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CannaFuel CBD+ sind unsere bisher höchsten CBD-Samen mit einem hohen CBD-Gehalt von 28 % und einem niedrigen THC-Gehalt von 0,5 %. Da diese Samen fast THC-frei sind, können sie in vielen Ländern legal angebaut werden, die den Anbau von Cannabis mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt zulassen. Außerdem taucht das Cannabinoid, über das CBG in aller Munde ist, in Original Sensible Seeds auf. Die Analyse zeigt, dass CannaFuel CBD-Samen einen CBG-Gehalt von 0,37 % produzieren, der im Allgemeinen nach dem Aushärtungsprozess ansteigt. CannaFuel CBD+ sind vollständig feminisierte Cannabissamen und haben eine Indica-Sativa-Linie, daher wachsen die Pflanzen zu einer mittleren Höhe heran, die sich wiederum für den einfachen Anbau im Innenbereich eignen, mit dem zusätzlichen Vorteil einer kurzen Blütezeit von nur 55 60 Tagen. Auch die Produktion lohnt sich mit Erträgen von über 550 m2. Diese therapeutischen Samen mit hohem CBD- und niedrigem THC-Gehalt können auch im Freien angebaut werden und entwickeln starke und robuste Pflanzen, die ihre Knospen gegen Ende des Monats September / Anfang Oktober ernten. CannaFuel CBD+ zaubert einen tief erdigen Duft mit der Dominanz des Myrcen-Terpens, das würzig-pfeffrige Caryophyllen und das nach Pinien duftende Pinen sind ebenfalls sehr präsent mit Zitrusnoten, die sich aus Limonen entwickeln. Dieses starke Terpenprofil liefert auch eine Reihe von therapeutischen Werten, einschließlich entzündungshemmender und stressabbauender Vorteile. CBG (Cannabigerol) kann sich nach der Ernte und nach dem Aushärtungsprozess weiterentwickeln, was diese Sorte zu einer idealen Sorte für Extraktionen und Öl macht. Vom Anfänger bis zum erfahrenen Züchter sind CannaFuel CBD+-Samen die perfekte Wahl für diejenigen, die ein medizinisches Interesse an der Heilkraft von medizinischem Marihuana haben, mit dem zusätzlichen Vorteil eines minimalen THC-Gehalts, diese Samen werden nicht die übliche psychoaktive Wirkung hervorrufen, die normalerweise mit Unkrautsamen verbunden ist und sein kann legal in Ländern angebaut, die Samen mit niedrigem THC-Gehalt zulassen. Cannabinoid-Analyse: 28 % CBD, 0,5 % THC (28 % CBDA; 0,5 % THC) – 0,37 CBG Alle schriftlichen und visuellen Materialien sind nur für Informations- und Bildungszwecke bestimmt. Die ursprüngliche CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Sensible Seeds besteht zu 40 % aus Indica und zu 60 % aus Sativa Um die Samen der CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Original Sensible Seeds richtig zu lagern, wird empfohlen, die Samen in einem kühlen, trockenen und dunklen, luftdichten Behälter aufzubewahren, der sowohl mit dem Namen der Sorte als auch mit dem Lagerdatum angemessen gekennzeichnet ist, um die Identifizierung und genetische Konservierung der Samen zu erleichtern. Wenn es legal ist, die CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte von Original Sensible Seeds an meinem Standort zu keimen, was ist die beste Technik? Es gibt viele Methoden, um CannaFuel CBD+-Sortensamen zu keimen, wenn die Gesetze in Ihrem Land die Keimung von Cannabissamen zulassen. Die Papierhandtuchmethode ist eine gängige Technik zum Keimen von CannaFuel CBD+-Samen. Eine weitere beliebte und bevorzugte Methode ist das Einpflanzen der Samen direkt in feuchtes Substrat. Damit beide Keimmethoden erfolgreich sind, ist es wichtig, dass die Samen feucht und warm bleiben, aber nicht austrocknen. Wenn Sie die Papiertuchmethode verwenden, vergraben Sie die Samen der CannaFuel CBD+-Sorte, sobald sie gekeimt haben, vorsichtig im Wachstumsmedium. Diese Woche ok ich mich entschieden, ein großes Zelt Mars Hydro 120•120 zu installieren, für eins und eine Lampe mit großer Reichweite FC E4800. Ich habe die Klimaanlage eingerichtet, jetzt liegt die Temperatur bei etwa 24, ich habe zwei Lüfter installiert, um den Secret Jardin Monkey Fan 20w zu blasen, ich wollte sie schon lange kaufen. Die Heizung funktioniert auch! Hoffe es wird bald wärmer 😅
Have to cut them early cause they're too crowded with colas, and there are risks for mold. Whole plant weight average at 750g /only flower 400-450g The total flower from 23 plants is 9.95kgs
Have to cut them early cause they're too crowded with colas, and there are risks for mold. Whole plant weight average at 750g /only flower 400-450g The total flower from 23 plants is 9.95kgs
9.2.25: The plants had a good watering, they're all still drinking a lot. Which is great, as that means growth, which, at this stage, we desperately need! I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.5 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid I don't know how this scrog net is going to work out. I think the squares are too big. It's elasticated, which I like. However, I'm extremely cautious with watering and moving the net. It's only a matter of time before I break more branches. It's such a hassle with it in there, honestly. I can't get in the tent properly to even check the weight of pots, as it's all weaved through, and again, I will snap branches. I did have a free net with the tent, which I think was smaller squares. I think I will use some other training next run. It's really not my kind of setup. I'm too interested in moving things and inspecting the plants constantly. The net is driving me up the wall. 😣 I'm considering removing it and trying something else, but it's also a bit too late for oldest plants.9.2.25: Gave the plants another good soak. I used 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. It contained the following nutrients; ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid ♡ 0.5g of Ecothrive Biosys. The plants are undergoing explosive growth at this stage, which I'm thrilled by! Purple Lemonade is turning purplish hues. Pink Mist has so many bud sites and is looking very healthy. Do-sì-dos is growing vigorously and looking promising, especially considering all my unfortunate mishaps! 😅 Watermelon also has considerable growth. However, my training has made a mess out of the structure. Which I consider another valuable take away. Bubble
