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Hola gente!! Vaya semanita por favor... Unos calores de no creer con 37 Cº, humedad relativa extrema de hasta el 83% y poco viento... Ella está interesada en recibir un poco más de agua, pero no le daremos más de lo que necesita... No quiero arruinar los nutrientes y la vida de su sustrato así que la riego lentamente con sistema de goteo. El fermento de guano de murciélago, palomas, conejo y cabra ya está listo. Tiene un agradable compuesto de melazas, microorganismos de Top Crop, Agrobacterias y almidones además de una buena dosis de humus de lombriz... Huele muy peculiar, ni feo ni agradable, como a levaduras... Lo comenzamos a agregar en dosis de 1 litro a 25 litros de agua pura de lluvia para riego por goteo. Esta semana ella recibirá goteo permanente hasta acabar con la solución. Creo que los 25 litros durarán unos 10 días aproximadamente. (Podría variar según la necesidad del sustrato) Estamos preparando además un top dress de composta, humus y trichoderma para cuando comience la temporada de floración ya que es a mi parecer la forma más eficiente de prevención contra hongos no deseados 🤞 Aplicaciones foliares permanentes cada 3 días intercalando una vez delta 9 y otra vez jabón potásico, aceite de neem y cola de caballo para mantener plagas a raya y también dar ese impulso al inicio de la floración que al parecer está funcionando más que bien. Luego de todo esto, ella hoy toma un descanso previo al riego intenso que se viene. Quiero dar mucho más con este cultivo y desearles a todos un gran camino de aprendizaje y agradecimiento 🙏🌿🌞🏄‍♂️ IRIE!
8/17/19 I took 6 more clones prior to spraying her with silver. She has been outside for 1 week. I can already smell the tangerine. 😁 Time will tell. The clones are growing like crazy. My original date to start flowering the first 8 maybe more was 9/7/19.... but its going to get too crowded really soon. 30 plants in a 2 foot × 3 foot area gets tight quickly. And watering is a f××king nightmare daily... I actually lift each plant every day to see if it needs water. It never lies, you can always feel it. It's the best way to know. My light is wonderful...I could not be happier. It's an HLG 100 V2 4000k Quantum board. I still have two 19w lights on the side but I will move them to the second level. To use all my space. I got 6 more babies coming.
Day 9 I had no choice but to defoliate, the canopy was getting way to dense and humidity was hard to control even with my 30 pin dehumidifier. Hopefully will not affect to much. Probably I will do another defoliation on day 21. TDS stays at 550PPM this week and CO2 at 1200PPM.
Another busy week with the vege. I gave it microbes, a HID lamp at 400 watts, sprayed for bugs and also covered the media with plastic wrap to get rid of 3 or 4 gnarts and of course a had another flood with the GoGro water system and I took one plant out of the garden because she is frozen in time. I still don't know why. The trellis is doing good. Lots of work.
08/13/2019 Another rainy day. Recovering from topping and,fimming. Looking good for start of flower, soon. 08/18/2019 Did a little training.
Another busy week with the vege. I gave it microbes, a HID lamp at 400 watts, sprayed for bugs and also covered the media with plastic wrap to get rid of 3 or 4 gnarts and of course a had another flood with the GoGro water system and I took one plant out of the garden because she is frozen in time. I still don't know why. The trellis is doing good. Lots of work.
Week number one in bloom , lots of stretch and the scrog canopy is filling rapidly , switched over to bloom nutrient mix with a flavor enhancer that I use throughout the bloom cycle . The LST training takes 1/2 each day but is totally worth it when you get a scrog canopy covered in buds
The plants LOOK good, but I made a big mistake when LSTing the plants, and some leaves got cuts, and 1 branch on both of the plants snapped off entirely :( I stopped LST entirely for the time being. Am considering getting another 1000w (132w actual) led identical to my current one. Growing in a 2x2 shower so I'm still 70 actual watts under what I should have based on the 50x area rule. Thoughts? They seem to be bouncing back well, though I'm definitely keeping a close eye on them. I started adding nutes last week (1/3 of recommended quantity) and everything seems to be looking good -- I noticed that growth significantly expanded, and there doesn't appear to be any negative side effects. I upped it to half the recommended dose today. Fingers crossed! It looks to me like plant #2 might be starting to flower, and maybe even plant #1 as well. Can anyone see what I'm talking about and let me know? Much obliged!
