Day 0. New start. Sponsored grow.
ALL NUTRITIONS ARE GRAMS TO LITRES !!!! Neutralise is in real measurement only.
Soil was mixed two weeks ago !!! That line needs cooling time, have in mind !!!
Main sponsor of this grow is Mars Hydro. They sent me new light again, this time i will try out TSL 2000 model. First impression : easy to assemble, but i would create longer screws and put spacers , that way would ventilate better than now its bolted straight to board.
MSNL send me 5 strains to try out. Planted two purple strains, so had to cover my mistakes with this one, THC Bomb is my back up plan for good stash ;) Think name speaks A LOT !!! ;)))
Day 4. Girl sprouted on forth day, lets GO !!!
Day 5. Made a video, all runs smooth, a bit lanky, needed to put lights on on 3rd, not 4th day ;))) saving electricity not always pays off ;)
Happy Growing !!!