Empecé la germinación el 23/01/23 en un vaso de agua durante 12 horas, después al taper con servilleta húmeda 24 horas más. Radícula de 2cm y las planto en maceta de 1L Actualización estado de germinación 03/02/23: Meto fotos ya con las macetas rellenas al 10º día y fotos del 7º día comparando las macetas y los tallos. En cuanto el 2º par de hojas sea mas que evidente empezamos las semanas de crecimiento. Dentro de 2 o 3 semanas quizás, trasplantamos a maceta definitiva de 7Litros. Lo veremos. Actualización 06/02/23: Meto unas fotos de las plantas mas grandes, 3 días después para que se vea la diferencia de crecimiento. Además un video mostrando el cultivo entero, la luminaria y la extracción. Llevamos 13 días desde la germinación. Actualización 08/02/23: A partir de aquí voy a empezara a contar ya las semanas de crecimiento. Hemos tenido 15 días desde la germinación. Venga va, día 10/02/23 meto unas fotos mas, llevamos 17 días desde la germinación
Been Flushing since day 60 and she has finally reached the end. REALLY like how she turned out and I think am about to but something really special in a jar!
The Strain is a great smoke just price seed but you pay for the quality right, eventhught it could be better as I F*@&^ things up with the soil
Kinda left the diary forgotten but hopefully for the next ones i should be more consistent.
6 days drying 603g in total happy with that buds havw tightened to rocl hard crisp buds lovely fruity smell off it really smooth smoke
Lost a ton of overall weight from massive overfeeds. She still smells incredible and already smokes real nice. I'll post a legitimate report on everything once she cures up.
She had a simple life little lst but thats about it she looked small as a plant but ended up being my highest yeild plant over 100 grams dry flower had couple problems with me feeding to much but sorted out just fine overall its a nice plant to grow very quickly and easy just don't get carried away with food my experience less additives the better grow simple with autos from fastbuds especially 2 or 3 additives is plenty or your gonna run the risk of buring them 😤 grow for this plant was 10/10 hardly any effort needed 70 quick days
To the community I want to say thanks Since they helped me out so many times Thanks a lot for your time and support Thank you kindly grow diaries for keeping up to date with so many articles and growers around showing their cool stuff, thanks for the opportunity to grow and to share knowledge, also appreciate the contest and I'm hoping to participate soon with this diary in some more, I think it is a pretty cool way to give motivation to the cannabis community, let's keep making great things with weed so the world gets to know our way, one day they'll understand its love we put on here, love and good vibes So good so far this strain was bomb One of my best, grew 110cm Had many colas and buds Was really strong at diseases Liked nutes a lot and water High was more cerebral but still good high tho very narcotic when u smoke too much If I have to say what is the score to me it will be 8 out of 10, since it didn't taste like cream and the high is more cerebral to my like Other than that she's pretty good Very creative must say Tons of friends enjoyed her as well
I have little to add that I haven't already said. These plants in particular grew from start to finish in 0.50l pots, produced nearly a pound of wet grass and about 30 dry grass overall. Not much, but it was as I expected, the smaller the pot, the lower the yield.
Not one of the fastest autoflowers out there, but with excellent results. You plant the seed, water every now and then and wait: p With white widow you are never wrong