New week starts!
🌞21.11.2022 light smelling started. I kame home today to smell thin delicious aroma my babies producing. It's good and bad in a same time! I gave them their first real dose of ph6.05 GHE nutrients in a proportions so called: 'First true leaves' and sprayed them with 'GHE SeaWeed' solution.
(Nutrients input was ph6, drainage - ph6.5)
New photos downloaded.
I sprayed my Bananas with 'GHE Sea weed' once more and moist the upper layer of a substrate with it.
My BPPa#1 is slightly smaller then her sister. She have thinner leaves and lower length. But she producing her brunches faster then BPPa#2. Second plant is thicker and higher and her new side brunches are smaller. Now I wonder who'll be larger in the end of this run.
No watering, only spraying with 'GHE SeaWeed' solution and moisture the upper substrate layer. My moist sensor for soil showing the beginning of a green sector. So watering will be tomorrow.
I watered my plants by ph5.9 full pack of fertilisers GHE (amount in a table). Luckily, soil ph starts to fall and today it's somewhere near ph6.8 mark.
My babies are slowing down in the main stem growth, I think it's all because there are a lot of side brunches rising up. When they'll form it well and their leaves will became darker - I'll change nutrients proportions to so called 'Vegitation' and add 'GHE Diamond nectar' + 'GHE Silicate'. Also, tomorrow I'll spray them with 'GHE Protect' solution instead of 'Sea Weed' because they're still on the early stage of veg.
Today is 'dry' day.
I sprayed my flowers with 'GHE Protect' solution. Nothing new, only one thing: they are awesooooome!
Tomorrow there will be 'SeaWeed' spraying, watering will go on sunday.
UPD: Asked the advice thru the 'Grow questions' option and started LST already - as a result. Today I can't bend them more, because I watered them yesterday - their trunks are full of juices and I'm afraid they'll crack in a half. Tomorrow I will bend them a little more, and the next day after, I hope, they will be lying on their backs like a puppies.
Thank You for Your help, grow mates!💪💪💪
I sprayed my beautiful girls with 'GHE SeaWeed' solution and moisture the upper layer of substrate with it.
Also, I made LST a little more. Substrate ph still near ph7, but they looks healthy and strong. So I'll go with ph6 solution tomorrow and wait them to produce more roots to regulate their environment.
Some more LST today and 'Sea Weed' spraying. Girl #2 is lying on it's back already, but BPPa #2 is smaller and her stem is shorter. I can't bend it down till she'll grow a bit more. Now waiting for one more floor to grow.
Week ends.
* Ph in a table is soil ph