February 23, 2021 (Week 7, Day 50, Flower 1): It's the first day of flower! The plants slept for 12 hours last night and will keep that up until harvest. Still seeing pretty crazy growth even for the 12 hours of darkness they went through. Grew about another .5". Excited to see how much these things stretch. Soil was very dry this morning so I watered with 4l of water per plant with 3ml/l pH Perfect Bloom + 2ml/l pH Perfect Grow + 2ml/l Sweet Raw + 1ml/l Big Bud + 1ml Cal-Mag Plus + 1/4 tsp/gal Humboldt Nutrients Big Up Flower Powder with a pH of 5.8. Runoff pH of 6.3. I will start watering with a 6.0 solution going forward. I also top dressed with about an inch of fresh Roots Organics Lush soil. Plants are looking great. Not seeing any problems currently. I'll keep a close eye on them as they transition. Turned down humidity another 5% today. Averaging 50% rH and 73℉.
February 24, 2021 (Week 7, Day 51, Flower 2): Plants look great. Soil still moist from watering. Tilled half inch of topsoil. Averaging 50% rH and 73℉. Nothing else for today.
February 25, 2021 (Week 7, Day 52, Flower 3): No complaints at all. These plants are as healthy as they can be from what I can tell. The growth sites are starting to do some funky stuff and everything is kind of starting to "clump" together. Really interesting to watch this process happen, as I've always wondered exactly how the buds begin to form. I was greeted with a very sweet smell when I opened my tent this morning, nothing strong yet. To encourage further vertical growth I've removed all LST ties except for two from Gelato 1 and Unknown 2. I adjusted the ties on Unknown 1 because it's already starting to stretch and I need it to slow down just a bit while the others catch up. Soil is semi-moist this morning but the pots are still pretty heavy, so I'll water in a day or two. Averaging 50% rH and 72℉.
February 26, 2021 (Week 7, Day 53, Flower 4): Pots were light today so watered with 4l per plant with 3ml/l pH Perfect Bloom + 2ml/l pH Perfect Grow + 2ml/l Sweet Raw + 1ml/l Big Bud + 1ml Cal-Mag Plus at 6.0 pH. Runoff sitting at 6.4 pH. Defoliated one more node on each growth stem - the lollipop look is coming around. It will probably be my last defoliation like this. From now on I'll only pluck fan leaves that get in the way of bud sites. Unknown 1 grew over 2" in the last 24 hours. The stretch is getting real. I removed all remaining LST ties from Gelato 1 and Unknown 2. I redid the LST ties on Unknown 1 in an attempt to control its growth, but at this point I feel like it's just going to be a lanky plant and there's nothing I can do about it. I'll do my best to keep them as level as I can. Also, I took off Unknown 2's stem cast today and it healed really, really well. I have never seen a plant do this, but it filled itself in with tissue that is soft to the touch, and there's only a slight split at the top. It's looking really great. My wife noticed the smell of the plants this morning for the first time - so that's a good sign! Plants are starting to put off a lot of their own humidity, so I haven't refilled my humidifier in days. Averaging 50% rH and 72℉. Happy Friday everyone! 👻
February 27, 2021 (Week 7, Day 54, Flower 5): Soil is still moist - tilled half inch of topsoil. Overnight it appears Gelato 1 and Unknown 2 are doing their damnedest to catch up with Unknown 1 - they both grew about 2". Plants are looking great and are definitely starting to stretch! Averaging 50% rH and 70℉.
February 28, 2021 (Week 7, Day 55, Flower 6): Top soil is pretty dry, but the pots are still heavy. I'll hold off watering for a day or two. The last 24-hour period I think I saw the biggest difference in the plants so far. Each growth stem stretched a ton on each plant, but at varying degrees. The canopy is suddenly uneven, but I think trying to keep everything even at this point will be futile. I will let them go and install the SCROG net soon if the colas start growing too differently from one another. The stipules on every plant tripled in length overnight so I think the plants are definitely getting with the new 12-hour schedule. All the plants are starting to shoot off tons of pre-flowers and pistils now. They're in the swing of things now. Averaging 50% rH and 70℉.
March 1, 2021 (Week 7, Day 56, Flower 7): Soil is dry but pots still have some weight. Will probably water tomorrow. Plants are looking fantastic. Canopy is stretching all over the place. Averaging 50% rH and 70℉.
Looking forward to next week! Hopefully we'll start to see some flowers poking through soon!