08/18/2019 Hope for some decent growth in next couple of weeks.🙏
*** Encontrarás la traducción a Español al final de la traducción en inglés *** ----- MEDIUM & EQUIPMENT ----- Luminary: HLG 100 v2 3000 k Tent: DR60 - 0.6 x 0.6 m Intractor/Extractor: None Vent: 10W Static Pots: 3 galon textile Nutrients: B.A.C., Advanced nutrients & Atami Soil: BioBizz ----- GROWING DATES ----- Seeds planted on Soil - May the 4th (be with you), I am them father Harvest - June 21th Complete Cycle from Seed - 76 Days Light Hours complete cycle - 19 Hrs ----- NUTRIENTS USED ----- Bases & Stimulators: B.A.C. Additives: Advanced Nutrients Others: ATAMI Bloombastic Cleaning: One Week with Advanced Nutrients “Flawless Finish” ----- GROWING ----- @Techniques, there were 2 plants: A taller one that growed it’s own, she was 1.07 m tall, you can see in the videos how she looks like, itˋs an Auto Beast. A smaller one on where i applied 2 techniques, a double topping (Topping x3), and a bit defoliation as can be shown in the video, she ended up with 0.5 m tall, 4 main colas, and the most dense buds i had among my autos. @Weight: The weight dried was surprisingly equal in both plants, while the bigger plant ended up in 67 gr, the small one was 62 gr and with much more bud density and crystal concentration, anyway both plants were very dense and crystal poblated. On wet, the weights were 276 g vs 226 g the smaller, what is translated wet2dry in a 24,28% vs 27,43% for the smaller one FTW!. That difference is very well appreciated in the density of the smaller plant buds, while both are very dense/compact/strong, the smaller plant buds are really MoonRocks. @Trim: Well well well, this part was awesome, very very very little amount of trim material, i finish the trimming of the bigger plant in about 6 min and 15 for the smaller what is real awesome in both cases, and the quality of the trims was incredible too, very good to ice wash it. @ Final product: The final product is almost equal in both plants, the smallest one acquired a stronger taste and concentration of crystals than the taller one, while both tastes are strong grapefruit, when you smoke buds from the small one is like real eating a grapefruit and it leaves a residual taste to orange some seconds after exhaling it, and when you touch or tear up any of both plants, the smell is also very strong to Grapefruit. My friends were shocked by the strong taste and smell to grapefruit it has, really. Good Job Spliff Seeds!, awesome strain!, I will grow it again for sure. 💪👌👌 ***** ESPAÑOL ***** ----- GENÉTICA DUTCH AUTO (Spliff Seeds NL) ----- Dutch Auto es una genética increíble en todos los aspectos, desde la facilidad de cultivarla hasta el producto final, pasando por la resistencia, la salubridad, el tamaño de la planta y la sencillez del pelado, son todo aspectos increíbles y notables de la planta. Sin podas, toppings ni cortes masivos, la planta ha alcanzado 1,07 m con una cola principal de más de 35 cm y una producción final de 67 gr de un producto espectacular, con un sabor de esos que se te quedan grabados y por el cual pasas a reconocerla de inmediato (lo que ocurría antiguamente (1998) con la Skunk). Los cogollos son compactos, gordos, duros, pegadizos y muy olorosos. El aroma y sabor del producto final es muy cítrico, es muy reconocible el sabor fuerte a pomelo, y en el caso de la planta pequeña deja un suave sabor a naranja en boca después de exhalarlo. ----- MEDIOS Y EQUIPO ----- Luminaria: HLG 100 v2 3000 k Tienda de cultivo: DR60 - 0.6 x 0.6 m Intractor/Extractor: Ninguno Ventilador: 10W Static Tiestos: Textiles de 3 galones Nutrientes: B.A.C., Advanced nutrients & Atami Sustrato: BioBizz ----- TIEMPOS DEL CULTIVO ----- Semilla a tierra - 4 de Mayo Cosecha - 21 de Junio Ciclo completo desde semilla - 76 Días Horas de luz - 19 Hrs ciclo completo ----- NUTRIENTES USADOS ----- Bases y Estimuladores: B.A.C. Aditivos: Advanced Nutrients Otros: ATAMI Bloombastic Limpieza: Una semana con “Flawless Finish” ----- CULTIVO ----- @Técnicas, son 2 plantas: Una alta que ha crecido sin técnicas aplicadas, ha alcanzado 1,07 m de alto, en los vídeos se puede ver cómo es una Auto brutal. Una pequeña a la que le he aplicado 2 técnicas, un topping doble (3 cortes) y una ligera defoliación que se puede ver en el vídeo. Esta planta ha acabado midiendo 0,5 m, teniendo 4 colas principales y los cogollos más densos que me haya dado ninguna auto. @Peso: El peso en seco es sorprendentemente parecido en ambas plantas, mientras que la planta grande ha terminado pesando 67 gr, la pequeña ha acabado en 62 gr y con cogollos más densos y poblados de cristales que la grande, aun así, ambas plantas han dado cogollos compactos y muy poblados. En húmedo los pesos fueron 276 gr Vs 226 gr la pequeña, lo que es una diferencia de húmedo