Hi liebe growmies die Woche lief auch wieder gut das letzte mal für diesen Grow gab es Nährstoffe Anfang der Woche in Form von pk compost Tee von Bio tabs ansonsten war nur zu gucken und einmal am Ende der Woche reines Wasser ab jetzt gibt es auch nur noch Wasser denke mal das ich 2 wochen fertig bin und die angegeben Zeiten von Green house hin hauen werden. Bin echt begeistert was Bio tabs so leisten kann und werde definitiv einen nächsten Durchgang mit der Nährstoff Linie fahren um zu erfahren ob die Ergebnisse konstant auch auf anderen strain's funktionieren aber wie gesagt bin zufrieden mit dem was ich sehe und riechen kann. Euch noch ne schöne Woche und fette Glitzer Kugeln an euren Pflanzen wünsche ich euch. Bis dahin und bis nächste Woche ihr growmies und grow Kollegen
Lunes 11 de marzo 7 am de 2024: Se dejaran hidratando las semillas por 24 hrs. Martes 12 de marzo 7 am de 2024: pasamos a papel dejamos por 24 hrs. Miércoles 13 de marzo 10 am de 2024: revisamos las semillas y vamos preparando macetas pequeñas para transplante. Miercoles 13 de Marzo 3:30 pm se traspasab a tierra.
Die Bedingungen sind perfekt, ich bin mit der Entwicklung sehr zufrieden. Diese Woche ging es in die Blüte, Lichtleistung wurde erhöht und es wurde heftig entlaubt um den versteckten Trieben Licht zu geben. Tage der Keimungsphase = 7 Tage. Tage in Wachstum = 21 Tage Tage in der Blüte = 7 Tage Wachstum h Woche 1 Blüte = 10 cm 2 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 90 % PPFD: ca. 850 umol Lichtabstand: 40 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 18/12 Temperatur Tag: ca. 25 Grad RLF Tag: 60% Temperatur Nacht: 21 Grad RLF Nacht: ca. 60 % VPD Wert: ca. 0,9 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,3 EC Wert: nicht gemessen Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 1 Befeuchter: an Entfeuchter: aus Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 0 Stk. außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 2* bewässert 1 l/Pflanze mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen 1 * pures Wasser mit 2 l/Pflanze Purolyt Besprühung: 2 mal Besprühung Fastplantspray : 1 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 Danke an Zamnesia für die Seeds, den sonstigen Merch und natürlich das Vertrauen in die Kooperation Danke auch an Mia von GB: Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)
I just add 13 hrs from 11 hrs Believe in Organic living soil
F50 to 56 Thursday These things seem to be finishing very early compared to normal and that's odd to me since I've never gone less than 63 days and now I have 3 different strains looking pretty close at F50. That back left Apex really needs to hurry tf up! I can see colors and starting to come through but still a lot of white pistils. I wonder if I'm just stressing it out with all the light. It'll be over soon boo, just hang in there! Dropped the Velokelp 1000ppm @ 6.1 Lights 100% @ 5-10" away 25c/48rh
L'heure de la récolte approche !! :) les fleurs on pris beaucoup de poids en début de semaine. 2 branches qui n'était pas dans un carreau de mon filet on cassé. C'est lourd... mais s'est aussi très compacte, collants, givré et odorant !! :) les derniers jours on été plus tranquille. Peu de différence autre que les trichomes plus nombreux. Troisième rinçage effectuée. Prévoit coupé sa dans 3 à 6 jours. Dans ma vidéo en ordre respectives. Durban Poison, Bruce Banner, Fruity Og Kush.
My light broke. Sorry for not updating this week. Catch everyone back on Tuesday.
