1/16/2023 - Day 14: not much new to report. All 6 plants are continuing to look healthy. The Grand Prix seem to be a bit smaller than the Frozen White Runtz and Ice Bath. They all look good though. 1/18/2023 - Day 16: clipped a leaf off each Grand Prix to send it in for a genetic test to determine the sex. I used Farmer Freeman. Nothing else to report at this time. 1/20/2023 - Day 18: watered all 6 plants and foliar fed with the same water. Ph was 6.6, and mixed with ThermX-70, FishShit, Rootwise Micro Complete, Pure Protein Dry organic fish fertilizer, BuildASoil Big 6, Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, Fermented Comfrey Extract, and Yah-Whey Thrive. I know I went crazy, but might as well use it if I have it. 1/21/2023 - Day 19: Plants are looking happy. They obviously loved the feeding yesterday
Really nice plant to grow the high is nice and mellow, if I was to do this strainbagain I'd try go for the photoperiod to give her more potential but over all great grow and fantastic jar appeal.
High temp and humidity! Leak smell and slowly grow.
Hey Growers, Day 1 of Week 10 Two ladys harvested today you can see in fotos how they look in my opinion Amazing Hahah (but im the father lol). Purple one its like a mix of exótic fruits The orange one its like a a cream of a fruit. Both seens very sweet!! Soon i Will share strains!! The another two ladys more sativas i think , looks like they need around more 10 days lets us see. The taller one smeels like gasy citrus, And the another one its a mix of strwaberry And another touch that I dont discover yet. Thank you all. Nice week 4 everybody!! _GrF_
Ela respondeu muito bem ao LST, mas acabei ficando com preguiça de ir melhorando a cada dia, fui viajar e larguei ela. No final ela cresceu em um formato meio estranho, com 2 cones principais até que grandes, mas a parte inferior da planta ficou menor (eu ACHO), posso estar enganado. Minha sensação é que sei começar o LST da maneira correta, mas não sei como preciso guiar depois de uma certa idade da planta. Se tivesse mantido o LST bem feito acho que ela ficaria com o dobro do volume provavelmente. Ela ramificou com facilidade. Não tirei fotos durante um tempo, mas hoje está bonita, com um verde escuro e brilho bastante saudáveis. Ela está com 53 dias.
masterpieces It was a nice journey, she now finally looks succulent, look at the photos which speak for themselves. Ok my photos are beautiful but it's the plants that are gorgeous I only work to show their beauty, I am at the service of these queens. Nori Cake is overflowing with resin, it is truly exceptional from this point of view, the flowers are as hard as stone, marble and all the hardest things you can imagine. The flowers are not giant but you can see that they are very heavy. It is one of those plants that seems small but is actually quite a large quantity. The Genetics are excellent and do not betray, they are very beautiful in all respects. I find the color super interesting, the upper part of the plant at the end of the cycle has become a breathtaking color between blue and purple. Super resin, the trichomes really have that little purple vein inside that drives me crazy. Thanks again to Greenhouse for giving us these masterpieces. Another fantastic NEWS made in GHSC My favorite feeding at the moment Music of the week Radio Nula from Slovenia Music of the week Music for Plants 432 hz "I can see the light"
L'unico problema al momento è il ph che ogni giorno salta di 1 punto in più...da 5.9/6.0....a 7 anche 7.3... Nuovo problema: devo mettere un altra pietra porosa ad ossigenare il secchio principale,in modo che i residui non si fermino sul fondo vaso dello stesso... Ok tutto fatto...ho aggiunto una piccola pompa d'aria al vaso centrale.... altro ossigeno oltre che smuovere con le bolle il fondo...😉
Hi there fellow cultivators, Here we go with flowering week 9 in our garden of chill. This week the focus was on let the girls shine and show off their lovely colours. They were able to give the most beautiful experience in this mature phase in terms of appearance.🍁🌱 I feel lucky every day when I open the tent and marvel at one of nature's most beautiful creature.🙏💚 I will miss growing in the next few months very bad. This week just watered with PH-d de chlorinated tap water. Day 60: One lady is going in to a darkness with the Shogun warrior. Flowering Day 62: This Girls are pretty much ready to harvest, i am letting them mature for a few days and in to 48 hours dark before harvest. On day 65 i am gonna make the chop chop.⚔️ The smell is very strong in the whole house if I open the tent even a little.😎 Is completely unreal and I am so very excited to sample each pheno. See you in a while with the harvest report! Peace 🏻
In realtà ho coltivato 2 semi di questa pianta una l'ho raccolta e seccata mentre un altra è ancora in flush e verrà raccolta tra 5-6 giorni. I fenotipi sono quasi identici e predilige un odore di gas e og! L'effetto è devastante molto narcotica e a breve pubblichero qualche foto di qualche estrazione a freddo! Spero che piacciano a qualcuno i miei lavori e che qualcuno di voi si possa ispirare a tutto questo. Ringrazio ogni singola persona che è passata di qui a lasciare il suo like o commento e ricordo a tutti voi che potete trovarmi anche su Instagram 😘
This plant at week 4 was little bit stunned because she is getting all the cold and is stressed out,the fan hits directly into the plant.I was feeding all the plants same amounts of nutrients but this one didn’t handle it well so I flush her one time and at week 5 she got a lot taller and stronger 💪
Really resistance to anything that is causing her stress and as always really good yields even in worst case scenarios.
Finished really fast! Not expecting a very big harvest, they needed a longer veg time, pretty small at start of flowering, didn't use massive bloom this run either Going of the last run expecting good quality. Small buds.
Really resistance to anything that is causing her stress and as always really good yields even in worst case scenarios.
On day 1 the reservoirs PH is 6.3. The rez is 483 ppm. The girls are looking good and nitrogen toxicity seems to have stopped. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.1 to 6.3. The rez is 477 ppm. Trichomes seem to be 10% cloudy so I still have a bit to go i'm thinking 9 weeks should be a good bet! On day 3 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.1. The rez is 500 ppm. On day 4 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 503 ppm. I lowered the ppfd so my tallest received 900 ppfd and an average of 543 ppfd. On day 5 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 519 ppm. I removed some of the extra fan leaves blocking bud sites.
week 5 of veg flipped to 12/12 on 12/15 first week of flower comming up lets see how much these ladies strech to the light i have it maxed out in the tent so i hope i cam leave it full blast for flower.
W9.Day.1(59) As the ninth week of flowering arrives, my plants are doing quite well. The younger one has recovered from her injuries and has produced a plethora of buds from her seven nodes. It seems I'm on track to set a new personal record for the stem width at the base - currently, it measures 33 millimeters. My plan is to see these plants through 70 to 77 days of flowering. W9.Day.3(61) Today's music program features rave and Sanskrit. Removed some old root leaves that covers less potent colas.
The flowers are very swollen, very nice t