a seco de 24,28% Vs 27,43% la pequeña. Esta diferencia es bien notable en la densidad de los cogollos de la planta pequeña que son como rocas lunares. @Pelado: Bueno bueno bueno, esta parte ha sido increíble, muy muy poca cantidad de restos de corte, acabé el pelado de la grande en unos 6 minutos y unos 15 para la pequeña lo que es increíble en ambos casos. Me he quedado sorprendido por la poca cantidad de material a pelar y la calidad de la misma, excelente para hacer bubble hash. @ Producto final: El producto final es casi igual en ambas plantas, la pequeña ha adquirido un sabor más fuerte y una concentración de cristales superior a la planta grande, mientras que ambas saben fuertemente a pomelo, cuando fumas de la pequeña, es como estar metiéndote un pomelo en la boca además de que deja un ligero sabor a naranja después de exhalarla. A la hora de tocarla o desmenuzar cualquiera de ellas el resultado es igualmente un fuerte aroma a pomelo. Mis amigos fumadores se quedaron realmente impresionados del fuerte sabor cítrico a pomelo que tiene, en serio, es increíble. Muy buen trabajo Spliff Seeds, Dutch Auto es una genética increíble, la volveré a plantar seguro!!! 💪👌👌
Another busy week with the vege. I gave it microbes, a HID lamp at 400 watts, sprayed for bugs and also covered the media with plastic wrap to get rid of 3 or 4 gnarts and of course a had another flood with the GoGro water system and I took one plant out of the garden because she is frozen in time. I still don't know why. The trellis is doing good. Lots of work.
*** Encontrarás la traducción a Español al final de la traducción en inglés *** ----- MEDIUM & EQUIPMENT ----- Luminary: HLG 100 v2 3000 k Tent: DR60 - 0.6 x 0.6 m Intractor/Extractor: None Vent: 10W Static Pots: 3 galon textile Nutrients: B.A.C., Advanced nutrients & Atami Soil: BioBizz ----- GROWING DATES ----- Seeds planted on Soil - May the 4th (be with you), I am them father Harvest - June 21th Complete Cycle from Seed - 76 Days Light Hours complete cycle - 19 Hrs ----- NUTRIENTS USED ----- Bases & Stimulators: B.A.C. Additives: Advanced Nutrients Others: ATAMI Bloombastic Cleaning: One Week with Advanced Nutrients “Flawless Finish” ----- GROWING ----- @Techniques, there were 2 plants: A taller one that growed it’s own, she was 1.07 m tall, you can see in the videos how she looks like, itˋs an Auto Beast. A smaller one on where i applied 2 techniques, a double topping (Topping x3), and a bit defoliation as can be shown in the video, she ended up with 0.5 m tall, 4 main colas, and the most dense buds i had among my autos. @Weight: The weight dried was surprisingly equal in both plants, while the bigger plant ended up in 67 gr, the small one was 62 gr and with much more bud density and crystal concentration, anyway both plants were very dense and crystal poblated. On wet, the weights were 276 g vs 226 g the smaller, what is translated wet2dry in a 24,28% vs 27,43% for the smaller one FTW!. That difference is very well appreciated in the density of the smaller plant buds, while both are very dense/compact/strong, the smaller plant buds are really MoonRocks. @Trim: Well well well, this part was awesome, very very very little amount of trim material, i finish the trimming of the bigger plant in about 6 min and 15 for the smaller what is real awesome in both cases, and the quality of the trims was incredible too, very good to ice wash it. @ Final product: The final product is almost equal in both plants, the smallest one acquired a stronger taste and concentration of crystals than the taller one, while both tastes are strong grapefruit, when you smoke buds from the small one is like real eating a grapefruit and it leaves a residual taste to orange some seconds after exhaling it, and when you touch or tear up any of both plants, the smell is also very strong to Grapefruit. My friends were shocked by the strong taste and smell to grapefruit it has, really. Good Job Spliff Seeds!, awesome strain!, I will grow it again for sure. 💪👌👌 ***** ESPAÑOL ***** ----- GENÉTICA DUTCH AUTO (Spliff Seeds NL) ----- Dutch Auto es una genética increíble en todos los aspectos, desde la facilidad de cultivarla hasta el producto final, pasando por la resistencia, la salubridad, el tamaño de la planta y la sencillez del pelado, son todo aspectos increíbles y notables de la planta. Sin podas, toppings ni cortes masivos, la planta ha alcanzado 1,07 m con una cola principal de más de 35 cm y una producción final de 67 gr de un producto espectacular, con un sabor de esos que se te quedan grabados y por el cual pasas a reconocerla de inmediato (lo que ocurría antiguamente (1998) con la Skunk). Los cogollos son compactos, gordos, duros, pegadizos y muy olorosos. El aroma y sabor del producto final es muy cítrico, es muy reconocible el