (the tall one) but she will get there soon enough! She is covered with trichomes.. my camera had a hard time focussing in the buds so sprakly!!😻 So the next episode of the twin cheese chronicles will be a harvest!! Get your popcorn ready😁👊 happy growing for all✊
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D71/B34 - 25/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 6.6 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 10L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B 💧pH- 💼 CO2 Dispenser added 🧠 🚀 🎬 4 nice pics and 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D72/B35 - 26/06/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 5.7 🌡️ T: 26°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
Sie entwickelt sich toll noch 4-5 Wochen bis zur Ernte, Laut Züchter. Das Wetter ist mittlerweile unglaublich gut, Wenn ich in Urlaub fahre muss ich sehen wie ich den 12h Lichtrythmus aufrecht erhalte. Zur Bewässerung habe ich mit Blumat bestellt.
Day 85 Day 42 Flower 21/06/24 Friday Watering outside pH 6.2 Day 86 Day 43 Flower 22/06/24 Saturday Another light water today, pH 6.2 water only. Picture update 🤩 Day 87 Day 44 Flower 23/06/24 Sunday feed today pH 6.2 Oh wow how her buds are really starting to burst 😍 The smell is phenomenal, lemons and limes tropical, heavenly. She is coated in trichomes already, so sticky. Day 88 Day 45 Flower 24/06/24 Monday Water with calmag pH 6.01 3L No run off. Day 89 Day 46 Flower 25/06/24 Tuesday Feed today pH 6.0 She seems to be loving the 6.0 pH range the last 2 weeks so stinking with till flush now. She has really thrown some weight on, Added another cane to support 4 arms as there struggling to hold themselves up, arms with buds are over 50-69cm long 😍 Picture update - check out her octopus 🐙 base ✌️💚
25/6/24 2 seeds in the shot glass she should be sprouting in 4 days.
Yeah definitely was the right decision to move her into the tent! I was training every other day but I think growth is slowing down. Probably starting to put on some bud now. Alright let's see how the buds gonna develop. Gonna keep you updated ;) Also, I hope you don't mind my super cute rabbits. I'm trying my chances in the Pets&Pot Cup. Not a lot of experience but I love making pictures of my pets anyway, so why not give it a try.
Samen direkt in 11l Töpfe Eingepflanzt Lampe 50cm entfernt 24/0 Licht
Soaked the seeds in water with hydrogen peroxide 10 drops per 200 ml. GHS gave root first both varieties, CG waited 3 days and decided to add a second seed, after 24 hours both gave root :) Solucion - local Argentinian manufacturer. Coconut substrate - Plagron. Water : 110 ppm + 0.5 (HV+HM+HM)=350 ppm. Wanted to twist the sprout with a Lemon Orange spiral because it stretched out, but broke it in half :( 26.06 - 2 Marshmallow and Milky Dreams. P.S. the biggest one is Milky Dreams. Puse las semillas en remojo en agua con peróxido de hidrógeno 10 gotas por 200 ml. GHS dio raíz primero ambas variedades, CG esperó 3 días y decidió añadir una segunda semilla, después de 24 horas ambos dieron raíz :). Solucion - productor local argentino. Sustrato de coco - Plagron. Agua : 110 ppm + 0,5 (HV+HM+HM)=350 ppm. Quise retorcer el brote con una espiral de Naranja Limón porque se estiraba, pero lo rompí por la mitad :( 2 Marshmallow y Milky Dreams. PD: el más grande es Milky Dreams. Замачивал семена в воде с перекисью водорода 10 капель на 200 мл. GHS дал корень первым оба сорта, CG ждал 3 дня и решил добавить вторую семечку, через сутки оба дали корень :) Solucion - местный Аргентинский производитель. Кокосовый субстрат - Plagron. Вода : 110 ppm + 0.5 ( HV+HM+HM)=350 ppm Хотел скрутить росток спиралью Лемон Оранж, потому что он вытянулся, но сломал его пополам :( 2 Marshmallow и Milky Dreams P.S. самый большой это Milky Dreams
Pflanzen soweit in Ruhe gelassen jeden Tag etwas mit Wasser besprüht und ca 0,2-0,4l Wasser Licht 24/0 40cm 25%
Die kleine ist schon was besonderes. Wächst verdammt schnell , bald wird auch in den End Topf umgepf
Shortest pheno has purple stigmas. Defoliating every couple days. The pheno in the front middle didn't grow as many shoots, plant structure looks different than the other 4. Has a musky smell.
Nährstoffe bekomme ich nicht geregelt Blätter werden gelb von umtern nach oben gegossen wird nach gieß Plan von growers .ch mit Leitungswasser Ph werde Erde 5,5-6,5 Da die Feuchtigkeit nicht gesenkt werden konnte sind jetzt nur noch 3 Pflanzen im Zelt
Lampe 100% seit Woche 5 Licht 24/0 Blätter werden mehr und mehr gelb