The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
~Entry for the 'Best Rarest & Smallest Pot by Seedsman' contest~ Starring 🤩.... ~ Seedsman Zkittlez Auto ~ Zkittlez (Grape x Grape Apple) Auto x Auto Fruit (Auto Fruit Cheese x Auto Blueberry) Zkittlez Auto is one of the very sweetest-tasting auto strains available anywhere. It is a sativa-dominant (60%) strain that was bred from Zkittlez (Grape x Grape Apple) Auto crossed with a male Fruit Kush Auto, the latter a remarkable fruity strain bred from Fruit Cheese Auto and Blueberry Auto. Growers can expect to harvest some good yields of high-THC buds. Zkittlez Auto remains a fairly short plant, rarely exceeding 120 cm. in height wherever it is grown. This is a vigorous plant which is able to metabolize a high level of nutrients and she's a thirsty girl too! If growing indoors close to neighbors it is strongly advised to ensure good and effective carbon air-filtration in order to neutralize powerful odors. This strain's life-cycle is approximately 90 days from seed to harvest. The leaves on this plant are big and wide serving to convert every lumen available into Zkittlez goodness. Indoor growers should obtain between 400 - 500 gr/m2 while plants cultivated outdoors will produce slightly more at 500 - 600 gr/m2. Lateral branching is very good and it is recommended to use supports/ties to prevent snapping and keep buds close to the light source. This strain's scent is sweet and fruity with candy and berry notes. Its high-THC has been measured at between 21 - 24% with less than 1% CBD. The effect is well-balanced, cerebral and euphoric, and is very good for social situations as well as for relaxing in front of the TV either alone or with company. It also has the added effect of helping to relieve chronic pain, helping with nausea, insomnia and depression as well as stimulating the appetite.** **Credit to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ The Setup ~ ~ Grown in a 2qt plastic popcorn pot filled with Mother Earth Grow 70/30 Coco/Perlite with Xtreme Gardening Mykos added. ~ Seed was germinated directly in the medium without any 'pre-soak' ~ Feeding will be by Dutch Pro Nutrients ~ 24hr light cycle while germinating ~ 20/4 light cycle after first leaves appear. ~ 4x8 Gorilla Tent ~ HLG 650R w/ 30w Supplemental UVA Bar controlled by a Trolmaster Hydro X controller set for a 15min Sunrise/Sunset simulation. (also a HLG Blackbird for additional side lighting if necessary) ~ Supplemental co2 controlled by an AutoPilot APC 8200 co2 controller ~ AC Infinity Cloudline T6 with Controller 67 using a Terrabloom 6x24" carbon filter ~ De-Humidifier and Humidifier when needed. ~ 14k BTU IdealAir portable A/C unit plumbed into tent for temperature control. ~ BlueLab testing instruments ~ Two Hurricane 18" oscillating fans ~ Two 6" Clip-on fans ~ Two 10" floor mounted fans ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Update: 1/24- Well, here we go into the Seedsman Zkittlez Auto's 9th week of flower which will be her last! This fine looking lady has been growing for 80 days since she broke ground and has turned out simply AMAZING! 🤩❤️ I'm flushing every day now with well water that's ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 71℉ until I have good runoff and that's exactly what I did today in addition to giving her pot a 1/4 turn. 1/26- Today I flushed the Zkittlez Auto for the last time and I'm going to put her in the dark for 72 hours today after checking her trichomes one last time. 1/30- Yesterday the Seedsman Zkittlez Auto was released from 'Dark Jail' and looked absolutely amazing, covered in frost and sporting some gorgeous coloration on her flowers! After snapping some pic's I chopped and hung her to begin the drying/curing process. She's hanging in total darkness with a fan, de-humidifier and humidifier to keep the air circulating gently and the RH at 60% (I usually run the RH down to 50% for the first 24hrs, then up it to 60% for the remainder of the hanging time). The air temperature in my drying room stays a constant 53-60℉ which I find ideal for getting the drying time to the 12-14 days I like it to be to ensure a nice S L O W drying which, I've found, ensures a super delicious product after it's finished curing for 3-4 months in jars! This has been such a fun grow to participate in, and as always, I learned a few things I didn't know previously as I've always grown in much larger containers which made this grow that much more interesting to me! I hope you enjoyed following along half as much as I did growing this little gem from Seedsman Genetics, I truly appreciate all the love and positive comments that I've received throughout this run.... THANK YOU!❤️❤️❤️ See you at the Harvest! 😎🤙 ~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following my grows and for all the ❤️and support you give! 💚What you grow - Grow what you💚
