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Week 8 now she gets finalpart
Ciao ragazzi e bentoranti per i nuovi aggiornamenti!!!😉 Purtroppo ragazzi questa settimana non è stata delle migliori per i parametri. In Italia il caldo inizia a farsi sentire e nel box si sono raggiunte temperature di 30°C e l umidità è salita al 70% anche bagnando al minimo loro. Però nel complesso tutto bene, le ragazze al limone crescono imperterrite e la numero 2 adesso misura 35 cm. La numero 1 se non l avessi piegata sarebbe stata almeno 45 cm. Una bomba!💣 Anche la numero 3 sembra che si stia riprendendo bene.👍 Avendo cambiato zona di crescita non avevo calcolato il cambio di ph dell acqua del rubinetto e il fatto che non usi prodotti con un regolatore di ph incorporato mi ha tratto in inganno.🤦‍♂️ Ho misurato il Ph dell acqua dopo averla fertilizzata ed era di 7.7 così ho introdotto 0.25 ml di Ph Down e l ho portato a 6.27. Ora dovrebbe assorbire i Super nutrienti che gli stando alla grandissima!!!💪 Eh niente ragazzi! Speriamo che le temperature si abbassino di un paio di gradi anche per noi perché si muore e sembra solo l inizio. Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate collegati per nuovi aggiornamenti.🙏 Buona settima e felice crescita🌱🌱🌱 P.S. Il video riprende 3 talee varie all inizio, le Lemon Tree, le MimOrange e 1 altra talea
Ciao ragazzi e bentoranti per i nuovi aggiornamenti!!!😉 Purtroppo ragazzi questa settimana non è stata delle migliori per i parametri. In Italia il caldo inizia a farsi sentire e nel box si sono raggiunte temperature di 30°C e l umidità è salita al 70% anche bagnando al minimo loro.😱 Le MimOrange crescono bene, forse il troppo caldo ha reso i rami più esili un po molli, ma tutto sommato crescono molto bene.👍 La numero 2 adesso misura 30cm. La numero 1 se non l avessi piegata sarebbe stata almeno 40 cm. Ottimo! La numero 3 è più bassa e folta, penso che dovrò aprirla e pulirla un po.👌 Avendo cambiato zona di crescita non avevo calcolato il cambio di ph dell acqua del rubinetto e il fatto che non usi prodotti con un regolatore di ph incorporato mi ha tratto in inganno.🤦‍♂️ Ho misurato il Ph dell acqua dopo averla fertilizzata ed era di 7.7 così ho introdotto 0.25 ml di Ph Down e l ho portato a 6.27. Ora dovrebbe assorbire i Super nutrienti che gli stando alla grandissima!!!💪 Eh niente ragazzi! Speriamo che le temperature si abbassino di un paio di gradi, anche per noi perché si muore, e sembra solo l inizio. Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate collegati per nuovi aggiornamenti.🙏 Buona settima e felice crescita🌱🌱🌱 P.S. il video riprende le 3 talee varie all inizio, le Lemon tree, le MimOrange e 1 altra talea
Day 78- Flowering day 26- These OG girls are gettin thirstier by the day, I had to feed them yesterday because the soil is starting to dry out every 2-3 days now. I gave them what I've been giving them normally, about 1.5L for the big OG girls and about 1L for the small seed producer. I also put the clone in the back bathroom and tried my hand at pollinating it, we'll see how that turns out and I'll definitely wait to put this one back in the flowering tent because I'm not sure if the pollen was fully thawed but I got a lot of it on the pistils so I don't want to take any chances. I fed the BD about 2L of nutrient solution and she's only showing a very slight sign of overwatering but I'm sure she'll be recovered by the end of the day. All the plants in the tent have stopped stretching, I'm gonna have to remember how to train future plants like OG 1 because those buds are lookin absolutely fantastic. I made a mistake with OG 2 and didn't train it exactly the same so it stretched a bit too much and I doubt it's gonna yield as much as OG 1. Day 81- Flowering day 29- Well I think I’ve figured out what’s going on with OG 2 but we’ll see if I’m right. I think, aside from the heat stress it was under, there may be a slight nitrogen toxicity. OG 1 and BD have sucked up everything I’ve thrown at em without complaint but OG 2 still has some curled up leaves even though a lot of them have gotten better. I think it’s nitrogen toxicity because the leaf tips on my Green Crack just started curling downward and I know its not heat stress. The only thing that makes sense is too much nitrogen because I have been using more cal/mag than usual so today I just watered all the plants with molasses water and I’ll keep checking in on them. Also had to tie up some of the branches on OG 2, I’ve definitely gotta make sure to train plants in the future to not stretch so much cap that the branches will grow thicker and stronger.