sabor fuerte a pomelo, y en el caso de la planta pequeña deja un suave sabor a naranja en boca después de exhalarlo. ----- MEDIOS Y EQUIPO ----- Luminaria: HLG 100 v2 3000 k Tienda de cultivo: DR60 - 0.6 x 0.6 m Intractor/Extractor: Ninguno Ventilador: 10W Static Tiestos: Textiles de 3 galones Nutrientes: B.A.C., Advanced nutrients & Atami Sustrato: BioBizz ----- TIEMPOS DEL CULTIVO ----- Semilla a tierra - 4 de Mayo Cosecha - 21 de Junio Ciclo completo desde semilla - 76 Días Horas de luz - 19 Hrs ciclo completo ----- NUTRIENTES USADOS ----- Bases y Estimuladores: B.A.C. Aditivos: Advanced Nutrients Otros: ATAMI Bloombastic Limpieza: Una semana con “Flawless Finish” ----- CULTIVO ----- @Técnicas, son 2 plantas: Una alta que ha crecido sin técnicas aplicadas, ha alcanzado 1,07 m de alto, en los vídeos se puede ver cómo es una Auto brutal. Una pequeña a la que le he aplicado 2 técnicas, un topping doble (3 cortes) y una ligera defoliación que se puede ver en el vídeo. Esta planta ha acabado midiendo 0,5 m, teniendo 4 colas principales y los cogollos más densos que me haya dado ninguna auto. @Peso: El peso en seco es sorprendentemente parecido en ambas plantas, mientras que la planta grande ha terminado pesando 67 gr, la pequeña ha acabado en 62 gr y con cogollos más densos y poblados de cristales que la grande, aun así, ambas plantas han dado cogollos compactos y muy poblados. En húmedo los pesos fueron 276 gr Vs 226 gr la pequeña, lo que es una diferencia de húmedo a seco de 24,28% Vs 27,43% la pequeña. Esta diferencia es bien notable en la densidad de los cogollos de la planta pequeña que son como rocas lunares. @Pelado: Bueno bueno bueno, esta parte ha sido increíble, muy muy poca cantidad de restos de corte, acabé el pelado de la grande en unos 6 minutos y unos 15 para la pequeña lo que es increíble en ambos casos. Me he quedado sorprendido por la poca cantidad de material a pelar y la calidad de la misma, excelente para hacer bubble hash. @ Producto final: El producto final es casi igual en ambas plantas, la pequeña ha adquirido un sabor más fuerte y una concentración de cristales superior a la planta grande, mientras que ambas saben fuertemente a pomelo, cuando fumas de la pequeña, es como estar metiéndote un pomelo en la boca además de que deja un ligero sabor a naranja después de exhalarla. A la hora de tocarla o desmenuzar cualquiera de ellas el resultado es igualmente un fuerte aroma a pomelo. Mis amigos fumadores se quedaron realmente impresionados del fuerte sabor cítrico a pomelo que tiene, en serio, es increíble. Muy buen trabajo Spliff Seeds, Dutch Auto es una genética increíble, la volveré a plantar seguro!!! 💪👌👌
she has its growth in 2 parts in its flowering. We are in winter and its growth is still slow. It already has a strong smell...
Another busy week with the vege. I gave it microbes, a HID lamp at 400 watts, sprayed for bugs and also covered the media with plastic wrap to get rid of 3 or 4 gnarts and of course a had another flood with the GoGro water system and I took one plant out of the garden because she is frozen in time. I still don't know why. The trellis is doing good. Lots of work.
So there's a few things going on here. First, im not entirely sure if this is amnesia. I started 3 grows at the same time and have forgotten to label them when i've repotted them. This is the most sativa out of the batch of 3 (others are girl scout cookies and monster skittlez) and its supposed to flower for 12 weeks or something like that. However, this is week 7 of flower (or possibly 8, still finding it difficult to pinpoint that) and looking at the trichromes i have a feeling that she is ready for harvest. I'm hoping you guys can help me out here - so theres two questions id like to ask: - does this look like an amnesia fotoperiod plant? and, - according to the trichrome shots : is she about ready for harvest? thanks!
So there's a few things going on here. First, im not entirely sure if this is amnesia. I started 3 grows at the same time and have forgotten to label them when i've repotted them. This is the most sativa out of the batch of 3 (others are girl scout cookies and monster skittlez) and its supposed to flower for 12 weeks or something like that. However, this is week 7 of flower (or possibly 8, still finding it difficult to pinpoint that) and looking at the trichromes i have a feeling that she is ready for harvest. I'm hoping you guys can help me out here - so theres two questions id like to ask: - does this look like an amnesia fotoperiod plant? and, - according to the trichrome shots : is she about ready for harvest? thanks!
Pineapple Chunk was definitely being a nice crop.. very healthy and vibrant
Gorilla zkittlez is a monster it will have nice big buds.. the root system and the trunk are strong and sturdy