Septima semana de floracion, se ha formado una preciosa cola la cual se esta llenando de blanca resina, espero ansioso a que engorde del todo para proceder al lavado de raiz. 📅 Dia 43: Riego con nutrientes EC 1100 EC escurrida 1650. Perfect. 📅 Dia 44: Descanso 📅 Dia 45: Riego con nutrientes EC 1100 EC escurrida 1550 📅 Dia 46: Riego con nutrientes EC 1300 EC escurrida 1650, se nota como empieza a engordar el cogollo. 📅 Dia 47: Riego con nutrientes EC 1300 EC escurrida 1650 📅 Dia 48: Descanso, comienza a comer mas lento, se aproxima el lavado de raices 📅 Dia 49:
Start of week 5. It looks good to me, healthy but I thought it would stretch a little more. At the beginning of this adventure I had problems with fungus gnats, which I thought had already been resolved but it isn't, there aren't many of them and they aren't harming the plant, at least for now.
Doing well, flipped to flower, looking forward to watching her fill up the 3x3. She's a heavy feeder so I'll need to stay ahead of that.
Special thanks to @DreamIT for showing me how to add music and animation to video. Check out my fountain video above for a short clip. Thanks to @UnorthadoxDude for influencing me ( by visual curiosity) maybe twisted an arm to buy some carnivors. Well I happened to find some at our annual master gardener plant sale. I will be putting some in the tent. Lots of growth in my carnivores. Flowers on Sundew.
Here we are ready for the right harvest on the last day of the contest. I am very satisfied with these plants, they are over half an ounce per plant but it can even reach 70-80 in my opinion. Wet cut is scary. Beautiful strain with different phenotypes, the two tall girls are already in the dry room, these two are pure fire. Big effort during the harvest but a lot of grass. The resin you'll notice is there as well and we can't wait to taste it. Music of the week Radio Nula from SLovenia The seeds are legendary AM growers Light comes from Mars
Gorilla Cookies has been growing good. She is just getting trained out for the foundation to flower on. Everything Is looking good under the Spider Farmer G3000 light. I will likely switch to flowering come a week or 2. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 Spider Farmer G300w: Spider Farmer 10X20 Heat Mat Kit - Spider Farmer Amazon Store: Spider Farmer Official Site: Discount code: saveurcash (stackable)
My plant's leaves turning a little bit yellow but I think we are fine
She’s a big one cannot wait to see what she put out. she got unhappy and lost most of the fan leaf but she still going.
She’s a big one cannot wait to see what she put out. she got unhappy and lost most of the fan leaf but she still going.
The girl is showing off…she smells like a bag of flowers.
09.04.23- Замечен легкий дисбаланс на некоторых листьях , сегодня намерен смыть все клином и сделать флешь 11.04.23- сейчас рост растения составляет 135 см (надеюсь он закончится ) Смыл засол и убрал скрог сеть освободив пространство для роста . Ppm держу 850 частей. Делаю флаш в конце каждой недели На фото видно результат топлена в 28-ой день . Он заметно продлил вегетации и тем самым увеличив размер растения . Второе растение меньше в размере , но опережает в цветении на 2 недели 14.04.23-Размер растения составляет 154 К сожалению ничего сделать я не могу , т.к моя палатка не позволяет . Посмотрим что из этого выйдет
My oh my, what a difference a week and a dimmed down light can make! I expected to have to have it covered for longer period than I actually did as well. I don’t know what there is to say really, you can see I have repotted into the Autopot XL so it is probably the smallest Autopot XL grow there is! I was super careful to actually cut the paper pot it was in away as I didn’t want the auto to think that was the bottom of the pot and start flowering. I simply prepped what it was going into and wetted it and ripped it off then buried it - it was a little leggy from the windowsill action so I sorted that. Somehow the dimmer that was broken is no longer broken so that’s cool - its on about a third of the total of what’s it can put out atm. Honestly, I thought this plant was going to die before! It still might but it looks a fuck load better now than it did! I am going to have to start mixing up some hydrocrop notes as it’s what I have on hand. I’ve always had great results with it before so why not. I am back in touch with FastBuds and they have sent me some more seeds so hopefully next run I’ll be doing something a bit newer as they seem to always be pushing that THC value! So far, so good - now to have a look at other smoothie auto diaries too see what stresses she can handle in terms of training. Edit: it’s been a couple of days since my last update but I needed to add a small reservoir for the Autopot XL to run from so I nominated a 5l plastic jug. Only after drilling the hole for the Autopot filter and plug I realised I needed to get to the inside of it so I cut away the section that was the lid so I can still use the handle and it has structural integrity. Everything seems to have gone swimmingly but the jury is still out on whether a 5l bottle will be enough for 1 plant - I can’t remember how thirsty the smoothie one was from before. It’s a resilient plant though - it recovered so quickly from germing on the windowsill. The tent is pretty sketchy because i had to cut down the poles to make it fit the space and so the skin is a bit saggy. Still, she seems to be thriving - the light is on about 50% (75w) and before I connected up the ‘res’ today I was just spraying a very small amount of water that had mammoth p added to it after it had been PH’d to 5.5 ish. I did intend to go with grow dots but unfortunately they have taken too long to come now - its in its final pot and im not messing around with slow release now we are coming into veg, they would surely be behind schedule. I have been using the trusty Hydrosol by Hydrocrop - its cheap as chips and has a cannabis specific feed chart that has never let me down. I was using GHE before and this is like 10x cheaper and i get the same results. Once you have worked out your concentration and diluted the powder into bottles it is very similar to any other rip off, cannabis specific bottle feeds, only you get enough powder to make 5 bottles worth of each so it works out super cheap, you dont need to mess around with silica, it literally has everything the plant needs so no PK boost either, you simply adjust the ratio of bottle A to bottle B and it boosts the PK and lowers the N. It also has enough calcium and magnesium - although they do sell a cal mag but they specify it is specifically for buffering coco - fair enough. I’ve never had any luck doing that and my plants always die using that bricked coco that I have buffered myself but that’s just me - my mushrooms love it though and I dont have to do shit to it either!
420Fastbuds StrawberryGorillaAuto Week 4 What up grow fam. Weekly update on these 3 wonderful ladies. This week I did introduce some nutes and the plants seem to respond amazing. Starting to see little pistols so guessing this will be the last week of veg before the transition into flower. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds StrawberryGorillaAuto Week 4 What up grow fam. Weekly update on these 3 wonderful ladies. This week I did introduce some nutes and the plants seem to respond amazing. Starting to see little pistols so guessing this will be the last week of veg before the transition into flower. All in all Happy Growing
Looking much healthier and happier, tied down the main colas and a couple little one yesterday and today the were all pointing up again haha it’s mad to see, strawberries actually smell like strawberry it’s unreal Adjust the LST ties not sure if it’s made much of a difference so far
Looking much healthier and happier, tied down the main colas and a couple little one yesterday and today the were all pointing up again haha it’s mad to see, strawberries actually smell like strawberry it’s unreal Adjust the LST ties not sure if it’s made much of a difference so far
420Fastbuds GelatoAuto Week 4 What up grow fam. Weekly update on these 3 wonderful ladies. This week I did introduce some nutes and the plants seem to respond amazing. Starting to see little pistols so guessing this will be the last week of veg before the transition into flower. All in all Happy Growing