Loads shearing is still on going. 2-4 hour of no elec!! Not ideal to say the least. All things considered the plants are doing fantastic. They are starting to put on some size. The smell coming from the tent it's crazy😍
Hi growmies, Been a couple busy weeks with personal stuff and wasn't sure if I was going to be here to carry on my diaries.... however I am back!!!and free to carry on 🤫. As you can see purple lemonade is coming along very nice indeed her aroma is beautiful and her look is outstanding.. Just started to flush her out for next couple weeks and will see from there how we get on. But as my first hydroponics set up I am happy with my current look and speed to process thumbs 👍 👌 😀 up.. Peace out
The buds are very tight, but they didn't grow large colas so that means wasted time trimming cannabis, which I am not a huge fan of. I will not be growing this strain again, as I believe there are far better breeders and strains out there. I will continue to seek out the best breeders and strains until I am satisfied. I believe this Auto will yield in the 16-22 Ounce range dry, so I am not super disappointed, but I know I can do much better than this. After 6 days of drying, it took me around 7 hours to trim this auto, and she ended up yielding 16.72 Ounces. So she was definitely on the lower end of the spectrum from what I estimated on chop day, but still in the range. The buds are very tight, and smell like like cheese. I am only running one mature auto at a time now, so next up will be the Acid Dough from Ripper Seeds. I hope everyone has a great rest of your weekend, stay safe and Blaze On!!
I already cut one of 3 pots I put one to dry and another 2 pots I’m doing the flush this week.
Week 8: Everything is going great. I didn't plan on taking them all out again till they got chopped, but decided to get them out one at a time today and give them a good thorough defoliation, peeled off any undergrowth and water and feed them all. Temps remain completely under control and no longer an issue, even in 90 degree weather here. I've continued to alternate between feeding and just water, cal mag and fish shit. The only plant of the 6 to show any deficiencies was the #1 Skunk. Every leaf on leaf chart looks same to me lol. I upped today's feeding to 3/4 strength instead of half strength. If I had to guess, I would say that this is the last feeding for the Creme de la Chem, Strawberry Couch and the Double Grape. Those three will likely all fall in the 70-80 day harvest range and those three are at day 58. Not 100% on the #1 Skunk or not, it may get one more feeding, along with the Watermelon Skittles. The Fruit Punch? Well there is a chance I will be smoking cured Creme de la Chem before that one gets chopped lol. It will continue to get fed for a while as buds still very under developed. Today's defoliation was barely anything for a couple plants like the Watermelon Zkittles. A few big fan leaves blocked bud sites, but the Skunk needed thinned out badly and I took a good 20 minutes to go around the outside them come in from over top to really get in there and try to make some airflow and better light penetration. These are definitely drinking at different rates but in order to not be mixing up stuff daily, I feed them all on the same day and the couple that still had some weight to them just get less. I think these will all meet and exceed my 2 ounce goal per plant and 5 of the 6 after topping and training have conformed to the types of plants I really want to grow with the space I have. Thats 6-8 tops on a short compact plant. The Fruit Punch went off the reservations waiting till day 50 to start flower and is acting like this is a 3 plant grow not a 6. But shoving it in corner and putting short Skunk plant by it on bucket to raise up canopy along with raising one side of my TSL2000 and lowering other side towards shorter plants appears to be working great. Its great to be thinking about the flush. Having plants out, I did check trichomes on a couple just for the fun of it and mainly clear so got couple weeks or more for most of these.
