First day went as expected. I put the paper towel in a small see-thru plastic container and put it on the table. With a bit of water and the seeds in side, the germination has now started!
Day 2 no progression, moved the tray into my furnace room (pitch black and warm)
Day 3 major progression. I got them out and started to prep the jiffy pellets. Shortly after I transferred the roughly half inch tarp roots with seeds into the jiffy pellets, root down, seed up, slightly covered with dirt. I soaked them in water (like a beginner i overwatered heavily knowing what I know now). I placed them back in the tray and put them at a window for light.
(Note) the plan was to do outdoor so no light or tent was ordered at this point.
Day 4-7 not much progression seeing as the clouds and rain showed up...