11.03.2024 Continue into week two. Target EC is the same for this week Girls looking great Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach Replace all filters Mix new batch with 2ml AN connoisseur AB + Silica @ 1% H2o2 - total 40l First time using Big Bud...will see Donne one pass off long misting 2m 700 PPFD @ center, VPD 1.0, RH 53-56% day, RH 45-48% night, Temp Night-20c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60-65cm, CO2 750+ppm 540w@60cm distance NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.9, EC -1.15, Temp-21c 13.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters Before top up, nutrient solution in tank was 0.84, after adding 1.2EC new mix is 1.03 PH is slightly rising, normal when EC is drooping Girls grow nicely, no deficiencies, this week is start off stretchy faze. Remove some big and bottom levees PAR 800 PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.92-5.99, EC -0.89-1.0, Temp-20-22c
11.03.2024 Continue into week two. Target EC is the same for this week Girls looking great. One girl fall into bucket! That lid is not cut with precision😏 Put some plastic to hold till now Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach Replace all filters Mix new batch with 2ml AN connoisseur AB + Big Bud Powder + Silica - total 20l @ Donne one pass off long misting 2m 700 PPFD @ center, VPD 1.0, RH 53-56% day, RH 45-48% night, Temp Night-20c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60-65cm, CO2 750+ppm 540w@60cm distance NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.9, EC -1.15, Temp-21c 13.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters Before top up, nutrient solution in tank was 0.84, after adding 1.2EC new mix is 1.03 PH is slightly rising, normal when EC is drooping Girls grow nicely, no deficiencies, this week is start off stretchy faze. Remove some big and bottom levees PAR 800 PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.92-5.99, EC -0.89-1.0, Temp-20-22c
11.03.2024 Continue into week two. Target EC is the same for this week Girls looking great Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach Replace all filters Mix new batch with 2ml AN connoisseur AB + Silica @ 1% H2o2 - total 30l Donne one pass off long misting 2m 700 PPFD @ center, VPD 1.0, RH 53-56% day, RH 45-48% night, Temp Night-20c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60-65cm, CO2 750+ppm 560w@60cm distance NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.9, EC -1.15, Temp-21c 13.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters Before top up, nutrient solution in tank was 0.84, after adding 1.2EC new mix is 1.03 PH is slightly rising, normal when EC is drooping Girls grow nicely, no deficiencies, this week is start off stretchy faze Remove some big and bottom leves PAR 800 PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.92-5.99, EC -0.89-1.0, Temp-20-22c
11.03.2024 Continue into week two. Target EC is the same for this week Girls looking great. One Purple Lemonade fall into bucket! That lid is not cut with precision😏 Put some plastic to hold till now Clean tanks and filters with h2o2+vinegar acid +bleach Replace all filters Mix new batch with 2ml AN connoisseur AB + Big Bud Powder + Silica - total 20l @ Donne one pass off long misting 2m TrolMaster Tent-X arrived! Setup and registration done in seconds. Finding best placement ... 700 PPFD @ center, VPD 1.0, RH 53-56% day, RH 45-48% night, Temp Night-20c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60-65cm, CO2 750+ppm 540w@70cm distance NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.9, EC -1.15, Temp-21c 13.03.2024 Top up tank with 10l off 1.2EC solution - 2ml AN Connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud @ 18l (1.16EC) Replace all filters Before top up, nutrient solution in tank is 0.86, after adding 1.2EC new mix is 1.03 PH is slightly rising, normal when EC is drooping Girls grow nicely, no deficiencies, this week is start off stretchy faze. Remove some big and bottom levees PAR map 800max/600min PPFD, VPD 1.0-1.1, RH 50-54%, Temp Night-21-22c, Day-25/26c, Leaf temperature 23c, Light distance 60cm, CO2 750+ppm 580w@60cm distance 50s ON time 20min OFF time Day Time 50s Off time 30min OFF time Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.92-5.99, EC -0.89-1.0, Temp-20-22c
Its very hot but its resisting very well