The buds are very tight, but they didn't grow large colas so that means wasted time trimming cannabis, which I am not a huge fan of. I will not be growing this strain again, as I believe there are far better breeders and strains out there. I will continue to seek out the best breeders and strains until I am satisfied. I believe this Auto will yield in the 16-22 Ounce range dry, so I am not super disappointed, but I know I can do much better than this. After 6 days of drying, it took me around 7 hours to trim this auto, and she ended up yielding 16.72 Ounces. So she was definitely on the lower end of the spectrum from what I estimated on chop day, but still in the range. The buds are very tight, and smell like like cheese. I am only running one mature auto at a time now, so next up will be the Acid Dough from Ripper Seeds. I hope everyone has a great rest of your weekend, stay safe and Blaze On!!
Good weather, no problems. Weatherforecast is still good so hopefuly it stays like it is now! Im not sure what to do with the autoflowers maybe fim or just let them grow?
Since i put my filter the temperature ir a bit high, i think the extractor in not powerfull enough 😔 All 3 Sensi Skunk are 50cm tall, and starting to flower, Big Bug is 35 cm and only a few pistils.. I realized that i started to count day 1 when it was already day 5 or so.. but no problem 😁 I dont have a ph or ec meter (will be my next investment), i just have those drops for test ph, And today when i finished mixing the nutes, i tested with those drops and it was to low, (orange color) so i had to take off 1/4 off the solution, and add tap water, which has high ph and i manage to bring the ph up,(yellow color). Hope they like this mix of waters and nutes i gave them 😆 13/06/2021 Day 27 (from seed) - 1.7L water+nutes Day30 - 2L water Day32 - 2L water + nutes Big Bud is not looking good 😔 bottom yellow leaves and the upper leaves very pale.. growing very slow compared to the others. Same water and nutes for all of them, so i dont know whats the issue. ☹️
Things are going well. Very good root growth. The two new main stems have grown enough to be tied down for Low Stress Training. I don't think I'll top again. I want to see how fast I can get a good canopy with DWC, and see if Manifold-style training can get me a similar shape to the Mainline I did last year where I lost a ton of time from topping 4 times and doing a bunch of pruning to maintain a certain shape. I set the lights to 18/6 to encourage some rest and regrowth, and frankly to save myself a bit of light and noise at night. The reservoir is still full so I'm going to leave it this week and change out the water next week. The leaves are looking a bit stressed so I raised the light and moved the fan back a bit. I have a window fan pulling air out while there's no smell but I think I'll need to switch that to intake, turn on the exhaust and replace the jet with an oscillating fan. There is a fan on the cool tube for my light as well. I think I need to hang something heavier on the front to dampen the sound. All the fans are getting loud for my small apartment. Lol I topped it again the next day. I have wires tying down all the main branches. I think it's worthwhile to spend the time in veg making a good canopy. I'm following the instructions for Nebula's Manifold technique but I haven't done any pruning yet except for the topping itself. I have a vision of what I want taking form. June 16 I checked the pH and it was 6.5 so I brought it down to 5.5. I'm going to change out the water and nutes tomorrow. It needs a top-up so I'll just change out the whole thing tomorrow. I'm leaving out a bucket of water overnight for the chlorine to evaporate.
* harvest: day 84 total. 64 days flowering * pot size: 4liter * dry bud yield: 41 gram * Appearance: very dense, frosty colorfull buds * Bud density: 9/10 * Aroma : lemony with diesel, pepper, pine hints * Taste : strong gassy/dieselish sweet aroma, * Potency : 10/10 * Kind of high: hands down this is one off the most strongest weed i have ever smoked! If you cant sleep this one will knock you out * Colour of thrichs at time of harvest: 20% amber 80% milky * Drying time: 10 days in the dry tent, curing 3 weeks * Length of buzz: 24h!!! you still feel it the day after * Good comments: beautifull plant to grow, she gets big in a small pot and she will yield alot. I was surprised how strong this strain is. Smoke this before you go to sleep and you will get knocked out and wake up still stoned. Hard to wake up!! * bad comments: nothing at all, maybe one thing, she is a heavy feeder.
Started to have problems with insects munching on the leaves, I applied trifecta and insecticidal soap simultaneously so they do not get used to one or the other and it has seemed to stop their destruction for now. Will continue to apply one a week as a preventative measure. Have not given the plants any nutrients up to this point since they have not shown any problems during growth