Día 73 (12/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Todas las plantas muestras las preflores hembras! (excepto LemonPaya) Día 74 (13/08) Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 . Están muy bien hidratadas Pequeños ajustes de LST Día 75 (14/08) Hoy día de lluvias torrenciales Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 76 (15/08) Detecto mosca blanca en varias plantas. Aplico Spruzit a 10 ml/l ahora que aún no estamos en floración Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 77 (16/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 La mosca blanca ha desaparecido completamente Día 78 (17/08) No riego. Mañana a primera hora aplico Top Dress y riego profundo Va a empezar la floración! Día 79 (18/08) Alimentemos el suelo con Top Dress! 💥 Aplicamos 4 g/L sustrato de Tasty Flowers TD by Lurpe Solutions. Total = 84 gramos / maceta Riego con 1 Litro H2O pH 6,5 con 25 ml/L de Humus de Lombriz Liquido Aplicación foliar Kelp hidrolizado de Lurpe Solutions a 0,25 ml/l 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Día 73 (12/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Todas las plantas muestras las preflores hembras! (excepto LemonPaya) Día 74 (13/08) Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 . Están muy bien hidratadas Pequeños ajustes de LST Día 75 (14/08) Hoy día de lluvias torrenciales Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 76 (15/08) Detecto mosca blanca en varias plantas. Aplico Spruzit a 10 ml/l ahora que aún no estamos en floración Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 77 (16/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 La mosca blanca ha desaparecido completamente Día 78 (17/08) No riego. Mañana a primera hora aplico Top Dress y riego profundo Va a empezar la floración! Día 79 (18/08) Alimentemos el suelo con Top Dress! 💥 Aplicamos 4 g/L sustrato de Tasty Flowers TD by Lurpe Solutions. Total = 84 gramos / maceta Riego con 1 Litro H2O pH 6,5 con 25 ml/L de Humus de Lombriz Liquido Aplicación foliar Kelp hidrolizado de Lurpe Solutions a 0,25 ml/l 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Day 78 from seed touching soil. #1 was eaten by bud rot, really heavy, buds all in dirt, she was very low, overstreched from lack of light and water, so went all to bin. Two plants were worthless, last hope on late one . #2 is still going, shows preflowers, big plant. Happy Growing !!!
Día 80 (19/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 81 (20/08) Riego 250 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 82 (21/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 83 (22/08) 💥Comienza la floración! 💥 No riego. Día nublado y de bajas temperaturas Día 84 (23/08) Riego 500 ml H2O pH 6,55 Día 85 (24/08) No riego. Día nublado y de bajas temperaturas Día 86 (25/08) Riego con 1 Litro de Té Floración de Lurpe Solutions. Preparación: 24 horas con bomba de aire (oxigenación) con ingredientes: Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Hummus Lombriz 8 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L + Kelp Hidrolizado 0,25 g/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Day 78 from seed touching soil. #1 was eaten by bud rot, really heavy, buds all in dirt, she was very low, overstreched from lack of light and water, so went all to bin. Two plants were worthless, last hope on late one . #2 is still going, shows preflowers, big plant. Happy Growing !!!
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Lunes 26 de Agosto 2024, segunda semana de vida de estas preciosas, siguen en giffy, próximamente trasplantar a macetita de cartón, iremos a Walmart a comprar sustratito para ese trasplante.
Un altra settimana è passata e tutto procede bene.per fortuna non ho più trovato nessun nanners 🙏✌️💪..belle piantine mie, continuate così che farete delle belle pannocchie.... 30/8/24 gente ho combinato una bella cazzata.pur avendo esperienza, mannaggia a me,mi sono portato a casa dentro il box, il cazzo di ragnetto rosso... fanculo... Ho già iniziato a ripulire tutto, box e piante con sterminerò tutti 😂..
Un altra settimana è passata e tutto procede bene.per fortuna non ho più trovato nessun nanners 🙏✌️💪..belle piantine mie, continuate così che farete delle belle pannocchie.... 30/8/24 gente ho combinato una bella cazzata.pur avendo esperienza, mannaggia a me,mi sono portato a casa dentro il box, il cazzo di ragnetto rosso... fanculo... Ho già iniziato a ripulire tutto, box e piante con sterminerò tutti 😂..
Un altra settimana è passata e tutto procede bene.per fortuna non ho più trovato nessun nanners 🙏✌️💪..belle piantine mie, continuate così che farete delle belle pannocchie.... 30/8/24 gente ho combinato una bella cazzata.pur avendo esperienza, mannaggia a me,mi sono portato a casa dentro il box, il cazzo di ragnetto rosso... fanculo... Ho già iniziato a ripulire tutto, box e piante con sterminerò tutti 😂..
Un altra settimana è passata e tutto procede bene.per fortuna non ho più trovato nessun nanners 🙏✌️💪..belle piantine mie, continuate così che farete delle belle pannocchie.... 30/8/24 gente ho combinato una bella cazzata.pur avendo esperienza, mannaggia a me,mi sono portato a casa dentro il box, il cazzo di ragnetto rosso... fanculo... Ho già iniziato a ripulire tutto, box e piante con sterminerò tutti 😂..
Quinta settimana di fioritura 💪 forza bella mia,vai avanti così e fammi delle belle e grandi pannocchie 🙏🕉️💚💛❤️