The 4th week of 12/12 went without any issues. Flowering is going on nicely and lots of white pistels are filling up the canopy. They still grew a little but the biggest stretch is over. This week the Runtz were fed once (ph 6,4 – ec 1,63) and on other days I gave ph adjusted tapwater (ph 6,4 – ec 0,5) or nothing if the airpots were still moist enough. Next week I'll start giving them some pk 13/14 for extra phosphorus and potassium and Remo nutrients Magnifical for some more calcium & magnesium. I've noticed that the left and right Runtz have a bit less green in their leafs and I think overwatering is the issue. Gonna give these ones less water and I'll see what the Magnifical will do. Temperatures stayed between 19 – 24 °C ( 66 – 75 °F) and humidity between 46 – 59 % I've raised the power of the airfan from 40% to 55% to lower humidity levels and next week a dehumidifier will enter the grow tent to lower levels even more. The cobs were lowered to 56cm (22 inch) and dimmed to 284 watt. See you next week! ✋
Here I am again with an exciting update on my amazing plant's growth during this crucial week of flowering!💪👽 The plant continues to thrive thanks to Plagron's exceptional nutrient line, displaying healthy buds and robust growth that continues to amaze me week after week. In fact, in just seven days, it is incredible to notice how the buds have grown in volume and the resin has increased. The TrollMaster "TENT-X" environmental control system once again proves to be fundamental in my setup, allowing me to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels for the plants. This stability is critical to growing success and plant health. 💪🚀😎 The MEDIC GROW MINI-SUN 2 240W LED light continues to provide perfect light conditions for my plants, ensuring they were receiving the right amount of light for maximum growth potential. Viewing detailed temperature, humidity and VPD graphs gives me valuable information about the growing environment, allowing me to optimize conditions and create the best environment for plants to thrive. I shared a video showing the live graph of temperature, humidity and VPD of the entire week of growth, demonstrating the effectiveness of these technologies in ensuring an optimal growing environment for plants. As I enter my eighth week of flowering, I'm excited about the new obstacles and discoveries that await me in my grow room. With the support of Plagron nutrients and the precise control system offered by TrollMaster, I am confident that I will achieve exceptional harvest quality. I appreciate your continued support on this journey of growth and exploration. I continue to prepare for another successful week in the world of plant breeding! 💪👽🚀
As I approach the tenth week of flowering, my plant's progress continues to amaze me with each passing day. The meticulous care and attention given to using Plagron's premium nutrients has certainly paid off, as the plant continues to thrive and display robust growth.💪🚀 The buds have now reached an impressive size and density, with a glistening layer of resin that speaks volumes about the health and vitality of the plant. It is truly a sight to behold and a testament to the benefits of using high-quality nutrients in the growing process. The TrollMaster "TENT-X" environmental control system remains an essential part of my setup, ensuring the grow room maintains optimal temperature and humidity levels for the plants. The precision control provided by this system continues to be a key factor in creating the ideal environment for plants to thrive.😎💪 The 240W MEDIC GROW MINI-SUN 2 LED light continues to provide exceptional lighting conditions, giving plants the perfect spectrum for their growing needs. Monitoring temperature, humidity and VPD data through the control system graphs allows for precise adjustments to further optimize growing conditions.😍 I'm excited to share a video showing temperature, humidity, and VPD trends throughout this week, highlighting how these technologies work harmoniously to create the perfect environment for plant growth. It's amazing to see how these tools come together to help plants reach their full potential. With each passing week, I am filled with excitement about the new developments and challenges that await me in the grow room. With the solid foundation provided by Plagron nutrients, the reliable support of the TrollMaster control system and the exceptional lighting of MEDIC GROW LED, I am confident that the next week will bring even more progress and success in my growing journey. Thanks for taking part in this exhilarating adventure of growing and exploring plants! 💪👽🚀
Hey everyone, I have a sour ripper plant in my 40x40 cm grow tent, and I've shared my light setup above. I need your opinions on whether I should transition her into the flowering stage or wait a bit longer. I think I may have trimmed the main stem too much to the side, and I'm a bit worried about it, honestly. This is my first grow, and I've made some mistakes along the way. Should I perform more low-stress training (LST) to the opposite side of where I trimmed the main stem? I've also removed four big leaves from the bottom that were covering a significant amount of light to the lower branches, and I've just performed four toppings. I need your opinions , happy growing all!