9.2.25: Purple Punch P1 and P2 are near the end. Trichomes are looking good. Starting to turn cloudy. I think another week or 2. P3 is a different story. She is pitifully small still. The buds are also not developing as fast as the other 2. Will keep checking the progress every few days (if I can get in the tent)! 9.2.25: The plants had a good watering, they're all still drinking a lot. Which is great, as that means growth, which, at this stage, we desperately need! I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.5 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid I don't know how this scrog net is going to work out. I think the squares are too big. It's elasticated, which I like. However, I'm extremely cautious with watering and moving the net. It's only a matter of time before I break more branches. It's such a hassle with it in there, honestly. I can't get in the tent properly to even check the weight of pots, as it's all weaved through, and again, I will snap branches. I did have a free net with the tent, which I think was smaller squares. I think I will use some other training next run. It's really not my kind of setup. I'm too interested in moving things and inspecting the plants constantly. The net is driving me up the wall. 😣 I'm considering removing it and trying something else, but it's also a bit too late for oldest plants. 9.2.25: Gave the plants another good soak. I used 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. It contained the following nutrients; ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid ♡ 0.5g of Ecothrive Biosys. The plants are undergoing explosive growth at this stage, which I'm thrilled by! Purple Lemonade is turning purplish hues. Pink Mist has so many bud sites and is looking very healthy. Do-sì-dos is growing vigorously and looking promising, especially considering all my unfortunate mishaps! 😅 Watermelon also has considerable growth. However, my training has made a mess out of the structure. Which I consider another valuable take away. Bubble
9.2.25: Purple Punch P1 and P2 are near the end. Trichomes are looking good. Starting to turn cloudy. I think another week or 2. P3 is a different story. She is pitifully small still. The buds are also not developing as fast as the other 2. Will keep checking the progress every few days (if I can get in the tent)! 9.2.25: The plants had a good watering, they're all still drinking a lot. Which is great, as that means growth, which, at this stage, we desperately need! I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.5 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid I don't know how this scrog net is going to work out. I think the squares are too big. It's elasticated, which I like. However, I'm extremely cautious with watering and moving the net. It's only a matter of time before I break more branches. It's such a hassle with it in there, honestly. I can't get in the tent properly to even check the weight of pots, as it's all weaved through, and again, I will snap branches. I did have a free net with the tent, which I think was smaller squares. I think I will use some other training next run. It's really not my kind of setup. I'm too interested in moving things and inspecting the plants constantly. The net is driving me up the wall. 😣 I'm considering removing it and trying something else, but it's also a bit too late for oldest plants. 9.2.25: Gave the plants another good soak. I used 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. It contained the following nutrients; ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid ♡ 0.5g of Ecothrive Biosys. The plants are undergoing explosive growth at this stage, which I'm thrilled by! Purple Lemonade is turning purplish hues. Pink Mist has so many bud sites and is looking very healthy. Do-sì-dos is growing vigorously and looking promising, especially considering all my unfortunate mishaps! 😅 Watermelon also has considerable growth. However, my training has made a mess out of the structure. Which I consider another valuable take away. Bubble
9.2.25: The plants had a good watering, they're all still drinking a lot. Which is great, as that means growth, which, at this stage, we desperately need! I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.5 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid I don't know how this scrog net is going to work out. I think the squares are too big. It's elasticated, which I like. However, I'm extremely cautious with watering and moving the net. It's only a matter of time before I break more branches. It's such a hassle with it in there, honestly. I can't get in the tent properly to even check the weight of pots, as it's all weaved through, and again, I will snap branches. I did have a free net with the tent, which I think was smaller squares. I think I will use some other training next run. It's really not my kind of setup. I'm too interested in moving things and inspecting the plants constantly. The net is driving me up the wall. 😣 I'm considering removing it and trying something else, but it's also a bit too late for oldest plants.9.2.25: Gave the plants another good soak. I used 2ltrs of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.4. It contained the following nutrients; ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid ♡ 0.5g of Ecothrive Biosys. The plants are undergoing explosive growth at this stage, which I'm thrilled by! Purple Lemonade is turning purplish hues. Pink Mist has so many bud sites and is looking very healthy. Do-sì-dos is growing vigorously and looking promising, especially considering all my unfortunate mishaps! 😅 Watermelon also has considerable growth. However, my training has made a mess out of the structure. Which I consider another valuable take away. Bubble
******************************************* 11.02. Day 16 ******************************************* 13.02. Day 18 ******************************************* 16.02. Day 21 *******************************************
******************************************* 11.02. Day 16 ******************************************* 13.02. Day 18 ******************************************* 16.02. Day 21 *******************************************